I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1382: You Yusang is about to start

"You guy... deliberately took the damage you just did?" Tragodia frowned.

I thought I had already pushed the opponent to the desperate situation of irresistible retreat, and the crayfish was swelling too hard, but now suddenly I learned that the opponent had deliberately let go of his attack! ?

The swelling crayfish suddenly felt that it was splashed with cold water, and even a little angry.

"You guy... are you looking down on me?"

"Who knows." You Yu smiled, "If it's unhappy, then try to continue to destroy my remaining health, why not?"

Tragodia: "..."

Nonsense, of course he thought so.

But I want to return, but he... Nima can't do it!

"Cut, let you live one more round." Tragodia grumbled, "The round is over."

There is nothing to panic, now his life value is close to six times that of You Yu. There are also his own clone, Yan Demon Dragon, and Supreme Sun with immortality...

...I don't even know how to turn this car!

"My round, draw a card."

You Yu glanced at the cards in his hand and smiled.

"Want to know why I took the trick just now, so let me tell you." You Yu snapped his fingers, "Open the cover card! Trap card "Hope for a Way to Live"!

If your HP is 1000 or more lower than the opponent, you can activate it by paying 1000 HP.

After that, for every 1000 points difference between the health of yourself and the opponent, draw a card from the deck! "

【You Yu, LP1100→LP100】

"Your health is 7200, and my health is only 100." You Yu said, "So, I draw seven cards from the deck!"

"U... actually drew seven cards in one go!" The head of the plane said that I was directly surprised.

Tragodia also moved his eyes slightly, but quickly grumbled disdainfully: "In the final analysis, is the goal still to draw cards? For this purpose, he will give up his health to only 100...Oh, you will I have to pay the price for my trust."

"You seem to have made a mistake." You Yu's mouth tickled, "Who said I exchanged health points for resources just to win you?"

"Huh?" Tragodia's eyes moved slightly.

"You may be overestimating yourself. But the truth is that you are not worth my full effort at all." You Chu shrugged indifferently, "If you just want to solve you, you may have rolled down the stage now. .

But you are lucky, I have a little bit of other side work in this game. So in easy duels, I don't mind doing more work. "

Of course, You Yu hadn't forgotten that Z-ONE took so much effort to pull such a large number of great gods together, but it was not just to decide first and second.

So if possible, he certainly doesn't mind drawing more circuits for Z-ONE.

But Tragodia exploded at the first hearing.

What does this mean?

Means, I'm the kind of opponent who is "easy enough" for you?

But soon he was very angry and smiled: "Heh, because I was in desperate situation, I was helpless and started to use this method to try to stimulate myself to expose my flaws?

It's really ugly, duel Wang Youyu. Actually use this boring method..."

"Do you think so?" You Yu shrugged indifferently, "If that's the case, then you can try to prevent me from doing what I want to do next."

Tragodia: "?"

Although he didn't know what medicine was sold in You Yu's gourd, he suddenly had an extremely ominous hunch——

——After this round, I might die!

"The effect of the'Quick Attack Coordinator' in the hand. This card can discard a monster card in the hand and directly Special Summon it."

【Quick Attack Coordinator, 700 Attack】

"Activate a magic card from your hand for ‘one-to-one’." You Yu said, "Discard a monster card, and Special Summon a monster of any level one from your hand and deck.

I discarded a card from my hand and specially summoned the ‘Regulatory Supporter’! "

[Adjustment support staff, attack power 100]

"Quick Attack Magic'Hell's Rampage Summon'. There is a monster on the opponent's field. You can activate it when you special summon a monster with an attack power of 1500 or less on your side."

A magic card appeared next to You Yu's D round.

"You can Special Summon as many monsters of the same name as possible from the deck!" You Yudao, "Therefore, I special summon two other'regulatory supporters'!"

[Adjustment support staff, attack power 100] x2

"Of course, as a price, the opponent can also choose a monster on the field, and special summon as many cards of the same name as possible." You Yu paused and smiled, "Of course, you don't have any monsters you can summon. Bar?"

Tragodia: "..."

really. Needless to say, the Tragodia deity that he exists on the court is certainly only one. There is only one Supreme Sun in each time and space of the planet series.

Not to mention the Yan Demon Dragon, not only a homologous monster, but also a bull from You Yu's side, of course it is impossible to summon it.

"Then I will continue." You Yu said, "The card that was discarded to the cemetery just now as the summon cost of the'Quick Attack Coordinator' is'Screw Hedgehog'.

When this card has an adjustment monster on the field, it can be Special Summoned! "

[Screw hedgehog, 800 attack power]

"Adjust the supporter's effect. When this card is used as a coherent material, it can be used as a one-star or two-star monster."

You Yu raised his hand.

"Therefore, I regard the Level 5'Quick Attack Coordinator', the Level 2'Adjustment Support Person', the Level 1'Adjustment Support Person', and the three monsters adjust the stars!"


"The gathered hope leads to a new horizon and becomes a shining path! Co-calling, go across--

——Level eight, kingly warrior! "

[King road fighter, 3000 attack power]

"The effect of the'Adjustment Supporter'. When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a coordinating material, draw a card from the deck." You Yudao, "I used two'Adjustment Supporters' as the coordinating material, so I draw two Card!

Then the kingly warrior's monster effect is activated! Royal Warriors once in a turn~www.NovelMTL.com~ You can special summon level one to two warrior or mechanical monsters from the deck.

I special summon the level one mechanical clan "Turbo Coordinator" from the deck! "

[Turbo coordinator, attack power 100]

"Level 1, ‘Turbo Coordinator’! Level 2, ‘Screw Hedgehog’! There is also a ‘Regulator Support Person’ used as Level 2! Tuning Star!"


"The crystallization of future technological evolution is here now-

——Level 5, science and technology belongs to super librarian! "

[Science and Technology, Super Librarian, Attack Power 2400]

Tragodia still disagrees, and neither the audience nor the commentator seem to think there is any problem. But some players have already begun to commotion.

"The kingly warrior and curator...Fuck, is You Yusang about to start!?"

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