"Child, my child!"

Qianju Hashirama felt extremely happy when he heard the loud voice in the delivery room.

"Tobirama, I have a child!"

"Father, I have a child!"

"Between the tiles and the tiles, I really have a child!"

The eldest brother happily hugged everyone around him and giggled.

But at this time, no one cared about his gaffe.

As the clan leader, Senju Hashirama has a child, which is huge for the entire Senju clan.

The clan members who had just experienced an unusually violent storm looked at the rainbow that appeared in the sky, and they were all sincerely happy for the birth of Lord Senju Hashirama's child, and for the family. , is a good sign for the village, right?

"Brother, brother, calm down"

"Yes, yes, I should calm down, Tobirama."

The elder brother wiped the sweat from his forehead. He walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Oops, it's not good, I haven't thought of his name yet, what should I do, what should I do?"

The eldest brother Hashirama began to get anxious, while Tobirama and his father Buddhama began to prepare red envelopes. For such a festive event as the birth of eldest brother Hashirama's child, more red envelopes should be sent out to spread this joy to the entire village. It's very interesting. Soon, under the leadership of the Thousand Hands Clan, the whole village slowly became prosperous.

After the villagers who received the red envelopes learned about the birth of the Thousand Hands Clan's young master, they felt that they were suffering from the disaster. The remaining haze has been dispelled.

The inheritance and continuation of life are always the most hopeful.

On the street, Uchiha Madara, who helped the village widen the drainage channel, stood in the original position. He looked at the red envelope in his hand.

Hashirama's child was born?

What an unexpected news.

With an unpredictable smile on his face, Uchiha Madara continued to look at the projects in the village.

He had finished what Tobirama had asked him to do before.

Uchiha Izuna, who was currently working in the village with his elder brother, looked at the red envelope in his hand and then looked at his elder brother's direction, thoughtfully. Think about it, the eldest brother is not young at all. That guy Senju Hashirama even has a child, but the eldest brother is still alone.

No, we cannot continue like this.

Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are always suppressed.

But at least we Uchiha brothers still have the strength to fight against the Senju brothers. Although we don't have to fight anymore.

The pride of the Uchiha brothers cannot disappear like this.

That guy Senju Hashirama will definitely teach his children all his skills in the future.

If the eldest brother has no successor, who will inherit our Uchiha. The pride and strength of the Bo clan?

After following his eldest brother to do a lot of work absent-mindedly, Uchiha Senna returned home.

He walked around and looked around the family, so much so that when he got home, he was confused. much late

"You idiot, what are you doing? Come on, we are going to have a feast!"


Uchiha Izuna was stunned for a moment, looking at his father Uchiha Tajima who was ready and his elder brother who had a helpless face.

"Oh, let's go."

It seems that the Senju clan is inviting them to a feast.

Following his father, he walked in front of his eldest brother Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Izuna would quietly look back at his eldest brother from time to time.

Madara had no problem with his brother's weird behavior. Don't worry.

He is still thinking about Senju Hashirama and his son.

"Father, Senju Hashirama has children. Now that I think about it, my eldest brother is not young anymore. Should we find him a wife too?"

Uchiha Tajima frowned.

Indeed, Madara is really not young now.

When he was his age, he already had two children, Madara and Izuna, waiting to be fed.

But thinking of Madara, Tajima finally sighed Take a breath

"Your eldest brother has his own ideas. Why, do you want him to do something he doesn't like and marry someone he doesn't like?"

Uchiha Izuna was speechless for a moment. On his way home, he took a good look around the family.

Unfortunately, in the entire family, he could hardly find a woman who could be worthy of his eldest brother.

My father was right. Yes , I can let my eldest brother marry a woman he doesn't like?

But, since my eldest brother is so good, even if I search the entire ninja world, I may not be able to find a woman who is worthy of him.

Let’s relax the conditions a little.

It doesn’t matter whether you are worthy or not. Anyway, let

’s just start with what the elder brother feels like. If the elder brother doesn’t even like it, then start with the one he likes.

The one who likes the eldest brother the most!

With an idea in mind, Uchiha Izuna began to observe the village.

However, he was also an idiot with no experience at all. You can feel the nakedness and the obvious love.

It was a few years ago that a girl could muster up the courage to send flowers to her eldest brother in front of everyone.

However, the scene of her running away crying was too real. It's impressive.

Now that I think about it, that girl is already married in the family.

The Uchiha and his son arrived at the Senju clan who had already begun to prepare.

The water on the ground had been completely cleared. After cleaning, all the debris and garbage disappeared under the control of the Thousand Hands clan. Tables were placed at home, in the village, whether in the neighborhood or in the villagers a little further away.

The caravans who simply came to the village to transport various things, but were trapped due to heavy rains, could also come to the Senju Clan to rejoice and have a meal.

"Uchiha Tajima, you are finally here."

Senjubutama enthusiastically welcomed Uchiha Tajima in. Such an attitude made Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara a little stunned.

When did the relationship between the two of them become so good?

"Sorry, please sit here for now. Today is a big day. There are too many people coming to celebrate the birth of my grandson.

I'll come over later to keep you company!"

However, from the Senjubutama's voice, I heard Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna brothers proudly showing off their tone.

Seeing the way their father remained calm but secretly clenched his fists, he knew that they The two are still tit for tat as always!

"Madara, Izuna, you are not young anymore, so be it, I am going to find you a wife."

Ah, Father, didn't you just say that you can't find someone for your eldest brother that he doesn't like, and you have to let him do it himself?

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