I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2560: The stars are dim tonight

After a meal, the guests enjoyed themselves.

Jiang Siming also took the family back home.

Before leaving, Zhao Xuan did not forget to tell Daphne and Su Ji to go to her house for dinner next week.

For this reason, although the two women were very embarrassed, they nodded and agreed.

When they got home, the girls were still discussing that when Daphne and Su Ji would come next time, they must make their relationship with their husbands go further.

Jiang Siming has no say in this, let them arrange, anyway, he is just a tool of certain feelings.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Siming was about to think that when he was in bed again tonight, a phone call would put his plan on the ground.

It was the old man from the Tian Group.

After Jiang Siming connected, the old man didn't have time to tease him as usual, but said anxiously: "Jiang boy, are you sure to continue your life?"

Jiang Siming was taken aback, thinking that something had happened to him or the elder, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, what's the matter?"

The old man was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said straightforwardly: "There is a very important old man whose life will not last long and is about to leave us. Both the elders and I want to ask you if there is a way to continue our life."

"Yes." Jiang Siming cut the railway firmly.

"Will you be embarrassed? Or if the price is too high, forget it."

The old man still asked with some worry, he was afraid that this method of renewing his life would cost Jiang Siming a high price, so he could only forget it.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it myself. If I say yes, then there is." Jiang Siming replied affirmation.

"Okay, then I'll send a helicopter to pick you up, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"No, give me a position, I can get there right away." Jiang Siming replied.

The old man smiled and said, "Look at my mind, I almost forgot your skills. Okay, it's at the General Hospital of Tanzhou City, Xiang Province. You come to the door and I'll be waiting for you there."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Jiang Siming hung up the phone, told his wives that he was going out, and walked out of the house.

Looking up, the night sky was pitch black, and a star fell in the south.

Immediately afterwards, it rained heavily in the sky.

Jiang Siming had a hunch that this was a sign that an important person was about to die.

Who will it be?

With some weight and anxiety, Jiang Siming disappeared in Shanghai.

In the next second, he appeared at the General Hospital of Tanzhou City, Xiang Province.

Here, it was quiet at this time, surrounded by guards, and the hospital was surrounded by water.

The rain is the heaviest in Hunan Province, and it seems that God is reluctant to leave a character inside.

The rain fell on Jiang Siming and bounced off automatically.

The surrounding guards were a little shocked to see this scene.

Just when they wanted to come to check, the old man Tian Zu ran out of the hospital.

"Quick! Boy Jiang!"

Jiang Siming heard the anxiety in the old man's words, and it seemed that the person he was talking about was really critical.

He swept away his spiritual knowledge and immediately found out where he was. After he had no time to pay attention to the old man, he disappeared in place again.

The next moment, Jiang Siming appeared in a intensive care unit.

It was full of important people, even the elders.

Everyone's face is abnormally heavy, and the expression is painful.

Every doctor in the ward cried and blushed, and every nurse shed weak tears.

"The pulse is almost zero, prepare to record the time of the teacher's death." The most authoritative old doctor in the hospital said with red eyes and sighed to the other doctors beside him, asking them to record the time.

Soon, the old man in the hospital bed is about to leave China.

This will be the loss of All China.

No matter how powerful a doctor is, there is nothing he can do.

The elder just wanted to speak, but found that Jiang Siming appeared in the ward. His eyes lit up, he thought about it, and said to everyone: "You all go out first, I'll talk to the teacher."

Everyone left the ward in silence, thinking that the elder wanted to send the teacher alone for the last time.

When the people were gone, Jiang Siming walked to the hospital bed and saw the person lying on it, his heart ached.

No wonder the old man of the Tianzu group asked him if he could do anything in such a hurry, no wonder the stars were dim today and the sky was raining heavily.

It turned out that he was really a giant, about to die.

His departure will be a major loss for All China.

Because of his achievements, no one has come before, and his existence has made the world no longer famine.

If it were in ancient times, this teacher was a god-like existence.

No, at this moment, his influence and contribution are also enough to compare with the gods.

Without hesitation, Jiang Siming took out a red fruit, personally, and carefully fed it to the old man.

The old man ate the fruit, and the dead energy that had originally covered his body quickly dissipated, and his body functions began to rejuvenate.

On the brain wave instrument, the picture that had tended to be a straight line jumped again.

Before long, the old man opened his eyes.

Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief and smiled fortunately.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise, he might not be able to recover.

"Why... haven't I left?" The old man looked confused.

The elder was very happy and said, "Teacher, thanks to Xiaozi Jiang, I saved you back."

The old man looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled softly at him and took the initiative to say: "Grandpa, you can't go. Your dream has not been fulfilled. How can you leave? Besides, China cannot live without you, absolutely can't."

The old man was startled for a moment, grinned, and sighed: "It looks like I walked through the ghost gate. If you don't walk well, you don't walk well. You're right. I still have a dream to complete."

Jiang Siming's eyes were moist, and he respectfully saluted him, and told him: "Take care of your body in the future. If you feel uncomfortable, call me at any time. I'll be there on call."

After speaking, Jiang Siming handed his business card to the old man.

The old man took it, smiled kindly, and said: "I heard the elder talk about you a long time ago, saying that you are the hope for the future, and I also want to see what kind of hope and future you will bring to China."

"That's because the elders look at me too high, you are the role model that our younger generations should learn from, you are nothing but hope." Jiang Siming said modestly.

He didn't mean to be deliberately humble at all, it was from the bottom of his heart.

For a person like a teacher, he is not qualified to compare. In terms of spiritual realm, he is still a thousand miles away.

The old man waved his hand with a smile, and said jokingly: "You are more capable than me, and I often see your news. My little granddaughters are all your fans."

"Teacher, don't make fun of me. Our whole family are all your fans."

Jiang Siming said embarrassedly.

The elder watched the two chatting and interjected with a smile: "If you two want to talk, find time to have a good chat in the future. Now, let everyone in first, they are still in a hurry."

Satisfying the wishes of many book fans is also the wish of sake, nothing more, no malice.


Second more~

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