I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 315: Let me go down!

In the game Seahorse and the castle, the three selected fighters fought with Da Zi in the second round, officially kicking off over the floating island.

It’s just that this time it’s not a regular duel, this time it’s a direct elf fight.

The game itself has the top-level artifact thousand-year building blocks, coupled with the power of the legendary dragon, so that the three people summoned monsters that have no elves boarding but also have the ability to materialize for a short time.

And Haima’s white marriage is even more needless to say-although Haima usually kills and does not admit this kind of supernatural thing, now even he can’t deny that the white dragon card he holds is indeed a soul and conscious existence. of.

The strongest monsters held by the three, plus the three knights who liberated their power through the "Legendary Heart" printed out in the game, the monsters rushed toward the evil **** in mid-air. Incarnate as the last line of defense between the evil **** and this world.

But the cruel fact is that the disparity between the strengths of the two sides is so great that there is no way to make up for the disparity no matter how much.

The chaos warrior, who controls the power of light and darkness, was blasted far away under the impact of the body of the evil god, and shot obliquely into the towns on the floating island like a cannonball, smashing a large area rumblingly.

The red-eyed black dragon in the city flapped its wings and flew into the air, like a diving bomber, spewing out "black flame bullets" continuously along the back of the Cthulhu.

The hot black flames exploded one after another on the Cthulhu’s firm skin, but it seemed to have no effect other than leaving a little burnt mark. On the contrary, the Cthulhu’s body twisted and slammed on it, easily knocking down the legendary black dragon. Go down.

The white three-headed ultimate dragon exhausted all its strength and blasted out a "spraying white light of destruction". Although its full strength seemed to shake the body of the evil god, it seemed that it was nothing more than that. The giant python turned around and opened its mouth with a burst of black and boundless rays. The blue-eyed ultimate dragon blinked and screamed and was blasted into fragments. The voice seemed to be full of apologies for failing to protect the owner...

"Blue eyes!"

Seahorse yelled, gritted his teeth, and waved: "Kritius!"

At this time, the three legendary dragons have long been lifted and turned into human forms. Kritius yelled and swung his sword and wanted to attack, but before he rushed in front of him, the Cthulhu scarlet eyes shot a beam of light. Legend has it that the knight's elven body was penetrated, and the sorrowful groan immediately turned into a phantom and disappeared.

The swordsmen summoned in the game and in the castle both shouted, flying forward to save them, but then they were also blasted down by the volley under the roar of the evil god, unable to maintain their own form and split into fragments.



All powerful monsters have been defeated, and even the legendary three knights are not at all an enemy of the evil god.

As the monsters who had gone through countless winds and rains with the three people fighting together fell one after another, the only flame of hope that was left seemed to be extinguished one after another.

And it seems that this is not enough.

Da Zi went one step further and called out countless Olihagang monsters in the lost town on this floating island.

Those zombie-like soldiers, flying beasts, one by one, like string puppets, but the number is like a tide, flooding all the streets and corners of the entire town in the blink of an eye.

They rushed endlessly in the direction where the three of them were, and seemed to drag them together into the eternal and endless dark abyss.

"Hahahaha!" Da Zi laughed? "I said it? Your resistance is meaningless! The God of Olihagang is invincible! As long as humans are still humans, there are still flaws that can never be overcome? Its power is Endless!"

No matter how much you don't want to admit it? Faced with such shocking facts, the three of them couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Even Seahorse? After witnessing the fall of the white dragon and Kritius, whom he was proud of, he couldn't even speak out for a while.

"Damn it!" The castle clenched his fist? "Is it really helpless? With our strength? With the current human beings, is it really impossible to defeat this thing?"

Not only them, but also more distant places and more people witnessed this shocking scene.

That huge floating island, the ultra-ancient city on the island? And the evil **** surrounding this city? It is like the doomsday recorded in countless fantasy works and ancient books of mankind.

The entire planet seemed to be pushed to a critical point in an instant, and tsunamis, volcanoes, and earthquakes erupted one after another around the world. The earth was trembling, the ground seemed to be wailing, and the lava was sprayed high like a pillar of fire.

The frequency of Olihagang’s enchantments around the world is increasing, and more and more monsters have emerged out of control? Clouds of despair spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not far from the sea, the captain who escorted the game and the others to the decisive battle was standing on the deck of the mothership? Looking at the churning giant python in the sky in the distance, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Could it be that the world is really going to be destroyed..."

Controlling the aircraft carrier fleet and possessing a large number of powerful thermal weapons, he only felt that he had never been as weak as he is now.

There was even a thought in his mind.

If what I have now is not a cannon, but a team of well-trained and highly skilled duelists...


"Disappear? The selected warriors." Da Zi is still yelling? "After you, there will be the existing human civilization and the entire world! The darkness will swallow everything, and then the world will reset and be Reinvent...

...Uh ah ah ah! ! ! ! "

Da Zi was just pretending to be forced, and only half of his words were spoken, and the horizon suddenly shot a mighty impact like a torrent.

The golden beam of light dragged the boundless thunder and slammed on the body of the evil god. This shot was obviously more effective than all the previous attacks combined. The giant python uttered a painful cry, dragged the black smoke all over and was shocked to the side under the impact.

All three people on the island cast their eyes together.

The pupils of the game shrank: "That is...!?"

A rippling colorful aurora appeared above the dark sky, like a colorful curtain hanging from the horizon.

The red dragon, tumbling among the clouds, slowly descended, surrounded by blue thunder, opened a huge mouth in mid-air, and roared towards the evil **** who was blown out from the air.

Osiris' Sky Dragon!

It's not over yet!

The clouds seemed to be torn apart, and the golden sacred light descended from mid-air, as if to bring warmth to the whole world that had fallen into the cold. The red-gold sphere slowly deformed and disintegrated, opened its metal wings, raised its noble head, and the sound waves diffused by the sharp screams twisted the surrounding clouds into fragments!

Pterodactyl of the sun god!

In the end, of course, it was indispensable. The blue giant with a solid and huge body slowly falling from another direction, his fists were surrounded by a destructive blue light, and his flushed eyes contained irresistible anger.

The giant soldiers of Obelisk!

"Three Fantasy Gods!" The game cried out in surprise.

"No, more than that." Chengouchi said.

Immediately after the Three Illusory Gods, endless light spots flew out from the rippling aurora, densely packed like a sky full of stars, one after another toward the location of the game and others.


The one who shouted at the front was the black magician girl-the one in the game's hands, the reincarnation of the trainee priest three thousand years ago.

Behind her is the mighty army of elves coming through the barriers of space from the elves world!

"Black Sorcerer Girl!" The game found her.

"That's it! Are the elves from the duel monsters here to help!" Chengouchi was excited, "Great, this is really a new force that came in time!"

"Master, our world has been saved by your friends!" The black magician girl floated down and hovered over the three of them. "He defeated the evil **** in our world. Now we follow him and come back to protect yours. The world is over!"

"Our friend?" The game was taken aback.

"Is it You Yu?" Haima frowned, "What about the kid?"

"It's right there!" The black magic girl pointed her little hand towards the sky.

Seahorse squinted his eyes, relying on his supernormal vision that was suspected of breaking through the limits of mankind and scientifically inexplicable, he suddenly discovered the figure standing on top of the head of the **** of the underworld, Osiris, like a general on the battlefield.

"That's...You Yu?"

He felt a little unbelievable for a while.

The one who commanded the three illusion gods and led thousands of elves to penetrate through the space barriers and kill them~www.NovelMTL.com~ appeared on the stage like a savior... Was it actually You Yu?

...Well, of course this is their brain supplement.

And the real situation is...


The sky dragon uttered a dragon chant, extremely overbearing, and the world was shaking, at the same time it almost shook You Yu on its forehead directly deaf...

And at this time, You Yu didn't stand like a general like the brains of the next three, and then the windbreaker could still dance and hurl like a cloak.

In fact, he is now holding the sky dragon's head with the strength of milking, so as not to be inadvertently blown down by the wind...

"I said!" You Yu tried to overwhelm the frantic wind with his throat, "What do you three gods do with me in a fight!? TMD let me down first!!!"

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