I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 645: Li Shenlong's competitors!

Main text Chapter 645: Li Shenlong's competitors!

Ambitious sanctions! ! !

The attack of worship, the offensive of killing, straddling the empty field in front of You Yu, and blasted at him head on.

In the face of this mortal blow, You Yu only hurriedly drew a card from his hand...

... the kite robot!

That's right, it is the new card that You Yu found from Haima Company Kakuri in the past year, the legendary life-saving artifact kite robot!

"Abandon the'Kite Robot' from your hand." You Yu said, "Only once, the combat damage caused by the opponent's direct attack becomes 0."

The black transparent image appeared in front of You Yu out of thin air. It was the image of some kind of hang gliding wing, with a pair of anthropomorphic eyes, and the wide steel body protected the owner like a shield, completely resisting the "ambition sanction" attack of worshippers.

The "Robot" series is the "Transportation" deck familiar to many anime audiences in the past, which is used by gx Romaru Tokusho.

Now the element hero series have become popular on the market, and of course the "robot" series as a deck of the same period has also been launched.

The first two card boxes of this deck had just been launched, and You Yu went to collect a dozen "Kite Robots" without saying a word.

This kind of life-saving artifact can use your toes to know that prices will rise wildly in the future, and it is another artifact for harvesting leeks.

It's just that from now on, the invincible "Li Shenlong" may also have a more powerful competitor...

Chestnut Ball: Curry Curry! (Declare sovereignty super fiercely)

"Kite Robot? So that's it, is it the card in the new series that the company released two months ago?" Mr. Phoenix was surprised, "As expected, Mr. You Yu, who has come to this step carefully."

All the offensive methods have been exhausted, and he can only end the battle phase and draw another card from his hand.

"Cover a card, the round is over."

"Your father is so amazing, Ed!" said Tendai, "Of course, teacher You Yu must be the strongest in duel!"

Ed thought for a while, but he didn't refute, and lightly nodded his little head: "Well, there is no other way..."

Mr. Phoenix: "..."

Although it is true, it is quite helpless to hear my son say this...

But the duel is not over yet.

And even if he couldn't win, he didn't plan to give up easily.

"My turn." You Yu drew a card. "The magic card'Life-cutting Boza' will be drawn from the deck until the hand is filled with five cards. But in the preparatory phase after five rounds, all The hand must be discarded."

...If there are five more rounds left.

Mr. Phoenix has a solemn expression.

Are you coming, Mr. You Yu's counterattack?

"I summon the'Black Forest Witch' and attacked."

[Black Forest Witch, Attack Power 1100]

"Quick attack magic-phantom magic!" You Yu said, "I have a magician monster on the field as a sacrifice. Choose up to two ‘black magicians’ from the deck and graveyard to add to your hand.

I added a "Black Magician" card from the graveyard and the deck to my hand! "

"Should you still choose to fight back with the "Black Magician"?" Mr. Phoenix murmured.

"No, at this moment, the effect of the'Black Forest Witch' was triggered." You Yu said, "When the witch sent from the field to the graveyard, he added a monster with a defense power of 1500 or less from the deck to his hand.

From the deck, I added "Super Warrior Soul" to my hand! "

"Super Warrior Soul?" Mr. Phoenix realized something.

"The magic card'Angel's Charity'. Draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards from your hand to discard to the graveyard."

You Yu drew the cards, and without much thought, immediately picked out the two cards that were sent to the cemetery.

"The effect of the'Ultra Warrior Soul' sent to the cemetery immediately!" The card that was just sent to the cemetery was immediately ejected by the duel plate, "Excluding the "Ultra Warrior Soul" in the cemetery from the game, remove one from the deck. Add the'Knight of Development' to the hand!"

Seeing the cards in You Yu's deck pop up, Mr. Phoenix quickly understood: "Is the ultimate goal to retrieve that card?"

"Magic card ‘preparation for the ritual’!" A magic card appeared in front of You Yu again, "from the deck, add a ritual magic card and the ritual monster summoned by the ritual to his hand.

I added the ritual magic "Chaos Ritual" and the ritual monster "Chaos Warrior" to my hand. "

"Sure enough." Mr. Phoenix knew it. "It is rumored that Mr. You Yu won the strongest fighter in the "Game of Trials"..."

"Ritual Magic-The Ritual of Chaos!"

A quaint altar emerged, silver long swords crossed, and a erratic flame rose from the altar.

"In the chaos ritual, the hand cards and monsters with a total level of more than eight on the field are used as sacrifices to summon the'Chaos Warriors' ritual from the hand cards!"

In one breath, You Yu revealed the large amount of resources he had just earned.

"A level seven black magician, a level four pioneer knight, two monsters as sacrifices! Ritual call!

A soul leads the light, a soul leads the darkness, the door of chaos is opened here——

——Chaos Warrior, come! ! ! "

The two sacrificial souls sank into the altar, broke through the shackles of space, broke through the door and rushed into the field of chaos. The original cyclone of heaven and earth fell from a high altitude, the golden light turned into a human form, the knight-like blue armor jumped to the ground lightly, and the long sword cut through the space.

Chaos Warrior, call!

[Chaos Warrior, 3000 attack power]

"This is... the strongest fighter in the legend..."

As a duelist and designer at the same time, Mr. Phoenix couldn't help being lost when he was able to see this handsome and domineering warrior king.

The two kids don’t have to say, swords, knights, armors, etc. The boys at this age are the least resistant...

"The chaos warrior summoned by'Knight of Development' as the ritual material can gain new effects." You Yu said, "Once in a turn, you can remove a monster from the opponent's field from the game!

Exclude "Phantom Hero Worship" from the game! "

The chaos warrior slowly raised the sword, the release of sword aura seemed to have distorted the space, and even the image of the warrior itself began to erratic.

With a flick of his wrist, the sword blade fell, and the space where the sword light reached was dislocated.

Open up the dimension cut!

Mr. Phoenix's pupils shrank: "Open the cover card! Trap card-Shield of Counterattack! A monster on the field as a sacrifice, until the end of the turn, the defense power is added to the attack power of the other monster!" (Original card)

He pointed to the admirer who was locked by the Dimensional Slash that opened up the world.

"I used'Phantom Hero Worship' as a sacrifice, and the defensive power was added to the attack power of the assault witch!"

[Phantom Hero: Assault Witch, Attack Power 2700 → Attack Power 4800]

"If you have an attack power of 4800, you won't be defeated so easily!" Little Ed made a fist.

The figure of the worshiper disappeared out of thin air, and after only half a second, the space he was in was temporarily dislocated, and a sword penetrated the dimension.

"Did you hide? Then fight directly." You Yu raised his hand, "Chaos Warrior, attack'Phantom Hero·Assault Witch'."

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"Huh!?" Ed's eyes widened, "Even if his attack power is so low, do he still want to attack?"

Mr. Phoenix didn't know his intentions, but he had no choice at this time: "Assault the witch, fight back!"

The chaos warrior charged head-on, holding the long sword horizontally, and the sword light flashed with his posture, leaving intermittent golden light in the air.

The phantom heroine lifted the barrel, and the thick and silver muzzle pointed directly at the flashing afterimage, and the energy vortex condensed in the barrel.

"This moment!" You Yu once again showed a card in his hand, "Activate the effect of the "Chaos Messenger" in the hand. You can discard this card from your hand and use the "Chaos Warrior" on your field until the end of the turn. So far, the attack power has increased by 1500 points."

[Chaos Warrior, Attack Power 3000→Attack Power 4500]

"Equivalent to the offensive power of the'Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon'!" Ten Dai exclaimed.

"But the attack power is still no better than Dad's Phantom Hero!" Ed said.

You Yu added: "Also, during the turn when the'Chaos Messenger' effect is activated, the opponent's monster that fights with the'Chaos Warrior' will only change its attack power to its original attack power during the damage calculation!"

Mr. Phoenix almost slipped his glasses: "Nani?"

[Phantom Hero: Assault Witch, Attack Power 4800 → Attack Power 2700]

Does the elimination of the improvement brought by the "Shield of Counterattack" have further strengthened the power of the Chaos Warriors?

Mr. You Yu is well-deserved!


Mr. Phoenix's eyes flickered under his lens, and he quickly drew a card from his hand and stuffed it into the graveyard.

"The effect of the "Destiny Hero: Dynamite" in the hand!" He said, "When the monster is fighting, before the damage calculation starts, discard this card from the hand, and the effect is activated!

The battle damage caused to us by that battle became 0! After that, both players suffered 1000 damage! "

You Yu: "!"

Good guy, a new card in the Heroes of Destiny series?

Mr. Phoenix really hasn’t been idle this year~www.NovelMTL.com~ Actually even the hand pits of the hero of destiny are printed?

【You Yu, lp1000】

[Mr. Phoenix, lp2000]

Xiao Judai thinks quickly: "1000 points of damage, that means..."

"Both sides suffered 1,000 injuries, and Dad has 1,000 health points left, but Brother You Yu's health points are gone!" Little Ed's eyes lit up, "Dad won!"

The chaos warrior's sword was about to be smashed out, and the slender fingers of the assault witch on the trigger were about to be depressed. At the moment when the battle was about to start, the "Destiny Hero · Dynamite Man" who had entered the cemetery appeared like a ghost in the middle of the two sides, and the dark golden light flickered and flickered, like an explosive bag on the verge of detonation. .....

boom! ! !

There was a strong blasting sound, a heat wave broke out, a smoke screen swept, and the sound stimulated the eardrums.

The two children were so scared that they fell to the ground, desperately trying to open their eyes with the gorgeous and dazzling light effects.

"How's it going?"

"Who's winning?"


【You Yu, lp1000】

[Mr. Phoenix, lp0]

Mr. Phoenix looked at the big "lose" words on his duel board with a blank face.

what's the situation?

Why did I lose?

Then he raised his head, looked across the smoke screen, and saw the eye-catching magic card standing in front of You Yu at a glance.

Quick attack magic, the curse of the painful soul.

When the opposing player inflicts damage to himself, the damage is taken by the opposing player instead.

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