I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 627: The Supreme God, come!

Text Chapter 627 The Supreme God, Coming!

The pitch-black sun rose again, and the ultimate darkness and evil once again dominated the audience.

Cthulhu, the incarnation of God, is coming again!

"The attack power of the Avatar of God is +1 to the monster with the highest attack power on the field. Of course, the monster with the highest attack power now is my'Red Ghost'." Tapir Liang said, "So the evil **** will become a red ghost!"

The pitch-black sun slowly descended, disintegrating and deforming from a spherical shape. It changed into the shape of a ghost, with a strong and dark body, carrying a black iron rod on its shoulders, and the black flame burned invisibly.

[Cthulhu·Incarnation of God, attack power? →Strength 2801]

The priests began to panic: "Well, the Pharaohs have nothing on the court now..."

"Prince!" Mana squeezed her little skirt tightly.

"Give me to **** this time...no, turn me into ashes!" Tapir yelled, "Cthulhu·Incarnation of God, attack directly!"

The evil **** who turned into a ghost raised his arm and waved the black stick in his hand. The impact of the dark and domineering is like riding the wind and breaking the waves, blasting on half of the field between the two duel kings!

In the suffocating storm, You Yu felt his body roughly overturned. The cold and violent touch penetrated the internal organs, and he could hardly feel his body.

[Game x Youyu, lp3499→lp698]

Black smoke rose slowly around him. You Yu sat up, feeling a little dizzy in his head, half of his body was still stuck in the cold touch, unable to relax.

However, he looked sideways at the game that was also sitting up, and estimated that the opponent's state might not be much better than himself.

He heard countless people around him yelling nervously...Well, more people yelling may be games.

"This time is really the last blow." Tapir Liang couldn't help being excited again.


Three thousand years, do you know what his great evil **** has gone through for three thousand years! ?

Now he is finally going to defeat these two biggest enemies with his own hands, and resurrect his real body to realize his ultimate ideal!

"Red ghost!" Tapir murmured, "Attack directly!"

Regarding that he could have the opportunity to pull the curtain on the fight of the gods that spanned three thousand years of time and space, this scarlet ghost may also have a sense of "sa family's life is worth it".


It sounded like a dozen landmines were set off at the same time, and the moment when the mace hit the ground, a wave of black smoke burst into the sky.

Tapir's eyes widened and his breathing seemed to stop.


He defeated the difficult pharaoh at the same time, as well as the ghostly clone of Haraktina?

He will be resurrected from the underworld soon!

Tapir Liang's heart almost popped out of his chest. The space of the entire memory world began to become unstable, the space trembled, and the ground cracked like a beaten eggshell, as if the evil gods in the underworld were excited.

Of course, he was destined to be disappointed again.

[Game x Youyu, lp698]

Tapir Liang: "Why?" He was surprised.

"The trap card'defensive wall'." The game panted, and pointed to the trap opened in a moment in front of him and said, "Only one battle damage becomes 0...draw a card."

"Entangling endlessly!" Tapir's mentality is obviously about to explode, "You just refuse to lie back in the grave obediently, don't you?"

Of course, his great evil **** has no right to say this.

"The two cards are covered, the round is over." Tapir Liang reluctantly covered another card, murmuring something like a curse in his mouth.

"Then it's my turn." You Yu said.

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Sure enough, Pharaoh, the protagonist of the real world, had more advanced blood lock skills. Thanks to this wave of blood lock assists from his teammates, You Yu's skills are also bright!

Skill·Wrath of God!

When the life value is below 1000, instead of the usual card draw, one "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" can be added to the hand from outside the deck only once.

When the card at the top of the deck was drawn by You Yu with the agitation of the ultimate "power", Tapir Liang's eyelids twitched, as if he had noticed something.

"Activate the effect of the'Destiny Hero · Sprinter' in the cemetery." You Yu said, "The sprinter only exists once in the cemetery. When you draw a card during your own draw phase, you can directly use that card if it is a monster. Show the card to the opponent, and then directly call it!

What I got was...this card!

Destroyer, the giant soldier of Obelisk! "


Before everyone else could cheer, Tapir Liang yelled: "Don't even think about it! Activate the effect of'dd Crow' from your hand! This card is discarded from the hand to the graveyard, and a card in the opponent's graveyard is removed from Except in the game!

And this effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn! "

A stone slab disappeared from Tapir Liang's eyes, and a black crow emerged out of thin air. A "Hero of Destiny·Sprinter" was pulled out from You Yu's graveyard and dragged it out of the dimension.

When the sprinter does not exist in the cemetery during the effect processing, the effect cannot be activated. So Obelisk's call failed.

"Sure enough, you also have a complete set of three phantom gods in your hand." Tapir Liang's eyes fell cold.

At the same time that expression of resentment and resentment, it also seemed to be saying——Small, don't think I don't know who you are!

"Then activate the magic card'Angel's Charity', draw three cards, and then discard the two cards in the hand."

After three cards, You Yu froze for a while after the new card was drawn, somewhat surprised.

But he quickly recovered.

"Then I call'Elemental Hero Liquid Man'."

[Elemental Hero·Liquid Man, Attack Power 1400]

"The effect of the liquid man, when the summoning is successful, you can special summon the heroes below level 4 in the cemetery." You Yudao, "I special call the'Elemental Hero·Solid Man'!"

[Elemental Hero·Solid Man, Attack Power 1300]

"The magic card'fusion' is activated." You Yu said, "The'Elemental Hero·Solid Man' on the field and the'Elemental Hero·Liquid Man' of the water attribute are fused!

The fusion condition is that elemental heroes plus any water monsters! Fusion call!

Born from the abyss of extreme cold, freezing everything with absolute power of ice and snow——

——Elemental Hero·Absolute Zero! "

The storm of ice and snow was rolled up out of thin air, the white cloak flew like a banner, and the hero flew out in the swirling ice and snow.

[Elemental Hero·Absolute Zero, Attack Power 2500]

"The effect of a solid man." You Yu said, "When he is sent from the field to the cemetery by magic effects, he can resurrect the heroes and monsters in the cemetery!

I special summon "Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl"! "

[Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl, Defensive Power 1000]

"The effect of the Shadowmist Girl puts the quick attack magic'Masked Change' into the hand from the deck." You Yu said, "I will get a card onto the field.

Then launch the magic card "Beyond Destiny" from your hand! Choose the destiny hero in your graveyard, and special summon the destiny hero below half the monster's level from the deck!

I chose the level 6 ‘Destiny Hero·Devil Man~www.NovelMTL.com~ According to this effect, I special summon the level 1 ‘Destiny Hero·Disc Man’ from the deck! "

【Hero of Destiny·Disc Man, Defensive Power 300】

"At this moment, launch the quick attack magic ‘very eater’ from your hand!" You Yu said, "By sending the magic trap card on the field to the cemetery, each one restores 1000 health points.

I sent Gaev’s card and the active "Beyond Destiny" to the graveyard to restore 2000 health points! "

【Youyu x game, lp698→lp2698】

Tapir Liang frowned: "There are three more monsters on the field...Are they still gathered for the sacrifice of summoning giant soldiers?"

He snorted coldly, but he didn't take it seriously.

What if you summon a giant soldier?

Even the **** of destruction, known for his power, is still not an opponent of his "Cthulhu God's Incarnation"!

"Activate the magic card'Double Summoning', this round will be granted another summoning permission in addition to the usual summoning." You Yudao, "Remove'Elemental Hero·Absolute Zero','Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl', and'Destiny Hero' ·Roundpan people', three as sacrifices!"

The three monsters were entangled by the white whirlwind and shot into the air quickly. You Yu held up a card in his hand, and the golden light in that card flew into the sky like a laser beam.

As if sensing a certain force from outside the sky, Tapir Liang's pupils shrank, and he was instantly astonished.

No, that force is not a giant soldier!

that is......

"The ever-changing fire of heaven and earth turns into eternal light to shine on the earth!

The Winged Dragon of the Sun God-Coming! "

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