I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 604: Phantom **** vs phantom god

Main text Chapter 604 Illusory God vs. Illusory God

Seeing the hideous black mask popping out of the nameless pharaoh, You Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Indeed, the phantom **** has to be normally summoned with three sacrifices, and if it is specially summoned by magic effects, it must be sent to the cemetery at the end of the round.

If the act of sacrificing is sealed, it is indeed not a small interference if you want to summon the gods.


"Draw a card!" You Yu drew the card at the top of the deck.

If he was helpless at this level, he would have saved such a high level in vain.

"Magic card-Angel's charity, draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards from the hand to discard."

After drawing three cards, You Yu only glanced quickly, then picked out two cards and discarded them in the cemetery.

"Activate a magic card from your hand-fusion dispatch troops." You Yudao, "show a fusion monster card to your opponent. The fusion material monster recorded on that card can be specially summoned from your hand or deck."

He showed a fusion monster card.

"The card I showed is, "Elemental Hero·Sawtooth Wilderness". According to the effect of "Fusion Dispatch", I special summon the fusion material "Elemental Hero·Golden Blademan" from the deck!"

The magic card takes effect, and a beam of golden light flies out of the deck and transforms into a metal hero with golden light shining lightly on the ground, and the fire light advances behind it.

[Elemental Hero·Golden Blade Man, Attack Power 2600]

"Following the light attribute'Elemental Hero · Lightning Man' and the dark attribute'Elemental Hero · Shadowmist Girl' in the cemetery, the two monsters are excluded from the game!"

You Yu raised his arms high, and another card was photographed on the duel plate.

"The world opens up! The soul of light and darkness descends in the Chaos Field as a sacrifice, the legendary strongest warrior——

——Chaos Warrior·Envoy of Development! ! ! "

The golden light was scattered, the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the blue armor covered the swordsman's body. The powerful warrior's eyes were reflected in the sharp light of the sword, descending with the majesty of the gods.

[Chaos Warrior·The messenger of Kai Kai, 3000 attack power]

"Oh, here I called out the legendary warrior in one breath!" Honda shouted, "That's the momentum!"

"The Chaos Warrior has a powerful effect that can eliminate the monsters on the opponent's field, and after the battle destroys the monsters, additional attacks can be added." The table game is serious and authentic, "but his level is only eight, and this monster effect is not useful to the gods. Whether it is None of his effects can make a breakthrough."

"Huh, is that so?" Honda was dumbfounded.

"Magic card-miracle fusion!" You Yu took the magic card in his hand, "Exclude the monsters in the graveyard as the fusion material from the game, and summon the elemental hero monsters by fusion.

I removed the "Masked Hero·Dark Claw" and "Masked Hero·Mist" in the cemetery from the game!

From light to darkness, and then from darkness to light, open the world with the power of awakening——

——The hero of the extreme chaos (chaos)! "

The images of the two masked heroes both appeared, turning into two whirling tornadoes of black and white, rushing straight into the sky, and merged into one place. The wind roars, and brand-new heroes are shaped in the wind.

Black and white armor, fangs-like decoration, two-color streamers flying behind the neck, blue lights flashing in the eyepieces.

The hero of the extreme chaos, summon!

[Positive Hero·Chaos, Attack Power 3000]

"Although Chaosman is a hero against the extreme, he is also used as an'Elemental Hero' in the rules, so he can be summoned based on the effect of the miracle fusion."

You Yu explained and waved a big hand at the same time.

"Then activate the effect of Ultra Hero Chaos!" he shouted, "Once in a round, the effects of the cards on the side of the field indicating that there are cards are invalid.

I invalidated the effect of the perpetual trap ‘Mask of the Sacrifice Seal’! "

The blue light flashed in Chaosman's eyes, and his left hand tapped the equipment on his waist. An electric current suddenly jumped from his belt, and the two-color energy visible to the naked eye spread from the belt to the palm, erupting along the right palm that he handed out, and the two-color storm broke through the air and hit the hideous mask, which followed A crackling electric current weakened.

"In this way, the restrictions on sacrifices disappeared." You Yu waved his hand. "I used the elemental hero, the Golden Blademan, the chaos warrior and the messenger of development, and the extreme hero and chaos as a sacrifice!"

The most high-quality sacrificial offerings were the three warriors who were also top powerhouses in the entire dueling monster and elves and flew into the air as golden lights. The flames in the air churned, and the burning brilliance condensed into an extremely huge sphere, as if the blazing sun had been summoned onto this field.

"The ever-changing fire of heaven and earth turns into eternal brilliance and shines on the earth!"

You Yu's raised hand greeted the shining light.

"Come! The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

The golden sphere began to deform and disintegrate, the power hidden in the depths of the sun burst out, and the shining golden light reflected the entire hall.

The shell of the ball stretched out into golden wings, and the arc was round and perfect. The noble divine bird raised its head, with divine light shining in its eyes.

"The winged dragon of the sun god, the attack power is the total value of the three monsters used as sacrifices."

[Pterosaur of the sun god, attack power 8600]

"Attack power of eight thousand six hundred!"

The brothers Chengouchi and Honda are embracing each other with joy, and Yan Yi is ready to take his place.

The attack power is more than twice that of the giant soldier, and it is more than enough to kill in one hit!

But You Yu still didn't launch an attack on this, but then raised a card in his hand: "Magic Card-The Dead Survival! Choose the monster in the cemetery to resurrect!

The monster I want to resurrect is--

——Osiris' Sky Dragon! "

The sky thunders, the thunder flashes, the red dragon twists and flies out, the high-pitched dragon's roar seems to be breaking through the dome of the temple!

[Osiris’ sky dragon, attack power 2000]

Although You Yu didn't think about using the phantom **** in the other party's cemetery to die, but think about it and forget it. His family knew his own affairs, and he was able to control his three phantom cards. One was the fetters he had played over time and time, and the other was the help of the system. The phantom gods of others were forcibly captured, and the gods would not necessarily listen to him.

"Then activate the magic card-spider silk from the hand, and add a card that the opponent sent to the graveyard last turn into the hand." (animation card)

The milky white spider silk flew straight to the golden alchemy gladiator disk of the Pharaoh, and when he flew back, he brought... with a heavy slate.

Fortunately, here, You Yu performed another unique skill of "Slate-made Card". After touching it, the slate turned into a card.

"The card that I added to my hand is the magic card'Skyfall Boza'. Then the'Skyfall Boza' is activated from the hand, and the two sides will draw cards from the deck until the hand is filled with six cards!"

With the addition of hand cards, the strength of the Sky Dragon soars!

[Osiris’ sky dragon, attack power 1000 → attack power 6000]

"So strong..." Chenguchi was already stunned, "Is You Yu already so strong? You have reached such a situation, and you can summon the phantom **** with 8400 attack power and 6000 attack power in one breath... ."

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No matter which phantom god's attack passes, it is enough to instantly establish the victory!

"Fight!" No longer hesitating, You Yu directly issued an attack command, "The winged dragon of the sun god, attack the'Obelisk's giant soldier'! The mighty flame cannon!"

The golden bird opened its mouth, and the energy condensed behind it and gradually formed a light ball...No, it was a burning sun!

The space was distorted by the high temperature, and the golden light streams gathered in the mouth of the Wing Shenlong, ready to go anytime!

But the nameless pharaoh... he seems to be waiting for this moment!

"Flip the slate!" His voice was cold and full of power, "Timely Spell-Dark Demon Rebirth!"

Dark magic regeneration, quick attack magic, the opponent chooses a magic card in the opponent's graveyard at the moment when the opponent declares an attack, this effect can be activated as the effect of that card. (Animation effect)

The card that the pharaoh chose from Youyu's cemetery was quickly determined.

That card is the deceased Su Sheng who just entered the cemetery!

The huge symbol of Susheng appeared behind the nameless pharaoh. The symbol of life was quickly ignited and burst into flames under the envelope of the fire of heaven and earth.

The monster he wants to resurrect is--

——The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

The symbol of life disappeared, replaced by a pair of flame-built wings. The immortal fire bird rose into the sky, with a sharp chirping sound, the heat wave brought by the fire dance storm ruled the audience!

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God (Pharaoh), attack power 0]

"Why did you call out the Winged Dragon at this juncture!?" The castle was silly, and soon recovered, "Could it be that the phoenix's ability should be used to pay 1000 HP to destroy the two phantom gods on Youyu's side.. ...."

But the Pharaoh did not do this. Instead, he immediately waved his big hand: "Flip the slab-the assembly of a family! According to the types of servants on his field, call for servants of the same race to come!"

Assemble a family, trap cards, choose a monster on your field, and special summon monsters of the same race as the selected monster but with different card names from your hand and graveyard.

"Monsters of the same race?" Honda wondered.

Watch game widened his eyes: "Now the race of monsters in the Pharaoh's field...only the magical beast clan!"

In other words, the monster that the Pharaoh wanted to summon could only be the phantom beast clan!

"Return from the underworld!" Pharaoh's thousand-year-old building block golden light shone, and his cloak flew behind him, "Osiris' Sky Dragon!"

The thunder falling from the sky penetrated the reality and the underworld, and the red dragon soared up, sending out a high-altitude dragon chant!

[Osiris’ Sky Dragon (Pharaoh), attack power 6000]

The five illusion gods, red, gold, and blue lights collided and staggered on the field, and the burst of storm made the people in the audience unable to stand up.

"Are you kidding!?" Honda couldn't open his eyes, but still yelled in the storm, "Has the three phantom gods gathered in the opponent's round?"

You Yu squinted his eyes and waved his big hand: "But at this moment~www.NovelMTL.com~ my sky dragon effect is also triggered. Summoning Thunder Bomb!"

The lightning ball turned into two thunderbolts erupted from the mouth above You Yu's Sky Dragon, and the soldiers split into two directions and flew towards the Pharaoh's newly appeared Sky Dragon and Pterodactyl Dragon.

The Pharaoh's Sky Dragon ate the thunder-calling bullet head-on, and lost his supernatural power equivalent to 2,000 points of attack power with a snorting sound. However, although the winged dragon in the state of the gods and phoenixes has 0 attack power, only its two wings are combined, and it can easily defend the thunder sphere.

Pterodactyls in the Phoenix state are not affected by the effects of any cards.

[Osiris’ Sky Dragon (Pharaoh), attack power 6000 → attack power 4000]

In terms of attack power, the two fantasy gods on You Yu's side still have the upper hand, but everyone knows that the purpose of this ancient king is not here.

Even if the phoenix effect swept the field on You Yu's side, it would not be possible to win the duel directly. You Yu can still operate this round, and at the end stage, the two gods specially summoned by the pharaoh will return to the cemetery.

So here he is aiming for another purpose!

"Obelisk’s giant soldiers, ultimate ability! Soul energy max!" The nameless pharaoh sternly said, "Osiris’ sky dragon, and the sun god’s pterodactyl are used as sacrifices to increase Obelisk’s power unlimitedly. And force a battle with the opponent!"

The sky dragon and the wing dragon fell on the arms of the giant soldier from left to right. The red and golden light wrapped around the body of the giant soldier, and the surging divine power was surging in the body of the **** of destruction!

[The giant soldier of Obelisk (Pharaoh), attack power 4000 → attack power ∞]

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