Leaving Pansy City, Ash and his group continued their journey towards the new town.

Today, several people came to a beautiful lakeside village. This lake is called Yuanyao Lake, and it is a famous scenic spot in Shilibaxiang.

Ash and the others just happened to take a break here, and by the way, let the water system Pokémon swim.

"Ready, Sarina." Ash directs Leaping Fish and Sarina's Lulily to train at the water's edge.

"We're ready, come on." Sarina nodded seriously.

"Water leaping fish, water gun trick!" Ash attacked lightly.

"Hera~" The little water leaping fish opened its mouth, and a powerful water column sprayed towards Lulili.

"Lulili, jump up and dodge!" Sarina commanded very calmly.

"Lili~" Luli borrowed her big tail and jumped up, dodging the attack of the water leaping fish.

"Then use foam light!" With this offensive and defensive conversion, it can be seen that Sharina's progress in the battle is becoming more and more obvious.

"Water leaping fish, use patience!" Ash backhanded and took advantage of the opponent's attack.

The water leaping fish lowered its head slightly, charged up with all its strength, and took the opponent's attack.

In the baptism of foam light of Lulili, the little water leaping fish gritted its teeth, stood firmly on its limbs, and then the blue light on its body became stronger and stronger.

Rumble! After the outbreak of patience, a snow-white beam of light flew directly with Lu Lili and was held by Sarina in her arms.

"Okay, that's it." Ash nodded to stop. "Good performance, Sarina and Luli are good."

"Thank you~" Sarina smiled, and then carefully wiped her blackened cheeks for Lulili.

Rubbing and rubbing, Lulili suddenly began to emit white light. Sarina was shocked and almost threw it out for Lulili...

"This is?" Xiao Gang and Xiao Yao also surrounded them.

"It should be evolution." Ash calmly picked up the little water jumping fish and put it on the head of the lobster soldier, asking the two children not to run around.

"Yoshikiki~" The light dissipated, and the soft blue water mouse, Malilu, appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Wow~It's so cute~" Xiao Yao looked envious.

Malilu's round body, with two round ears, and a round tail, the whole body can be cute and lovely....

"Great, Marilu, I'll give more advice in the future." Sarina hugged Marilu for a while.

It was almost time to play, and Ash beckoned the lobster soldier to come over and drink the nutrient solution.

Five bottles of lobster nutrient solution have been drunk three bottles, and the current lobster soldier size can no longer be said to be a crayfish, how to say that it has to be a Boston lobster....

Sarina is serious about wiping the ugly fish, she thinks that it is also important not to pick on the appearance, and to clean up the ugly fish every day.

When Ash and the two were busy with these things, a purple insect Pokémon on the surface of the lake attracted everyone's attention.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?!" Sarina asked curiously.

"Look there's another one over there!" Everyone turned around, and on the other side, a fat firefly that seemed to be tied with a red scarf flew over.

Two fireflies were above the lake, bowing to each other, and then, they actually danced~

"That's sweet fireflies and electric fireflies." Xiao Gang explained to everyone with a smile.

"So it is." Xiao Yao quickly took out the guidebook. "Sweet Firefly, sweet Pokémon." Attract electric fireflies with a sweet scent, and draw geometric dances in the night sky.

"It's like they're really dancing." Sarina was also fascinated by it.

"It does seem to be pleasant." Ash nodded.

"Hey, guys, are you here to come to the Far Away Festival?" At this moment, Miss Joy of the town also ran over.

"Miss Joy~" Little Gang and the old men, I forced everyone to see what is called a coquettish expression on his face....

"Far away sacrifice?" Xiao Yao asked curiously.

"That's right, during the Far Away Festival, you can see the gorgeous light dance of electric fireflies and sweet fireflies." Miss Joy pointed in the direction of the small pier: "Now it's almost time to start practicing, you look over there, those two are Romeo and Juliet, the trainers of Electric Firefly and Sweet Firefly..."

Ash and the others looked back, and saw a girl with short rose hair and a cute fat boy standing there.

"Oh!! Miss Juliet! The meeting between the student and you is simply an arrangement of fate! "Xiao Gang took a fancy to Juliet at a glance, and turned into a licking dog to let it pounce!

"Wait! You can't bother them! Miss Joy was terrified. What kind of people are these....

"Xiao Sheng~" Ash nodded.

Sassy! Gold medalist Xiao Sheng rushed out of the crowd, directly gave Xiao Gang a flying kick, kicked to the ground, dragged things away, and completed it in one go....

"Huh... I'm sorry Miss Joy for making you laugh. Ash said awkwardly.

Without Xiao Gang's distraction, on the stage of the small pier, Juliet began to wave with the crowd of onlookers.

"I am Juliet, I will definitely make the Far Sacrifice successful!"

The audience also gave encouragement.

Ash and the others also found a position in the stand, wanting to see the style of the dance of light.

"That's right!" Miss Joy looked at Sarina and Ash, who were sitting together: "Legend has it that in this festival, couples who have seen the dance of sweet fireflies and electric fireflies can get happiness." "

Oh~great~" I don't know what bubble teapot Xiao Gang blushed.

On the square, the little fat Romeo clumsily took out the baby ball, and five electric fireflies flew into the air.

Looking at Romeo's busy look, Ash sighed helplessly: "It seems that today's rehearsal will not be too smooth." "

Huh? Why. Sarina asked in confusion.

"That electric firefly trainer, he's finished, he's in love..." said Ash with a smile.

"You mean, Romeo and Juliet?!" Sarina had a small gossip expression.

"Well~ at least Romeo must like Juliet." Ash spread his hands, in this state, if there is no accident, there will definitely be an accident!

Sure enough, Romeo first made a mistake in command, which startled Sweet Firefly, and then slipped his hand and the baton also fell into the river.

The electric firefly wanted to help, but it ended up on the sweet firefly~ Six chubby fireflies chased the tail in a row and fell into the river together~

"Wow! Falling six in one breath, how spectacular~" Ash shook his head and sighed.

"Isn't that bad?" Xiao Yao exclaimed.

This is not over, Juliet is lying on the water's edge, ready to save her Pokémon, but when she is diving, Romeo runs up to help her up.

Juliet jumped into the water with a pop, and Romeo was knocked back two steps and fell into the river.

"Oh my God, Mr. Romeo~" Sarina shook her head wordlessly.

"It's messy to care, but Romeo is a little stupid." Ash sighed. "Xiao Gang, it's time for us to play!"

"I know!" At this time, Xiao Gang has always been a man who fights side by side with Xiao Zhi.

"Come out, lobster minions!" Ash releases the lobster minions as helpers. Xiao Gang released lotus leaf boys and water leaping fish to help.

"Please, everyone, go and come to their rescue." Ash shouted.

As a result, as soon as he turned back, he saw a scene that made Ash's blood pressure soar: "I saw that Romeo under the water not only did not help anything, but hugged Juliet, a life-saving straw, and saw that the two of them were about to sink."

"Oops, Xiao Gang, let's go save people!" Ash scolded and cursed: "Stinky boy! If it weren't for my family's Sarina being able to see the dance of light, I would have choked you in this river today!" That

being said, Xiao Gang and Xiao Zhi still plunged into the water, first sending Juliet and Romeo back to the shore, and then cooperating with the lobster soldiers to save all the electric fireflies in the water.

Finally, there was no danger, and all the people and Pokémon who fell into the water were rescued.

While Miss Joy was checking the body of the electric firefly, Ash and Gang also changed into clean clothes, and now Sarina is wiping Ash's hair.

"It's okay Ash, are you cold?" Sarina asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry." Ash smiled gently, then looked back at Romeo lying on the ground.

Seeing that the goods were still humming there, Ash really wanted to kick him back into the water again.

Or that question, how did this big fool get chosen to be Romeo?

...... To be continued....

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