His face was red, he kept coughing, and tears kept flowing from his eyes. Uchiha Izuna pinched his neck, feeling that he was about to die.

What kind of smell is that?

The mysterious hot sauce entered the mouth and exploded on the tongue.

It's obviously a pain for people when it's spicy.

But when the taste buds accepted all the signals from the hot sauce, it made people feel a feeling of pain and happiness.

When the devil-like Senju Tobirama tempted him to eat the first piece of hot sauce, tragedy was inevitable and continued to befall his mouth.

When he huffed and puffed on the noodles with hot sauce and ate them one bite at a time, he was already in the trap of Thousand Hands Gate and could not turn back.

When he, Uchiha Izuna, thought that the chili sauce was nothing more than that, the real flame began to slowly rise from inside his body.

"Good, good, so spicy!"

"me, me, me...Cough cough cough!"

Obviously when I just ate it, I didn't feel anything.

But now, it's like a ball of fire is burning in my stomach, and then it's going up from my throat, trying to burst out.

"Water, water, give me water!"

The ramen boss quickly poured some water for Uchiha Izuna, and Uchiha Izuna took it and drank it in one gulp.

"Hiss, ha!"

He stuck out his tongue, squinted his eyes hard, snorted, and looked at Senju Tobirama with red eyes. If you don't eat this today, I, Uchiha Izuna, will fight with you right now.!

He clearly conveyed this message to Senju Tobirama.

Senju Tobirama took his face from the boss again, opened the bottle of chili sauce in front of Uchiha. Izuna's face was stirred in.

His mouth was bright red, and Uchiha Tobirama was dumbfounded as he watched Senju Tobirama eat it without changing his expression.

Did I lose to him in this regard?

After paying the money and leaving in despair, Senju Tobirama looked at the ramen shop owner who was holding back his smile but did not dare to laugh, and shook his head.

"Boss, stop laughing, I have two more bowls of noodles."

Hearing Tobirama's words, the boss quickly continued to make hot ramen for Tobirama.

After Uchiha Izuna left, several more people sat down and asked the boss for a bowl of ramen.

Seeing this scene, Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows.

These guys are afraid of the Uchiha clan, but they are not very afraid of themselves. Moreover, I think that guy Izuna is really concerned about, right? the boss asked

"Boss, do you think that guy just now was funny?

Hahaha, I see that he is so unwilling to admit defeat, he may go to the drugstore today to make more money for others."

Boss Tezuka obviously saw Uchiha Izuna choking on the spicy noodles. In the end, he left sadly because he saw Tobirama eating spicy noodles without changing his expression.

But he kept holding back and didn't dare to laugh. Then But the ninja-sama of Uchiha.

It only takes a moment for the ninja-sama to kill ordinary people like them. If the ninja-sama is offended and they are unhappy, even if they come to the village, their lives will be lost.

At that time, Senju Tobirama had assured them of their safety and promised them that as long as they came to this village and paid their taxes normally, they would be able to get the protection they deserved.

However, it was difficult for the thinking formed during the warring states to be like this. Changes have occurred in a short period of time.

It is Hashirama, the eldest brother, who has been standing at the door recently to receive people who are willing to settle in the village.

This, coupled with his personal charm, can make everyone trust him and believe in him..

Even many ninjas from the Senju clan have gained the most favor.

"This, this?..."

The boss was very embarrassed after hearing Tobirama's question.

"Don't worry, just laugh if you want.

Let me tell you, that guy just now is Uchiha Izuna!"


The people around couldn't help but sucked in a sharp breath.

Uchiha Izuna, the legendary Uchiha Izuna is one of the top ninjas in the Fire Country ninja world. ?

"Oh my god, that's a genius ninja from the Uchiha clan!"

"That's right."

Senju Tobirama looked at their reactions, a little funny.

"But, don't worry.

Despite the cold look on that guy's face, he actually has a good heart.

He doesn’t have three heads and six arms. Like us, he has relatives and tribesmen.

If you eat something spicy, not only will your mouth turn red, but that area will also turn bright red."

Hearing Senju Tobirama's description, the boss remembered the way Uchiha Izuna choked and blushed just now, and couldn't help but laugh too.

"The Uchiha clan had nothing to fear.

Like us, they are all human beings and have their own joys and sorrows.

Like you, they have now joined the village.

They are also members of this village, and they must abide by the rules of the village and protect the village.

When that guy eats too much noodles with you in the future, you won't be so afraid of him."

Tobirama snorted and finished eating his noodles, paid the money and left.

Looking at the back of Senju Tobirama leaving, the owner of the ramen stall Tezuka was thoughtful.

Uchiha Izuna walked on the street with some sadness. Not only was eating spicy food making him feel hot and uncomfortable, but he still felt that something was wrong.

The owner of the ramen shop and the ordinary people were obviously not afraid of him. So afraid of Senju Tobirama.

They dared to approach Senju Tobirama when he was still there eating noodles.

Otherwise, next time he would not wear clothes that represented the symbol of the Uchiha clan and go out for a walk. ?

Those ordinary people are so in awe of the Uchiha clan?

"Jian, which lap is this?"

"Father, this is already the fifteenth round of our burning youth!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came to Uchiha Izuna's ears.

When Matejian and his father were working out hard, ignoring the strange looks of the people around them, and burning themselves with all their strength, they also looked at Arriving at Uchiha Senna

"Senna-senpai! What a coincidence, I meet you again!"

Seeing the two people in full enthusiasm and greeting him especially sincerely, Uchiha Izuna suddenly felt warm in his heart.

Sure enough, there are still people who can get along with their Uchiha clan normally.

Although this father and son are weak, they are a bit weak. , but their fiery passion made him, Uchiha Izuna, feel quite comfortable.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Izuna also came forward and said a few words.

"If you do this and exercise your body, how strong will your physical skills become?"

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