I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

48. Chapter 48 Features Of Random Dissectionlv3!

Chapter 48: The Characteristics of Random Dissection LV3!

"Ah, Brother Cheng! Where did you go? I couldn't find you anywhere, you didn't reply to my messages..."

In front of the instance entrance, Chen Xiao was shouting, but suddenly stopped when he saw Yao Zhixue getting off the car behind Zheng Cheng.

"Hehe, Brother Cheng, you're amazing. So you were on a date with Goddess Yao..."

Zheng Cheng didn't bother to explain and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Of course!"

Cai Shen moved a bit and said, "Brother Cheng, rest assured, we are all LV4 now, we won't hold you back anymore!"

Zhang Ping'an also said, "Brother Cheng, I got a random reward for a alchemy skill at the end of the instance yesterday."

"I tried it out and the potion I made is very useful for us to fight monsters."

"Oh? What skill is it?"

Zheng Cheng became interested and asked curiously.

Chen Xiao and Cai Shen didn't react, indicating that they already knew.

Among all the rewards, job transfer certificates and skill books were undoubtedly the most precious.

Unexpectedly, in a LV5 hell-level instance, two skill books were obtained!

It's really worth it to pioneer the instance!

Zhang Ping'an took out a jade bottle from his inventory and poured out a black and yellow pill, saying, "Monster Luring Pill!"

"According to the potion instructions, this Monster Luring Pill can attract monsters within a mile radius, saving us the trouble of finding them."

"Unfortunately, it's only useful for low-level monsters..."

"Monster Luring Pill?" Zheng Cheng's expression was strange.

This thing, in his previous life, he seemed to have heard of it from a particularly famous martial arts novel.

"This Monster Luring Pill should be useful in the wild, but you'd better not use it in the instance. Don't attract all the monsters over, we won't even have a place to run."

"Oh... why didn't I think of that?"

"Get ready! Today, we're going to the hell-level instance again, aiming to all reach LV5!"


The team was still led by Zheng Cheng.

"Sigh... the skill book provided by the Night Watcher is indeed good, but I'm only LV4 now, it's too early to learn it!"

"The most important thing today is to try out the effect of Virtual Fire Incineration!"

Outside the Fire Rat Nest, the figures of Zheng Cheng and his team gradually appeared.

"Huh? There's only one main quest, to clear the Fire Rats in the nest."

"It's the same as we guessed last time," Yao Zhixue said, "After pioneering a high-level instance, the rewards and the difficulty of the quest will decrease."

"Yeah, we can only guess like that."

"Same as last time, Brother Ji, go and lure the monsters first!"

At Zheng Cheng's command, Cai Shen immediately started making noises.

Soon, a colorful and large male Fire Rat appeared in front of them.

Its ordinary clothes were immediately torn to shreds.

It advanced with an indifferent gait and rushed into the Fire Rat Nest.

"Chen Xiao, you try to lure the monsters later, I want to try out the new skill I learned."

"Ah? Brother Cheng, you also have a new skill?" Chen Xiao was surprised.

"Yeah," Zheng Cheng nodded, "I got it from the instance yesterday, I'll give it a try."


Soon, the male Fire Rat rushed out in a panic.

Behind it, three Fire Rats appeared!

But compared to last time, it was much easier.

At least...

They weren't burned by the Fire Rats.

"Haha, Sun Zei~!!"


"Squeak squeak~!"

The Fire Rat immediately tore and bit at Chen Xiao.

Brother Ji also flapped its wings and lured another Fire Rat to the other side.

Taking advantage of this, Yao Zhixue raised her hand and a large amount of frost surged out, immediately freezing the Fire Rat in place.

"Wow! The freezing effect is so strong!"

Brother Ji exclaimed and turned to peck and claw at the frozen Fire Rat.

Zheng Cheng also looked surprised, "Giant Ice Fruit?"

"Yeah," Yao Zhixue nodded, "Sister Yunxiao said that the Giant Ice Fruit shouldn't be eaten all at once, otherwise it will cause hidden injuries."

"She had the organization's pharmacist divide it into ten portions for me to take once a week."

"I see..."

Zheng Cheng nodded.

Presumably, even though Yao Zhixue was only a one-star Night Watcher, her status in the organization should be far above his.

After all, one was a nine-star and the other was a one-star.

Anyone would know who to focus on for cultivation.

"Brother Cheng! I can't hold on much longer!"

Chen Xiao screamed miserably.

Although he was already LV4, facing two LV5 Fire Rats at once was still a huge challenge for him.

"Here it comes!"

Zheng Cheng agreed and reached out, and the Bloodthirsty Staff appeared in his hand.

Virtual Fire Incineration!

Immediately, a newly mastered mutant skill fell on one of the Fire Rats.

An invisible flame suddenly ignited on the Fire Rat's body.


A piercing scream immediately came from the Fire Rat's mouth.

It convulsed, and although there were no visible injuries on its body, the scream was extremely piercing.

Its eyes widened, and its body trembled violently, as if enduring intense pain.


In just three seconds, the Fire Rat spewed out a mouthful of black and red blood and fell to the ground motionless.

Only its limbs were still trembling slightly.

Zheng Cheng stepped forward and struck down with his sword!

Random Dissection!

[Skill successfully cast!]

[You obtained an ingredient: Fire Rat Tail.]

[Item: Fire Rat Tail]

[Quality: One-star]

[Effect: Permanently increases agility by 1 point when consumed, limited to 30 tails. Flame resistance permanently increases by 1%.]

[Description: Fire Rat Tail, cooked! Roast yourself! Three yuan for one, ten yuan for three!]

He held a roasted Fire Rat Tail in his hand, but before he could put it in his mouth, a mechanical voice sounded again.

[Your skill Random Dissection has been upgraded to LV3!]

"Huh? Random Dissection has also been upgraded to LV3?"

"I wonder what its characteristics are..."

While Yao Zhixue froze the third Fire Rat again, he glanced at the skill list.

[Random Dissection LV3: Mutant skill, can be cast on any corpse or target in a coma, paralysis, or semi-paralysis. After a successful cast, it can dissect the target's body or a specific organ.]

[You have activated Random Dissection Special Ability 1!]

[Special Ability 1: Biological DNA Collection. Each time a different creature is dissected, you can obtain the DNA of the target creature. After dissecting the same creature multiple times, you can obtain the most complete DNA of the target creature, classify and compare it for research.]

What the heck?

Random Dissection has a special ability to collect biological DNA?

Why the hell do I need to collect their DNA~

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched. He thought he would awaken a stronger special ability.

For example... dissecting the target's skills!

If that were possible, then Random Dissection would be even more amazing!


Collecting biological DNA?

He shook his head, it's better than nothing.

The use of this special ability, Zheng Cheng could only think about upgrading the skill to LV6 and LV9, and the subsequent Special Abilities 2 and 3.

Perhaps, there was a connection between these three special abilities.


With the piercing scream of the third Fire Rat, the Fire Rats that rushed out first all died!

"Let's continue forward!"

Virtual Fire Incineration acted on the ordinary Fire Rats for about three seconds.

What about the stronger Flame Rats, Fire Rat Guards, and the final boss, Fire Rat Shaman?

(End of this chapter)

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