I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 989: Negotiated

"The last point, we need an independent courtyard to live in. You have to vacate the small building behind the prison for us, and help us re-clean and decorate by the way." Jiang Siming said.

"Isn't this asking us to do coolies?" Glenn was a little unhappy.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "I'm always fair in doing things. There are supplies I sent you at the prison gate. If you think the deal is a good deal, then talk to me."


Rick's eyes lit up and he immediately sent someone to look outside the prison.

Sure enough, there were a few large boxes beside the gate.

When I moved it back and opened it, it was actually milk powder, water, chocolate, and cans.

Everyone's heart jumped.

Almost half a year has passed since the end of the world, and there are fewer and fewer supplies in various parts of Japan.

In the past, food could be found in nearby supermarkets and residential buildings, but now with the paralysis of all industrial factories, no new materials are coming out.

Can only continue to consume the original materials.

This also leads to fewer and fewer materials, and more and more difficult to find.

Every time Rick and the others went out to find supplies, they had to go far to find them. As for the neighborhood, they had long been hollowed out.

Now the bases have started to grow vegetables and breed poultry on their own, trying to be self-sufficient.

But this is a long process, at least for now they are not capable of self-sufficiency.

Besides, this milk powder is exactly what Rick needs most.

His wife was pregnant, although he was the seed of his own good brother, but he decided to be born and raised.

At this point, Jiang Siming actually admires Rick very much.

How can ordinary people tolerate this humiliation.

My wife was conceived by my good brother C.

Change to be another man, so I dumped my wife.

But he didn't. With his love for his wife, he chose to forgive her.

Of course, Rick was green for a reason.

Now the baby is about to be born, this milk powder is what he needs most.

"We are willing to trade, and I will arrange for someone to clean up the small building behind." Rick agreed.

Others also knew that Rick needed milk powder, so they were very loyal and stopped speaking.

Now that the negotiation was settled, Rick called the other survivors of the base to let them know the new leader.

These people are ordinary people, some are Japanese, and there are other Western faces.

They don't care about who is the leader, they just care about someone protecting them.

Jiang Siming glanced at these survivors, and suddenly he had an extra knife in his hand.

The sword girl was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are you also a swordsman with supernatural ability?"

"No, this is just my hobby." Jiang Siming replied with a smile.

He took out the ancient relics and Taidao to use the [good and evil induction] to find out who is bad and who is good.

In this investigation, sure enough, there were still a few black sheep among the survivors.

They have little power to do evil now, but when they grow up, it will be different.

Jiang Siming immediately pointed out a few wicked people and asked them to stand up.

Several people stood up inexplicably, there were men and women.

Several people looked confused and waited for Jiang Siming to speak, but he didn't expect Jiang Siming to speak.

"You are not suitable to stay here, Rick, send them a little dry food and water to let them leave here."


Among the wicked men, someone immediately stood up and said unconvinced: "Why are you driving us away!"

"Just rely on this!"

Jiang Siming made an understatement, and directly cut the person who was speaking into two halves.


When the scene was silenced, the ordinary survivors shrank into a ball with fear.

Rick and the others didn't even think that Jiang Siming would kill if he said to kill. Just now they thought Jiang Siming was a good person, but they didn't expect to become a murderer in the next second.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean? They are just ordinary people!"

Rick walked over to question.

Jiang Siming said: "One of my abilities is to be able to perceive the good and evil of people. These people are all villains. Staying in the team will only bring danger in the future."


Hearing Jiang Siming's words, Rick hesitated.

Also, Jiang Siming had no reason to only order these people, and these ordinary people had no grievances against him.

"I don't believe it! You want to judge our good and evil when you tell a lie, it's a fantasy!"

Another wicked person stood up.

"Okay, I will satisfy you!"

Jiang Siming walked over and slapped him on the forehead.

Soul search is activated!

Jiang Siming controlled the soul-searching technique and did not take away his memory, but instead let him automatically tell him all the bad things he had done.

"I am a criminal. I have raped and killed seven women and sentenced to life imprisonment. I lied to Rick that I just accidentally drove and killed someone in jail. I like Maggie. I want to get her into bed in my dreams. I plan to wait. I became a supernatural person, secretly killed Glenn, and trained Maggie to become my own X slave, and..."

"Damn it!" Glenn was angry, raised the gun in his hand, and a shuttle was directed at this person.

The others were also shocked, but he didn't expect this person to be really a villain.

The complexions of the other wicked men suddenly changed and changed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming is a mental power supernatural person. Couldn't that expose all the scandals they have done?

Jiang Siming looked at them and sneered: "Do you still want to stay?"

A few people suddenly drooped their heads and dreaded to slap Jiang Siming.

Brother Nu gave them some supplies and then drove them out of prison.

Rick immediately sent someone to vacate the small building at the back of the prison, and carefully cleaned it all around.

Because Rick saw Jiang Siming dressed so cleanly, he thought he had a serious hygienic disorder.

So people cleaned up the entire small building, and even all the furniture in it was replaced.

There is a furniture factory nearby, so you can easily replace it.

Jiang Siming is fairly satisfied.

Just as night fell, it was time for dinner.

Jiang Siming took out a lot of steaks, fruits and vegetables, pasta from Qiankun Ring, and even several bottles of red wine.

Invited the main members of Rick and his team to have a very pleasant dinner together in Xiaolou Restaurant.

These foods are all invisible now, and it is a dream to be able to eat them.

What's more, there was a wine reception, which made Rick and the others admired. This was the first such a sumptuous meal they had eaten in a long, long time.

"Mr. Jiang, you may not know that our team has provoked another leader of the team. He is called the Governor. He has..."

"It's okay, I will settle for you, as long as he dares to come."

Before Rick finished speaking, Jiang Siming already understood what he meant.

When Rick heard the words, he was completely relieved, and he was relieved to eat.

At the end of the dinner, Rick and the others thanked Jiang Siming for the hospitality, and then left the small building and went back to the prison to sleep.

They found that there is nothing wrong with Jiang Siming being a leader, at least it seems that way now.

People are gone, Jiang Siming and six girlfriends, it's time to sleep...



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