I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2506: Kotakemine·Maid Office

After placing the room for them, Jiang Siming was ready to go back to sleep.

"Brother, is there a school here, does Conna need to attend class?" Conna asked.

Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head, and said, "Not for the time being, because this is not a modern society, and the world is very dangerous. Although your dragons are very powerful, the people here are also very powerful, so without my consent, Don't run around."

"Conna doesn't believe me, brother is lying to me, right?" Conna shook her head and looked disbelief.

She has been in Xiaolin's world for so many years and has never seen any powerful human.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming hugged her and soared into the sky.

Kang Na's eyes were dull and shocked, and then she said to Jiang Siming: "Brother, can I have a fight with you?"

"Emm... if you want, come on." Jiang Siming replied.

Cona who got the affirmation immediately broke free from Jiang Siming's embrace, and a pair of wings appeared behind her, allowing her to fly freely in the air.

He turned into a little white dragon and attacked Jiang Siming.

However, her dragon-shaped attack was easily taken by Jiang Siming, and Conna was subdued in three or two strokes, and she rode on her back and said leisurely:

"Believe it now?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming's first dragon to ride was not a nurse but Conna...

"Conna believes it, Conna surrendered~"

Conna was defeated and had to carry Jiang Siming back to the yard.

But Kang Na was not discouraged, but rather happy. Her new owner turned out to be so tired. It seems that the new owner didn't lie to her, he could live a long time!

"There are spiders, it looks like it needs to be cleaned up here." Thor saw a small spider in the corner of the room and was about to get a broomstick.

Unexpectedly, Kang Na swooped over and ate the spider in one bite.

Thor covered his face and explained to Jiang Siming: "Boss, Kang Na has this problem. I want to eat any small animal when I see it..."

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, no wonder Xiaolin couldn't afford a house all his life, so he bought food for Conna for all the money he earned.

Fortunately, his family has a big business. It shouldn’t be a problem for the world’s richest man to raise a gluttonous dragon... (without confidence)

The next day, Thor and Conner met their two mistresses.

Nangongwan and You Qingguan were curious about the two dragons, Kang Na and Thor. After all, dragons are not visible in the five states.

Only in the upper realm can you see the dragon clan, and the strength of the dragon clan is generally outrageous.

The sight of dragons in the mortal world also opened their eyes.

And these two dragons are so cute, especially Kang Na, can they be cute.

In order to find something for Kang Na and Thor to do, Jiang Siming simply asked Kang Na, who likes to go to school, to practice with Xiao Zhufeng’s female disciples every day.

Two dragons were very curious about the human cultivation techniques in this world, so they all became Xiao Zhufeng's new disciples. They went to class every day and followed Xiao Zhufeng's sisters to learn the secrets of human beings, but the effect was minimal.

Seeing Thor and Kang Na quickly adapt to the world and live here happily, Jiang Siming simply went to the One Piece dungeon and pulled both Flame Lingji and Remram over.

Good guy, Xiaozhufeng suddenly became a maid office.

Kang Na also has two friends who are similar in size, making her happier.

Jiang Siming has one more Yan Ling Ji to accompany him in his practice, and he is equally happy~

This wave, a win-win!

Jiang Siming settled in Xiaozhufeng with peace of mind.

This stay lasted for a few months, during which time Shuiyue, Lu Xueqi, and Tian Ling'er left the customs one after another.

Every time one more person leaves the customs, Jiang Siming's cultivation speed increases by one point.

Until all the ladies are out, Jiang Siming's cultivation speed is full!

The cultivation speed of the nine ladies was also the same. Jiang Siming allocated the Millennium Spirit Spring to Lu Xueqi and the others, and the Wannian Spirit Spring to Shuiyue and You Qingguan.

Realm breakthrough speed is called a fast!

Shuiyue and You Qingguan both arrived in the middle stage of the Out of Aperture Stage, and Lu Xueqi and the others were at the pinnacle of the Nascent Infant Stage.

Xiaozhufeng's strength has completely surpassed the other six peaks of Qingyunmen, and the other six peaks combined are not opponents.

A few days later, over the Xiaozhu Peak of Qingyunmen, there was a shocking vision.

Thunder robbery came.

But it is not the Thunder Tribulation of the Aperture Realm, nor the Thunder Tribulation of the Nascent Infant Realm, but the God Transformation Realm!

The person who wants to make a breakthrough is Jiang Siming.

The vision of the world of transforming the gods, welcoming the attention of all the sects of Dongzhou.

Many sects pray that Jiang Siming must never succeed, because once Jiang Siming enters the realm of the **** of transformation, the Dongzhou sect forces will be completely rewritten.

Qingyunmen will dominate the family.

What disappoints them is.

Jiang Siming easily survived the thunder catastrophe of the transforming gods and became a monk in the transforming gods.

The happiest is Daoxuan.

As soon as Jiang Siming stepped into the Huashen, he asked the Qingyunmen disciples to send out invitations and hold a banquet in the city under the Qingyunmen Mountain, saying that he invited everyone to retell the past.

In fact, I just want to take the opportunity to receive gifts.

Jiang Siming became a cultivator of the Transcendent God Realm, and the status of Qingyunmen skyrocketed. Those who did not dare to offend Qingyunmen or those sects who had a feast with Qingyunmen before.

Reluctantly come over to give gifts to express reconciliation?

How could Dao Xuan let go of such a great opportunity to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the fire. Not only did the sects of Dongzhou sent invitations, but even the sects of other states also sent invitations.

He doesn't care if he comes, but as long as he comes, he must give him gifts, hehe.

It's a pity that his abacus could not escape Jiang Siming's eyes in the end. Jiang Siming proposed to open seven or three, otherwise he would not support the organization.

Daoxuan could only agree despite the painful blood dripping.

This kid is no good, don't expect him to do anything good for the sect.

Anyway, it’s okay to get 70% by yourself.

"You think too much, I'm seven, you three." Jiang Siming reminded him'kindly'.

Daoxuan was so angry that he wanted to kill, but in the end he could only agree, who would let him beat this guy...

Half a month later, the city under Qingyunmen was very lively, and representatives of the sects from various places came to prepare for the banquet.

There are not only the sects of Dongzhou, but also people from the other four states.

Although they are far away, many sects are not willing to let go of this opportunity if they have the opportunity to make friends with Qingyunmen.

Isn't it just a gift? Just give it.

If they can really build a relationship with Jiang Siming, their sect is equivalent to having an extra friend who can transform the gods.

Many people even came to the magic gate.

It can be seen how big the face of the God Realm is.

There are not many monks who can transform into the gods in the land of five states, and they are rare.

As soon as Yun Meng broke through the transformation of God, there were more people who went to cover Yuezong's congratulations than this.

Yunmeng also became a big sister in the five states in an instant.

Now, the big sister on the list has become the big brother Jiang Siming.

Because everyone had heard about it, Jiang Siming went to Xizhou to cover up the trouble in Yuezong and severely injured Yunmeng.

At that time, Jiang Siming could defeat Yunmeng only if he had the strength to leave the Aperture Realm.

Now that he has turned his head, how strong must he be?

Don't these people still know, then naturally they have to take this opportunity to come desperately to build relationships.

Even if you fail to make friends, you can at least be familiar with each other, as long as you are not an enemy.


There is a class reunion today, ask for more leave~ I hope you will approve it!

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