I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2553: Talking about billions of projects!

In the end, the speechless Jona could only watch her sister really walk into her boss's office and locked the door.

What was Annie doing inside? Jonah really didn't know.

But I can think clearly with my feet, I must have done nothing good, otherwise I don't need to lock the door.

"This stinky sister! How can this be? I'm just being polite, how can she take it seriously, oooo..."

Although Jonah was complaining, she was helpless, after all, it was her sister.

Besides, even if it wasn't, she couldn't do much now.

Could it be that she rushed over to pat the door and disturbed the two of them.

She doesn't have the courage to be so thin-skinned.

I can only sit in my own position and sulking, dreaming about what the two of them will do ‘bad things’ inside.

I blushed and my heart beat as I thought about it, and I quickly shook my head, leaving those shameful images behind.

"Secretary Jona, is the chairman here? I want to discuss some work matters with him."

Just as Jona was stunned, a woman came over.

At first Jonah thought it was a lady, and Huarong was pale with fright.

After all, my sister is doing something indescribable with the chairman. It would be terrible if she was discovered by the wife.

Fortunately, Jonah discovered that this was not a wife, but Daphne, the president of Jiang's car company.

Jona was relieved to see his wife who was not Jiang Siming coming.

But at this time she was still very nervous.

"Oh, President Daphne, the chairman is in the office, but he is talking to someone and may need to wait a while."

Daphne nodded with a smile when she heard the words, and said, "Okay, I'll wait here."

After speaking, he sat on the sofa in the rest area and waited unhurriedly.

Jonah was smiling inwardly, and it was over, sooner or later she would be discovered.

At this time, Daphne had already started to sound curiously: "Secretary Jona, who is the chairman talking to?"

Jonah hesitated, trying to lie, but couldn't say it. After all, Daphne would know if the door opened for a while.

"The chairman... is talking to my sister..."

"With your sister?" Daphne was suspicious, after all, what is the world's richest man talking about with a star.

The identities of the two are not at all right.

Jonah of Jizhongshengzhi had an idea, and said: "Yes, my sister wants to set up a company in Hollywood, and wants to invite the chairman to cooperate and attack... attack the entertainment industry, right, right, that's it."

Daphne believed this, she didn't ask any more, and waited again.

A little bit of time passed, and there was still no sign of opening the door in the office.

Jonah's sweat was about to come out, and her sister was mad at her heart.

This elder sister is too unreliable, so she blatantly robs her of love, and forgets the man who snatches her own sister.

Still doing that kind of thing over and over on this occasion.

The thing that left Jona most speechless, she had to watch the door for both of them... and lied to others.

Jonna felt that her sister must be the nemesis sent to her by heaven.

Just when Daphne couldn't wait.

The door of the office opened.

Jonah covered her face, for fear of seeing her sister's untidy clothes.

But something she didn't expect, Annie walked out of the office in an open manner, her clothes didn't look messy, she was very decent.

Jiang Siming also came out with her, and the two shook hands at the door.

"Miss Anne, I will consider your intention to cooperate. The Hollywood movie market is indeed very popular, and I will consider it carefully." Jiang Siming said.

Anne Hathaway smiled openly and said: "Thank you so much, President Jiang. Don’t take special care of me because I’m Jona’s sister. Everything is based on interests. No matter what, I hope I will be with Jiang. The total cooperation to start a company."

"Haha, no problem, then don't send it."

"Goodbye, President Jiang."

After finishing talking, Annie raised her head and walked out of the office dignifiedly.

It seemed that nothing happened, but with sharp eyes, Jonah clearly saw the two long legs of her sister walking, shaking slightly, and there was still an undissipated blush on her face.

Especially with the confusion and satisfaction in her eyes, she dare to conclude that her sister has absolutely no business talks, and patronizes her!

Annie came to Jonah and said with a serious face: "Jonah, I have finished talking with Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang said, you can get off work early today, let's go, and take my sister home. My sister is still planning a project. ."

Jonah stayed where she was, blinked, and then reacted with hindsight, oh, cleaned up, and left with her sister.

Daphne next to her had no doubts at all.

Jonah just wanted to say at this time that my sister is really an old fox, and she acts too much.

If she hadn't known what happened between the two of them, she would have been deceived by her sister.

Talking about business? Have you seen anyone who talks about business wears that kind of clothes?

Talking about projects of billions of dollars!

But in front of Daphne and Jiang Siming, she definitely wouldn't dare to say.

But going back, she must settle the bill with her sister, and send her back to the U.S. as soon as possible tomorrow.

This sister is so uncomfortable!

On Daphne's side, she watched the two sisters leave without any doubt, and then smiled and said to Jiang Siming: "Is the chairman ready to attack the film and television industry?"

Jiang Siming haha, smiled and said, "I have this idea."

Just kidding, what kind of film and television industry does he see.

Although the film industry is indeed very profitable, for him, the world's richest man, it is simply a fraction of the profit.

How slow is it to make money from filming? No matter how good a movie is, it can only collect billions of dollars at the box office.

Moreover, the cycle is too long. It takes more than half a year or even a few years to make a blockbuster movie.

He doesn't have the patience to wait.

Otherwise, why didn't he care about such companies as Huayi and Emperor.

The profitability of any subsidiary of his company can crush these entertainment companies.

The reason for acting in this play with Annie is that Jiang Si had heard every move outside tomorrow morning.

Originally, he was going to send Annie away with a transfer technique.

But when he heard that Jonah lied for them, he simply acted according to Jonah's words, and didn't have to end it in a hurry.

He and Annie slowly talked about the ‘big project’ inside, and didn’t go out until the talk was over.

All this, Daphne was kept in the dark.

"Let you wait a long time, let's talk first." Jiang Siming invited Daphne into the room.

Daphne readily agreed that Daphne was really here to talk.

"Chairman, during this period of time, our cars have achieved mass production. Su Ji has established sales channels in most of China's cities. The production, sales, and after-sales sectors are no less than any other China's car. An enterprise can be listed in China at any time."

Daphne brought Jiang Siming a big surprise.


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