Walking out of Mt. Moonlight, Ash and his group continued to walk towards the next city, Hualan City.

"Look, there are street signs there, it seems that as long as you follow this road, you will soon be able to enter Hualan City!" Xiao Gang walked to the side of the road and observed the signs on the side of the road.

"Strange, there is graffiti on it~" After approaching, Xiao Gang looked at the text left on the street sign strangely.

Ash walked by, glanced at it, and saw that the street sign said: Xiao Mao passed by here, Ash is a big fool...

"It's really childish." Shaking his head helplessly, Ash turned his head and continued to set off.

"Strange, Ash, aren't you angry?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

"Why should I be angry." Ash smiled, "The trip of a Pokémon trainer is not a race, blindly pursuing speed, and when it comes to the league competition, the Pokémon will suffer if they do not exercise enough."

"Ash, you're still wise." Xiao Gang nodded in admiration.

"Of course~" took out a bottle of water and drank it in one gulp, and in Xiao Gang's terrified eyes, the plastic bottle was instantly squeezed into a ball in Xiao Zhi's hand. "Although I'm not angry, I still have to calculate calling me a fool, and I must beat him up the next time we meet..." At

this time, Young Master Xiao Mao, who was sitting comfortably in the luxury car blowing the wind, suddenly sneezed and touched his shoulder. "How do you feel cold, is it cold, or go take a bath today." "


The weather was just right, the sun was not dry, and along the suburban path of Hualan City, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang strode forward in a good mood.

"The weather is really nice today." Stretching, Ash yawned lazily. "Bidiao came back to drink water!" With

a call, Bi Eagle, who was practicing Yan Return in the sky, flew back to Ash and landed, and after feeding Bi Diao some water, Ash took it back to the Pokeball to rest.

"In such a good weather as today, it only takes two hours to dry the washed clothes, of course, it takes three hours for thick ones, and one hour for handkerchiefs and the like." Xiao Gang raised a finger to Xiao Zhi and said.

"Awesome... It's worthy of your Xiaogang. Xiao Zhi couldn't help but give Xiao Gang a round of applause, if Xiao Gang was not the owner of the Taoist Hall, the breeder, and the Pokémon doctor, he would definitely be the god of housework.

"You guys wait for me!" The far behind lags. Xiaoxia shouted in dissatisfaction.

When Xiao Xia finally caught up, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang both rested in place for five minutes.

"Where do you want to go~" Xiaoxia asked helplessly.

"Of course it's Hualan City, didn't I say it last time." Ash shrugged of course.

"Ahhh!! Do you have to go...?" asked Xiaoxia embarrassedly.

"Well, you have to go." Ash nodded.

"I think. Hualan City, we'd better not go~" Xiaoxia is still trying to change Ash's mind.

"Well, give me a reason not to go." Ash asked with a smile.

"That place~ there will be very scary ghosts~" Xiaoxia pulled her face and pretended to be a ghost.

"Boring~" Ash rolled his eyes.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Xiao Zhi was ready to continue to leave, Xiao Xia stopped him again: "How about we go to Dead Leaf City, there are many waterside Pokémon there."

"No, I'm going to Hualan City." Ash didn't give face in the slightest. "In short, the blue badge of Hualan City, as well as the water ballet of the four sisters of the four sisters of the Chinese and American women, I will not miss it."

"Four sisters!" Xiaoxia suddenly came to life. "You're talking about the four beautiful sisters, right?" Not three sisters and brewed leftover tea residues?

"Yes, isn't the feature of Hualan Taoist Hall water ballet, then the beautiful four sisters of Hualan Taoist Hall, of course, can't miss it." Ash nodded deservedly.

"Really? There is actually such a good thing as water ballet~" Xiao Gang was immediately excited.

"That's not it, Xiao Gang, you will definitely like it." Xiao Zhi elbowed Xiao Gang and said so deliberately.

"Okay, I'm going!" Xiao Gang nodded firmly. "This Hualan City, I have to go!"

"Good! Then we'll go to Hualan City! Unexpectedly, Xiao Xia did not entangle anymore, and happily agreed to Xiao Zhi.

After unifying their opinions, everyone worked together again and moved towards Hualan City.

Looking at Xiao Xia, who looked tangled but his steps were extremely firm, Ash shook his head and chuckled.

Xiaoxia is actually quite cute, but she is just a little unconfident compared by the three sisters of the national color Tianxiang.

At noon, the three entered Hualan City, and the clean and tidy streets looked very pleasing to the eye.

"Look, what's going on there?" Xiao Xia pointed to the crowd on the upper three floors and three outer floors on the edge of the street.

The three people ran over curiously, after all, the act of eating melons is almost the instinct of all human nature~

I saw a warehouse gate surrounded by a police cordon. The police were coming in and out, and I heard that some large pumping equipment was stolen~.

Ash's trigeminal nerve beats faintly, no need to guess, except for the rocket three fools, no one can do this kind of thing....

"Hey, you two. It doesn't look like a local. "Miss Junsha, who is nervously handling the case at this time. Noticed the existence of Ash and Xiao Gang.

"Hello Miss Junsha, I'm not a suspicious person." Xiao Zhi directly took out the picture book and verified his body.

"And me, beautiful policewoman." Xiao Gang opened his mouth unobstructed.

"How? You want to chase me? Junsha looked at Xiao Gang.

"Uh... I really want to be friends with you. Xiao Gang is also brave, one dares to ask, the other dares to answer.

"Xiao Gang, you said the point!" Xiao Zhi saw that Jun Sha was ready to take out the handcuffs, and quickly stepped on Xiao Gang's foot.

"Ah, yes, look at this badge, I actually came as a dojo trainer." Xiao Gang quickly took out the gray badge.

"Huh? This can indeed prove your innocence, hahaha... I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. "Jun Shaqiao's face turned red, and she almost made a whole unjust, false and wrong case....

"That... Although you have only just met, can I invite you to have a cup of tea and have a chat? Xiao Gang asked without changing.

"I'm sorry, I'm a police officer, I'm working on a case now, I don't have time!" Jun Sha crossed her hands at her waist and mercilessly rejected Xiao Gang.

"Ahhh... But..." Xiao Gang looked disappointed.

"Okay, Xiao Gang hurry up, you have to be conscious." Pulling Xiao Gang out of the crowd, Ash was drunk.

"Xiao Zhi, you said that like me, looking for beautiful women to talk to, will people misunderstand him as a sea king..." asked Xiao Gang who felt good about himself.

"Hehe~ Brother, don't worry, the one who looks handsome and sultry everywhere is called Aquaman, and the one who licks people everywhere like you is called a sea dog at most~" Ash complained ruthlessly.

"Woo X_X hoo, Ash, you're so ruthless to say that." Xiao Gang was almost broken.

"Okay, let's go to the Hualan Taoist Hall and take a look at the ballet in the water, eh, strange. Why is Xiaoxia gone. Ash looked confused, how did this girl run away again when she got to the door.

"Forget it, don't care about Xiaoxia first, let's go see the water ballet." Xiao Gang said impatiently.

The two of them trotted all the way, turned the corner, and saw the Hualan Taoist Hall with a small sea lion signboard, which looked like a large aquarium outside.

"Run Ash, it's about to start." After buying two tickets, Xiao Gang pulled Xiao Zhi to the performance venue of the high diving pool.

"Whew, caught up." Wiping their sweat, the two sat in the audience and waited for the show to begin.

Ash held the popcorn and waited for the opening with relish, and the water ballet performed by Xiaoxia's sisters could only be described in two words just by sounding, ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ Exciting ~!

"Pika~Pikachu?" Pikachu stayed in Ash's arms curiously, is it really good to watch the performance so relaxed


the combination of work and rest." Besides, we fight for a lifetime, can't we enjoy it in the middle~ Then play music... Ahem, then watch the performance~" Touching the top of Pikachu's head, Ash picked up another can of Coke and poured it up.

Boom~ With the applause of the audience, Xiaoxia's three sisters wore cool swimsuits and officially appeared.

Three people with six big white legs, marking various shapes in the water, causing the male audience in the audience to collectively cry wolf

howl~ "Gee, this art is so white~

" Ash nodded in affirmation.

"Uh-huh, this ballet is really long~" Xiao Gang was fascinated to see it.

"Ding... Dream Puzzle Water Ballet Show Completed, Rewards: Dream Points: 100, Skill Disk: Charming.

New Dream Puzzle: Streak Terminator Unlocked~"

With the appearance of the three sisters out of the water hibiscus, the entire venue cheered.

At this moment, suddenly the spotlight changed, and a girl in a white swimsuit appeared on the springboard.

The enthusiasm of the audience suddenly froze, the scene suddenly became cold, and whispers kept coming out.

"Who is this?"

"If you want a chest without a chest, if you want an ass without an ass, who wants to watch a child's ballet."

"That's it, fire extinguisher ah this~"

Xiao Zhi frowned, and then looked at Xiao Xia on the jumping platform, today Xiao Xia did not tie a single ponytail, but draped her hair down, although it is shoulder-length short hair, but there is also a different kind of soft beauty.

The slightly dotted makeup, coupled with the somewhat aggrieved expression at this time, looks very moving.

Xiao Hecai's sharp figure does not affect Xiao Xia's snow-white long legs that are not inferior to her sisters.

"Wuhu!! I've been waiting for a long time! The old man of the four sisters of the gorgeous blue beauty!! You are the best!! So beautiful!!!

In the deserted audience, Ash's voice of support with his throat was abrupt and pale, and the greasy praise was also very frivolous.

Ash didn't feel embarrassed in the slightest, and continued to shout loudly, clapped, and took time to whistle twice.

Xiao Gang was stunned for a while, and then accompanied Xiao Zhi to applaud hard.

Slowly, the audience began to resound with sparse applause. Xiao Xia's eyes were slightly red, and she showed a melted winter-like smile at the audience on Ash's side.

Then jumped into the pool, three sisters also gathered around, and the four danced again and made a small performance.

Out of the water, curtain call ~ The whole performance finally came to an end.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang waited in advance on the first floor of the Taoist Hall where Xiao Xia and the others left, and soon the four sisters wearing towels walked back.

"Ash!" Xiao Xia screamed, Xiao Zhi only felt a sinking on his back, and Xiao Xia directly hung up a koala.

"Get down." Ash quickly turned around and threw Xiaoxia down. "Wear a swimsuit, pay attention to the image. "

Oh~" Xiaoxia stuck out her tongue nonchalantly.

"Oh, you're the boy just now, the one who cheered Xiaoxia. It's pretty good-looking. The second sister of the three sisters, Calamus, came up.

"yes, yes. We are all moved, little handsome guy, are you Xiaoxia's boyfriend? The younger third sister Peony also surrounded him.

"Xiaoxia, I didn't expect you to look at the man's eyes is actually good, eldest sister, I can rest assured~" Even the eldest sister Sakura joked with the two~"

Three beautiful young ladies, the little student is also cheering, and I, I can..." Xiao Gang danced in front of the three sisters and brushed the sense of existence.

"Uh... I'm Xiaoxia's friend, in fact, I'm here to challenge the Hualan Taoist Hall..." said Ash embarrassedly.

"Well, I see." The eldest sister Sakura is still relatively stable. "Then you come with me."

Follow the three sisters to the water system of the Hualan Daoist Hall.

"Okay, you should be able to fight here." Xiao Gang nodded.

"Oops~" The three sisters sighed together.

"To be honest, we don't have any fighting spirit at all." Second sister Calamus sighed and said.

"That's right, we've been repaired by three rookie trainers from Zhenxin Town before this," Third Sister Peony said bitterly.

"It's miserable, all our Pokémon have been beaten into the hospital, and they haven't been discharged yet..."

Ash, Gang: ... (; ¬_¬), you have to have multiple dishes to be directly served by three newcomers in one pot~

"So, if you want to have a dojo battle match, I'm afraid you can only fight against Xiaoxia." Sakura pointed at Xiaoxia, who was still twisting and pinching behind Ash.

"Huh? I! Xiao Xia pointed to herself in surprise. "Is there any mistake, why do you have to fight me~" "

It's all up to you."

Sakura clapped her hands, and a baby sea lion emerged from the water, then spit out a droplet-shaped badge from its mouth.

"That's the thing, this is the blue badge, as long as you win Xiaoxia, it's yours." Sakura said with a smile.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Xia took the blue badge with a snort, and then couldn't help but stuff it into Ash's hand.

"You don't know how powerful Ash is, I can't beat him. So this badge is his! Xiao Xia crossed her waist and stood in front of Ash.

Snap~ Ash's hand covered the top of Xiaoxia's head through the towel: "Don't do things too high, the badge is the face of a dojo, so take the badge if you don't play, we will both be embarrassed in the future." "

But~" Xiaoxia was anxious, she actually wanted to give this badge to Ash.

"Okay, go change your clothes first, I'm waiting for you on the battlefield." Pushing Xiaoxia involuntarily, Xiaozhi stood in place and waited.

Seeing Xiaoxia turn around to change clothes, Calamus came up. "Xiaoxia seems to like you quite a lot, little handsome guy, what do you think of our sister?"

"Uh... I'm still young and don't have that plan at this stage. Ash replied helplessly.

"Che, you children are like this, Xiaoxia also said that she must become a great Pokémon trainer, otherwise if she doesn't go home, she will run out of the house. It turned out to be back in just a few days. Sakura spread her hands helplessly.

"I think Xiaoxia must be a very powerful water system Pokémon trainer in the future, I have a hunch." Ash nodded affirmatively: "She has a passion for Pokémon, compared to the three..."

"Oh, Ash, don't speak so straight, Xiaoxia's three sisters, my friend can't speak, don't mind." Xiao Gang evolved to lick dogs faster than Ash thought.

"It's okay, we also know that we are not suitable to be a dojo trainer." Third sister Peony said indifferently.

"Yes, we are so beautiful, the most important way to dress ourselves." Calamus also nodded in approval.

Although the eldest sister did not speak, it seems that this is also the meaning.

"I'm okay!" At this moment, Xiaoxia changed into her regular clothes and walked out.

"Okay, then use two Pokémon knockouts, okay?" Sakura came to the judge's seat and asked Ash.

"I have no problem." Ash nodded.

"Well, since I want to fight, I will go all out, you come on Ash!" Xiao Xia raised the Pokeball and cheered herself up.

"So, the game begins," seeing that both were ready, Sakura announced the start of the game.

"Ash, I have no choice, you don't have to show mercy to your subordinates!" Xiao Xia held the Pokeball and said this first....

Good fellow, Ash almost flashed to the waist, why don't you say shoot at me, you...

"So, the first one, Pikachu, go." Ash picked up Pikachu and prepared to throw him into the pool.

"Pika!!" Pikachu was covered in sweat, holding Ash's hand and not letting go.

"What's wrong Pikachu." Putting Pikachu down, Ash asked.

"Pika~Pikachu~" Pikachu pointed at Xiaoxia with a look of embarrassment.

"After traveling with Xiaoxia for so many days, I already have feelings and can't I get my hands on it?" Ash smiled helplessly, in the end it was still tender.

If this is replaced by a later skin god, not to mention the Pokémon of travel companions, even if the battle between your own partners is never soft, if you dare to provoke, you will turn your skin water

~ "No way, big needle bee, the first one will decide to be you!"

"In that case, my first is Starfish!" Xiaoxia tangled and threw out the first Pokémon.

Ash took out the guide: "Ding ~ starfish, hermaphrodites, so you can build a relationship with anyone~" "

Uh... This explanation sounds so disgusting..." Ash shook his head helplessly, let's use my krypton golden dog eyes. Stare hard!

"Starfish, level: level 16."

"It's a little tricky, the big needle bee is only level 12 now." Ash frowned.

"Big needle bee, attack with madness!" Ash attacked first.

"Buzz!" The big needle bee brandished his double-needle knight gun and rushed towards the starfish.

The double needles kept stabbing and forced Starfish to dodge left and right. Finally, he couldn't dodge it, and was inserted into the gemstone on his chest by a large needle bee.

Ash noticed that Starfish immediately showed a look of pain.

"Big needle bee, just prick with a deadly needle!"

"Starfish, quickly return fire with a water gun." Xiao Xia itself is not in the state, plus Xiao Xia's own strength is not strong during this period, and this order fell a little late.

The big needle bee put up the tail needle and stabbed it hard against the jewel of the starfish, and the wasp tail back needle!

Thorn ~ The gem in the core of Starfish appeared a crack.

"Give it the final poison needle attack!" Ash continued to attack, and the large needle bee flew up, and a purple poisonous flying needle shot out from the tail needle, directly knocking Starfish down in place.

"Starfish loses the ability to fight." Sakura sighed, and it was estimated that there was no need to fight next.

Sure enough, Xiao Xia only used the gem starfish for the second time, and the higher-grade gem starfish was carried away by Xiao Zhi's Bidiao with a single move...

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