I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2521: You move!

Jiang Siming is really unwilling to go, but...can't stand there is a Nangong Wan next to him.

"Husband, Master is kind to me, please...help me Master once..."

Seeing Nangong Wan's pitiful and chuchu eyes, Yushou shook his arm, acting spoiled.

Jiang Siming's heart softened, of course, a certain sponge substance was just the opposite.

"No, your master is not familiar to me, and it's too late to say I hate her. How can I help her?" Jiang Siming insisted on his position.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Wan stepped up again, her whole body leaning on Jiang Siming, shaking from side to side.

"Husband, Wan'er please, it's a big deal..."

When she said this, Nangong Wan blushed and said something softly in Jiang Siming's ear, and Jiang Siming's eyelids jumped.

This... condition, can't be refused!

Now the means of testing cadres are really becoming more and more overwhelming.

"No, I want to..." Jiang Siming immediately raised, and said a few words in Nangongwan's ear.

Nangong Wan suddenly turned red and big flowers on her face, she was ashamed to death.

But in order to repay Master, she obediently nodded her head and said hello like a mosquito.

Jiang Siming was satisfied.

The two couples said shameful love, but ignored Yun Luo next to them.

Yunluo was dumbfounded, her face flushed.

Please, she is also an out-of-aperture cultivator anyway, she can't hear you in such a low voice?

She heard it clearly.

Yun Luo, who is a single emotional little white, could not hear such shameful love words, she immediately felt like sitting on pins and needles, and could not wait to Alt+F4 directly.

Jiang Siming, as if not seeing her expression, turned around and said to Yun Luo: "It's not impossible to ask me to help, but I have to be a little better?"

Yun Luo wanted to say that Wan'er had already benefited you.

But when it came to her lips, she couldn't say anything. When she said it, wouldn't it be the same as admitting that she had just heard it.

That's so embarrassing, just find a hole to go in.

"Then... what benefits does Fellow Jiang want?"

"I don't know yet, mainly I don't know what you cover up with Moon Sect, so let's take me to the treasure house of Cover Moon Sect after it's done. I will pick a treasure and take it away, and it will be paid."

"This...well, I just agree." Yun Luo gritted her teeth and agreed.

If you don't agree, your sister's condition is getting worse and worse, and Jiang Siming must be asked.

"All right, when will we leave?" Jiang Siming asked.

"It's best to set off now, I'm afraid it will change later." Yun Luo answered.

Jiang Siming was a little reluctant, and said: "Then what about the'Biology Common Sense Class' between me and my female disciples?"

"The matter is urgent, please trouble fellow Jiang Daoist." Yunluo pleaded bitterly, although she didn't know what a biology generals class was until now.

"Oh, okay, okay, it's because of your face, wait, let me explain a few words to my lady."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he turned around and hugged Nangong Wan's affectionately and said: "Can you go back by yourself? I will send you back first?"

"No need, husband, I can go back by myself." Nangong Wan smiled happily and said softly.

"Well, your husband will go back as soon as you go. Wait for me at home. Don't forget that you have to fulfill the promise you just made when you come back." Jiang Siming squeezed Nangong Wan's pretty face with a smirk.

Nangongwan was so embarrassed that she immediately threw herself into Jiang Siming's arms, and gave him a symbolic blow with the fan fist.

Jiang Siming reluctantly kissed Nangongwan's red lips. The young couple were so affectionate.

I completely ignored Yun Luo's feeling next to him.

Yun Luo was quite **** inside at this time.

"They say too much..."

The two were tired and crooked for a while, Jiang Siming let Nangong Wan go, and watched her fly back to the sect, only to remember that there was Yun Luo beside her.

Instead of being embarrassed, Jiang Siming gave him a rake.

"Why are you embarrassed to peek at our husband and wife's affection? Are you so hungry, why don't you find a boyfriend for a relationship and peek at others?"

Yunluo wanted to vomit blood, so I was here from start to finish, because you were too devoted to forget her, OK! !

Fortunately, Yunluo only wanted to save her sister, so she didn't bother to care about Jiang Siming.

The two immediately set off from the Far East City, and Yun Luo was preparing to fly his sword into the air.

But Jiang Siming was dragged down.

"Eldest sister, at your speed, it would take the year of the monkey to arrive." Jiang Siming said disgustingly, this is not a waste of his time.

He also wanted to grab some time to go back to Xiaozhufeng for biology class. It was a little nervous and hopeful to be a biology teacher the first time.

"Then...how to go?" Yun Luo asked.

"Hold me tight and take you to fly." Jiang Siming said in a straightforward manner.

Yun Luo's face turned black and said: "Don't think about it!"

"Only in this way can you reach the Masked Moon Sect at the fastest speed. Of course, if you want to fly over with your own Yujian, at least one or two days, then you fly first, and I will set off after two days. That's it, I will go home first. "Jiang Siming turned around after speaking.

"Wait." Yun Luo hurriedly stopped.

Jiang Siming turned around and said impatiently: "What are you doing?"

"Really...you can only hold it?" Yun Luo's expression was quite unnatural.

"Nonsense, I can lie to you. I never lie to women. Okay, honest and reliable Xiao Langjun is not for nothing." Jiang Siming said righteously.

Yun Luo thought for a while, hesitated for a while, considering that her sister was indeed in danger at any time and could be in a demon at any time, as long as she agreed.

Jiang Siming opened his arms, Yun Luo's face flushed, and his jade hands were secretly clenched, loosened, and clenched.

Repeated this several times, and finally seemed to have gathered courage and stepped into Jiang Siming's embrace.

Jiang Siming held back his smile, gathered his arms again, hugged him, and the two immediately came close to each other.

Yun Luo only felt her brain blank, her body was hot, and her breathing started to become difficult.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Si asked knowingly.

"No... it's okay, you move quickly." Yunluo urged.

Feeling the temperature in Jiang Siming's arms, and the tip of his nose could smell the good smell of his body, Yunluo was heartbroken, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"I can't move by myself, why don't you have to cooperate." Jiang Siming smirked.

Yun Luo, who didn't understand what it meant, thought Jiang Siming let her hug her tightly, so Yushou held Jiang Siming's waist tightly again.

Naively replied: "I have cooperated, please move quickly."

"Okay, then I started to move. It's very fast. Can you take it?"

"Well, I can, hurry up." Yun Luo answered dumbly.

Jiang Siming almost laughed, Xiaobai met the old driver and didn't know if he was deceived.

Jiang Siming didn't tease her anymore, and launched a big move technique, and the two disappeared instantly.

In a moment, the two appeared in the sky above the Moon Mask.

Yun Luo didn't even know that she had arrived, and she still stayed in Jiang Siming's arms with her eyes closed.

He didn't dare to move, for fear that his body would have too close contact with Jiang Siming.


Third more~

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