I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 958: The true tactics of the Excalibur Yulei?

It’s just that the time is too short. Other robots have a year, but this one is only half a year.

Jiang Siming feels that this ‘skilled robot’ is quite easy to use, and hopes to have more in the future.

This robot should be short because it is so easy to use.

I hope to pick up other skilled robots as soon as possible, otherwise he will face the dilemma of no one to help in half a year.

He currently has four robots: combat type, housework type, driving type and skill type.

All the robots perform their own duties, keeping the home and their lives in order, and each robot can help itself.

Fighting type helps protect his girlfriend in the copy world.

The housework type helps him manage the household items and saves him from finding unreliable nanny or hard-working wives to take care of such a large estate.

The driving type helps him drive the plane and act as an all-around driver.

Now the skill type can help him refine alchemy. Having such a robot is really safe and easy to use.

If Jiang Siming is a student and he gets a skilled robot, he will definitely become his own, go to school for him, write homework, exams, and deal with parents.

You can surf the Internet every day outside, travel, and pick up girls, and you no longer have to worry about being caught by teachers or parents for absenteeism.

It is estimated that this is the dream of all students, and it is also the dream of the author Jun when he was a child...


The three small troubles on the top of the mountain were solved almost effortlessly. Jiang Siming set off again and plunged into the battlefield of ‘hard work’ and ‘willing’.

Jiang Siming, who came down from the bottom of the mountain, chose the road to the foot of the mountain of Little E City.

Although there is no Jinying and no tamper, Jiang Siming already has a lot of experience in finding people.

Whenever his gun fires, nearby players will basically choose to change directions and run poison.

Jiang Siming chose the most crooked direction, Little E City.

But Jiang Siming did not expect that a crisis would be at Jiang Siming's feet.

After the car drove down the mountain, Jiang Siming drove to Xiao E City.

There is a gas station on the road outside the city leading to the small E city.

The sign of the gas station blocked Jiang Siming's sight.

Alow was hiding there, he didn't know that the driver was Jiang Siming.

But he squeezed a grenade, and when the car was about to come, he threw it toward the center of the road.

This trick of burying thunder on the side of the road, even Jiang Siming did not expect.

All the time, if someone lays in wait, the danger perception will surely remind him.

But at this time the crisis of the grenade did not remind Jiang Siming.

It was Jiang Siming who had kept his eye on himself and saw a black object thrown from the gas station onto the highway.

His three rounds will run over this grenade.

Jiang Siming stepped on the brakes urgently, reducing the speed of the motorcycle.

But the car is still driving forward because of inertia.

Jiang Siming had to jump off the car ahead of time!

Fortunately, he braked earlier and slowed down. Jiang Siming lost a large tube of blood after jumping off, but luckily he did not die.

Then the car was bombed into the sky instead of Jiang Siming.

If Jiang Siming hesitated a little bit, he would be dead.

"Fuck, who is so wicked, so yin!"

Jiang Siming seems to have forgotten that he had time to bomb others on the Sano Map Bridge.

Now someone uses the same method to be so shameless, he himself almost overturned the gutter.

"What a pity!"

Alow was very sorry, but he knew that the man had lost blood after jumping off the car and he had no cover in the middle of the road.

Alow has almost pronounced Jiang Siming's death, and stood out from behind the billboard, with the M416 in his hand aimed at Jiang Siming, fire!

It's just that Jiang Siming turned on [High Energy Moment] when he landed, and he also knew that Alow was at the gas station.

Jiang Siming, who had a foreboding, got out of the car without panic, waiting for Alow to show up.

As soon as Alow appeared, Jiang Siming's 3x mirror was already opened, a distance of several meters.

Under the 3X lens, Alow's skin tone can be seen clearly!


The sound of AKM is like a crisp metal crash.

Although M416 also fired, it also hit Jiang Siming, but it only shot one shot and ceased fire.

Because Alow has been swept to death by Jiang Siming's 3 times AKM...

After killing Alow, Jiang Siming ran into the gas station to fight medicine.

At the same time, he had some lingering fears, and almost died.

After seeing the ID, Jiang Siming smiled bitterly. This brother-in-law, this trick almost killed his brother-in-law.

Jiang Siming was really taken aback this time. In the past, he was reminded by [Dangerous Perception].

This time I really depended on my extreme reaction and operation to lift my life up.

No, I wanted to invite my brother-in-law to have a meal. Now, fart!

The audience was so shocked by this thrilling scene that Alow almost killed Myojin.

The American audience was naturally sighing, and the ‘magic skill’ that nearly killed Myojin was achieved by their American players.

It seems that they still have no life~

Although Alow surprised Jiang Siming, he also gave Jiang Siming a good piece.

"Pick up the orange shards of [Excalibur Royal Thunder Technique]*1 (1/1), the number of shards is full, you can use it directly."

【Extreme Sword Guarding Thunder Magic Technique】: One of the thaumatisms of Qingyunmen Town in the novel "Zhuxian", paved with magical blades, attracting nine heavens and magical thunders, shining mighty and supernatural power, shaking the earth when making moves, and changing colors , The leader is invincible and powerful!

This skill is displayed in the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, and its power is even greater!

And can trigger special effects: summon Lu Xueqi clone to fight with the Lord.


When Jiang Siming saw this skill, he covered his face, why would Zhu Xian enter in disorder.

Also, can this skill still summon Lu Xueqi?

I really want to see what Lu Xueqi looks like, wait for the copy to try (smiling).

And Jiang Siming also finally had a stronger sword technique besides [Slash of the Storm].

Gale Breathless Slash was used during the Golden Core Period, and Jiang Siming hadn't obtained a powerful sword technique after the Nascent Soul Period.

The startled salamander that caused him is now an ‘aircraft’, which can only be used for flying with swords.

Jiang Siming feels wronged (laughs and cries)...

Coming out of the gas station, Jiang Siming continued to search for prey.

Players died in his hands one after another, until the seventh wave of Fate Circle.

Jiang Siming has already reached 26 people.

And he also managed to collect all the pieces needed for [Equestrian Mastery] and [Vincena Racecourse].

The exclusive airdrop skills have been used, but unfortunately there are no fragments.

This one does not seem to have many fragments, but in fact many.

It's just that there are too many synthetic fragments required for horse farms, villas, and equestrian skills, which leads to a little bit less new fragments.

But there is no way that Jiang Siming ran out of omnipotent fragments.

It is impossible to have such a good thing every time, every piece does not need to be synthesized.

Then it's not called a fragment.

But this time the fragments were enough to satisfy Jiang Siming.

With 26 kills and two more kills, it will surpass the record of 27 kills in the previous round.

At this time, there were not many people on the scene, only four were left.

Just when Jiang Siming was confident that he could surpass the previous game record.

Suddenly, his computer went black.

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