The text of the 669th chapter Yuanyan!

The chaotic cyclone swept across, and misty flames rose from the altar, like lanterns hanging under the eaves of ancient times. A door was suddenly opened from the chaos, and golden light as sharp as a sword erupted from behind the door.

The golden light intermittently condensed entities in mid-air. The chaos was cut open, and a burly and powerful swordsman flew out of the golden light. He wore a blue armor with metal cross-flowers, and the golden brilliance of the spar flows along the golden patterns.

His long sword slashed in the air and faded away the shining golden light, as if holding a shocking lightning in his hand.

[Chaos Warrior, 3000 attack power]

Dark Knight Gaia's final posture after evolution-Chaos Warrior!

Kisara was visibly nervous, and her breathing seemed to start quickly. She reviewed the situation on the field and tried to calm herself down: "But even the strongest fighter, his power can't defeat the Chaos Extreme Dragon.

In addition, the Blue-eyed Double Burst Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle..."

"I know." You Yu nodded, "The effect of the ‘Knight of Development’. When this card is used as the ritual material of the ‘Chaos Warrior’, the summoned ‘Chaos Warrior’ can gain new effects.

Once in a round, Chaos Warriors can choose a monster on the field to remove from the game! "

"Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon cannot be selected as the effect object..."

"I know this too." You Yu nodded, "So I want to remove the "Blue Eyed Double Burst Dragon" from the game!"

The Chaos Warrior raised the sword in his hand high and shot it out in the air.

It was a sword that was not bound by space, and a sword aura that whizzed out seemed to carry countless slashes, each time accompanied by a stream of dark gold.

Open up the dimension cut!

The two-headed white dragon roared dullly, sounding like a muffled thunder in his mouth. It tried to resist, but it quickly proved to be completely futile. Sword Qi staggered the space, and the double-headed white dragon was distorted, sucked into it by the dimensional cracks, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Double Burst Dragon has strong patience that cannot be destroyed by battle, and has the terrifying ability to attack multiple times and directly exile opponents. But it does not have effect resistance, which makes it powerless in front of the Chaos Warrior's Dimensional Slash.

But it's not over yet. There is also a powerful blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon on Qisala's side. Extreme Dragon has quite strong effect resistance, and it has four thousand shots. This kind of body is not so easy to be knocked down.

"Fight." You Yu said, "Use the Chaos Warrior to attack the'Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon'."

Kisara: "!?"

Did you really call me like this?

"At this moment, I abandon the ‘chaos messenger’ in my hand and the effect is activated!" You Yu said, "the ‘Chaos Warrior’ on my field will increase by 1500 until the end of the round!"

[Chaos Warrior, Attack Power 3000→Attack Power 4500]

[Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, Attack Power 4000]

500 battle damage, and Qisala's health is only 400 left!

"Flip the cover card," but she also has the means, "Trap card-guarding the wall. The damage in a battle becomes 0, and then I can draw a card."

The sword light cleaved, and the dragon's metallic armor was torn apart by the domineering sword aura. The extremely dragon fell with a mournful cry, the armor exploded in multiple places like overload, electric sparks burst, and the blue flame flooded the dragon's skeleton like a tide.

Qisala's blue eyes flickered, and the card held in her little white hand suddenly bloomed with brilliance.

"When the'blue-eyed' monster on the field is destroyed, this card in your hand can be Special Summoned!"

A gorgeous card shining like a rainbow was shot and landed on the duel plate. The duel plate on the girl's arm seemed to come alive for an instant, blooming with endless brilliance.

"I summon...Yuanyan White Dragon!!!"

With the call to that name, the extremely noble dragon flew vertically out of the blue sea of ​​fire! She has a swan-long and beautiful neck, and her gorgeous wings are stained with blue flames.

[Yuanyan white dragon, attack power 0]

You Yu raised his eyebrows.

Why do you still have a deep eye?

It's worthy of marrying the deity in vain, is it so awesome?

"The effect of the'Yuanyan White Dragon'," Qisala said, "When summoned, inflict x600 damage to the dragon monsters in the cemetery of the opponent!" (animation effect)

It’s very unfortunate that the deck that You Yu played this time is also related to the dragon clan. What dragon wizard guardian he has sent to the cemetery so far, a bunch of messy vests of the cursed dragon, and the dragon knight Gaia Derived a variety of forms, all of them are dragons.

Needless to say, the fancy white dragons in Qisala's own graveyard.

Counting all of them, there are actually eleven dragons in the cemeteries of both sides, which is up to 6600 points of effect damage!

The destruction of "Blue Eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon" has instead become part of her counterattack tactics, so that she can give a killer blow through Yuanyan's power!

You Yu must be overwhelmed by such a post. Fortunately, it's just an ordinary duel. If you want to replace it with a dark duel, I am afraid that not everyone will become a mosaic.

But it doesn't matter!

"Discard the'Clean Chestnut Ball' from your hand!" A card from You Yu's hand was stuffed into the graveyard, "You can invalidate the activation of the monster effect that'gives effect damage' once!"

After changing the chestnut ball of the new vest, Yuanyan's impact all fell on the barrier opened by the chestnut ball. The spilled energy exploded in all directions, but even the aftermath was picked up by the chestnut ball.

"Why are you blocking this..."

Qisala pouted, as if a little unhappy.

"The other effect of the'Earth-Eyed White Dragon' can gain the attack power of other dragon monsters in the cemetery. I get the attack power of the'Blue-Eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon'."

The Jilong who had left the field hissed and roared, and his figure appeared briefly. A wave of blue energy was charged into Yuanyan Bailong's body.

[Yuanyan white dragon, attack power 0 → attack power 4000]

Although at first glance, the attack power is not as high as 4500 Chaos Warrior, but it is only temporary. The Chaos Warrior has achieved such a high attack power through the effect of the "Chaos Messenger", but once this round is over, the Chaos Warrior's attack power will return to the original 3000...

"The "Chaos Warrior" summoned with the "Knight of Development" as the ritual material can get another effect!" You Yudao, "When the Chaos Warrior destroys the opponent's monster in battle, he can attack only once!"

"Huh!?" Qisala was surprised, "How can you continue to cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

The chaos warrior dashed forward and raised the sword in his hand. The golden sword light rolled down with the slash, bringing the gorgeous final scene of this duel...

The sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the chaotic cyclone flicked the girl's silver hair. But she didn't retreat half a step, as if she was not afraid of the chaotic sword aura.

"Flip... cover the card!"

The last Gika is her last counterattack!

"Trap Card-Magic Tube!" Her azure blue eyes clearly reflected the entire arena, "The opponent's monster is invalid for one attack... Give the opponent's player that monster's attack power value damage!"

A pair of magic tubes emerged neatly, one left and the other right in front of Qisala. The sword aura of the chaos warrior is coming head-on, and will be absorbed and reflected by the magic tube.

Four thousand five hundred reflection damage!

Kisara opened her blue eyes wide.


The chaotic sword aura came as promised, and plunged into the magic tube facing it...but he shattered the pair of magic tubes domineeringly!

Kisara: "???"

What's the situation?

"Counter-attack Trap-Super Warrior Shield." You Yu smiled, "When there is a'Chaos Warrior' on the field, invalidate the activation of the magic, trap, and monster effects of the'Monster on the field' and destroy it."

Kisara: "..."

The magic tube was shattered by the chaos warrior's sword, and the chaotic sword aura shot out with an indomitable momentum. The noble white dragon was pierced by a sword and turned into ashes with a mournful cry.

【Kisara, lp400→lp0】

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