I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2546: The old monster is crazy

"I warn you Jiang Siming, my disciple will inherit my mantle in the future, she will inherit the road of Wangqing, dare to touch her, believe it or not, I will let you die without a place to be buried!"

Fairy Bing Po's anger, originally she didn't support the two being together, and now Yun Luo ran away with Jiang Siming behind her back, changing from Wang Qing Dao to Infatuation Dao.

Now that Jiang Siming would say such shameful remarks in front of her, she was almost mad.

"She's my wife, have you ever seen a couple who don't make children? Your parents don't make children. Where did you come from? Could it be that you jumped out of the stone? Female version of Wukong?"

"Besides, why such a noble, pure and great thing is so dirty in your eyes? It's still a problem of your thinking!" Jiang Siming said grandiosely.

In his eyes, making children is a noble, great and pure thing.

Fairy Ice Soul is speechless, why is this person so brazen!

"Okay, it doesn't matter to me that your nasty thoughts are bad, but now I'm going to sleep with my lady, you can stay cool."

Jiang Si obviously didn't plan to talk to this woman anymore, it was a waste of his time.

He has already determined that Fairy Bingpo will not be able to get down from the previous session at all. He is very safe. This is the red line of love. It should only connect him to Fairy Bingpo.

Relying on this red thread, you can sense each other no matter where you are, that's all.

Then he doesn't need to be afraid anymore.

While talking, Jiang Siming had already returned to his bedroom, lay down directly, put his arms around the two beautiful ladies, and was about to sleep with his eyes closed.

"Asshole!!! You bastard!"

A thoughtful voice blasted in his mind.

Jiang Siming was shocked and found it was the voice of Fairy Bingpo. He was stunned, and then he also used his thoughts to communicate.

"What are you doing! Shouting."

"In addition to harming my disciples, you also harm so many women at the same time. You are inferior to pigs and dogs! Human face beasts!"

"I wipe, can you see it?"

"It's clear! There are eleven women lying on this bed, including my disciple, you are really ***..."

Jiang Siming had automatically ignored the words behind Fairy Bingpo, and she had set aside the telegram.

He only wants to figure out one thing now, that is, Fairy Ice Soul can not only chat with him, but also monitor his every move?

That would be too fucking, don’t you have to broadcast live to this woman after eating and shit?

Jiang Siming, who doesn't believe in evil, secretly stretched out his hand to Bingbing.

"Stop! Bastard! Demon!" Before reaching it, he was scolded bloody.

Jiang Siming was sure, she could really see it.

He felt it a little, and realized that he could also see the situation on Fairy Bingpo.

But there was nothing good about this woman, and he wasn't interested in seeing it either.

Jiang Siming now has a headache and he is being spied on live.

If you continue like this, you won't make children with your wife in the future. If there is any movement, you must be scared by this old monster to nourish your stomach.

No, no, you must think of a way.

Jiang Siming took a closer look at the red line on his arm, and after pondering it, he found a black spot on the red line.

Jiang Siming pressed on the black spot, and suddenly, his induction with the old monster suddenly stopped.

Jiang Siming is overjoyed, he seems to have found a way, he can choose to block the old monster.

He tried, and after turning off the black spot, he touched Bingbing again, but there was no response.

There was no response when she touched Yunluo again.

Jiang Siming opened it again and asked, "Did you see anything just now?"

"I still want to ask you, what did you do? Why can't I feel it!" Fairy Ice Soul asked angrily.

Jiang Siming asked again: "Look at the red line on your arm. Are there any black spots?"

"No, why?" Fairy Ice Soul answered in confusion.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay." Jiang Siming laughed, he was relieved.

It turned out that he was the only one who could choose to shield, but Fairy Ice Soul could not shield himself.

It seems that I can still fully control the initiative, hehe.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming said to Fairy Bing Po with a look of awkwardness: "Okay, I don't want to hear you beep, you scold slowly, I'm going to sleep with my sweet wives. A single dog for a thousand years, continue to sleep alone."

After speaking, Jiang Siming pressed the black dot again, blocking all signals from Fairy Bingpo.

"You have nowhere to sleep. When you sleep, I will wake you up, hey, hey! How about people?"

Fairy Bingpo hadn't realized that she was shielded, she yelled a few times and found that there was no movement, and found that she could not sense Jiang Siming.

She hurriedly pressed the red line again, but there was no response, even if it was pulled, there was no movement.

"Bad son! Don't let me find you, I have to kill you if I find you!" Fairy Bing Po scolded his mother with anger.

But Jiang Siming at the other end was already asleep with his arms around the beauty.

When he woke up the next day, Jiang Siming opened the red line again playfully, just in time to see the picture of Fairy Bingpo taking a bath in Donghuang Yuchi.

He smiled, and suddenly came to her mind: "Gu can touch you, old monster."


Fairy Bingpo was frightened, and immediately hid in the pool.

But I found that there was no one next to me, so I remembered the red line.

She was full of shame and anger, and replied to Jiang Siming: "Asshole! You closed it for me! It's almost closed!"

"And, I'm not, hey, this figure is really good, exactly the same as Bingbing, oops~" Jiang Siming said sullenly.

Fairy Bingpo was so angry that his brain was dizzy, but he was helpless.

Jiang Siming didn't want to continue teasing her, saying, "I just got up and took a look. There is nothing else, you can continue to take your bath."

After speaking, he hung up.

Fairy Bingpo confirmed repeatedly that Jiang Siming had turned off the red line, and ran out of the pool quickly.

But as soon as he came out, Jiang Siming appeared again.

"Hahahaha, so good-looking, so good-looking, really wonderful, really sexy, quack, slipped away."

As Jiang Siming spoke, he disappeared again.

what! !

Fairy Bingpo was mad, and with a wave of his bare hand, he smashed the entire back garden into a mess, but still couldn't relieve his anger.

In this way, Jiang Siming would secretly open the red line every day in his spare time, confess a few words to Fairy Bingpo, and then drive off quickly.

Fairy Bingpo was so troubled by Jiang Siming that he didn't even dare to go to his favorite bath, so he could only wrap himself up to three levels inside and outside three levels every day.

But after a long time, she couldn't hold on anymore, because she was so hygienic that she could not bear not taking a bath for many days.

In order to avoid being peeked by Jiang Siming, Fairy Bingpo simply chose to retreat.

After Jiang Siming found out, he immediately pulled the red line to force the Ice Soul Fairy in the closed state back to reality.

Then continue to harass every day.

Fairy Ice Soul is almost crazy...

I can only choose to take a bath. Every time I take a bath, I have to surreptitiously. My favorite bathing session is also avoided. I dare not soak for fear that I will be caught by Jiang Siming after a long time.

It's the same as being a thief.

Jiang Siming had a lot of fun and harassed every day.

Swish, hehe...


Third more~

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