I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2440: Nancy's anger!

Facing the problem of kites, Jiang Siming popularized her:

"That's because we want to carry out automobile reform, really popularize electric vehicles, reduce fuel consumption and environmental pollution, but our own domestic brand car factory is very uncomfortable, and is not actively responding to it at all."

"So the above thought of a way to drive away the tigers and the wolf, the introduction of the United States, let it stimulate the domestic auto companies, and promote the early maturity of the two technologies of electric vehicles and autonomous driving."

Jiang Siming sighed as he said:

"But I didn't expect that the stimulus would not be achieved. On the contrary, it would nourish the appetite of this U.S. capitalist, and his heart would be darkened.

"After he grows up, he doesn't care about any technology, he only cares about his own interests. This kind of unqualified car will dare to sell it everywhere. If this car is replaced in the US, it will not be allowed on the road at all."

Kite was also very angry when he heard that, and said: "This kind of person is too bad. If our own domestic car is justified, it will be better to drive it out! See if he dares to be arrogant."

Jiang Siming looked out the window and thought thoughtfully: "You are right, it is time to put our own car on the agenda."

Jiang Siming had previously considered the issue at last year's annual meeting, and he felt that it was time to start.

Jiang Siming was upset when he thought of such unscrupulous U.S. capitalists making money in China and earning money from Chinese people without their conscience.

But Jiang Siming was a little worried about giving such an important technology to an outsider.

Robot battery technology and fully automatic driving technology, these are all produced in fragments, and their preciousness is no less than that of any technology on the earth.

If it's his own wife, then Jiang Siming is of course relieved.

But none of the wives understand cars, so he can only find others.

Daphne Robert is the best and most suitable candidate.

Jiang Siming also looked at her character and thoughts, and determined that she could be entrusted with important tasks.

But this kind of trust can only be built on the original foundation.

If Daphne is allowed to see these two techniques, whether she can truly serve herself is another matter.

Especially Daphne's father, but the chairman of Rolls-Royce.

She has embraced the automotive industry since she was a child, and of course knows how valuable these two technologies will be.

Whether she will sell herself for the family at that time is really hard to say.

Then there is only one way to dispel this worry, and that is...

A new mission and mission joined Jiang Siming's next plan.

Moreover, this plan is of a rather urgent kind.

"No, I have to discuss it with my wives when I go back, otherwise I won't save them from saying that they are LSPs. This time he is entirely for the benefit of China!"

Jiang Siming thought awe-inspiringly, just thinking about it, I can’t help but want to praise myself, it’s so great~

The two returned home safely, thinking they were all asleep.

Unexpectedly, in the living room, a beautiful shadow was sitting on the sofa watching TV, as if waiting for them to come home.

"Sister Nancy, why are you still asleep?" Kite asked suspiciously.

She thought to herself, is she waiting for Jiang Siming to accompany her to practice? Then sister Nancy is too courageous, right?

If that was the case, she would really be impressed by Nancy's bravery.

Dare to'challenge' this big devil alone at night, the little woman admires her with five bodies!

Jiang Siming thought so too. He thought that Nancy really wanted to accompany her in the practice. The excited ones had already decided to wait for Nancy to practice in her favorite posture, so she would be rewarded~

But to the surprise of the two of them, Nancy didn't come to Jiang Siming to practice, but came to...resign!

"Husband, I want to go back and stay for a few days."

Jiang Siming walked over, put his arms around her shoulders, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Is something happening at home? If you want your husband to help, just speak up."

Nancy shook her head, but instead said with an apologetic expression: "No husband, it is a company in our country that has brought trouble and trouble to China, and I want to go back and ask my father to deal with it seriously."

"What happened?" Jiang Siming was still buried in the dark.

Nancy had to explain to Jiang Siming.

It turned out that after he went to a game with Kite at night, the other sisters in the family saw the latest news.

It was said that it was a well-known Swedish clothing company that blatantly boycotted cotton from the Western Regions, terminated cooperation, discredited the facts, and slandered China.

As soon as this happened, the Internet exploded. Chinese netizens were very angry and scolded the Swedish company for its shameless behavior.

At the same time, many impatient netizens hate the Swedes.

More importantly, everyone knows that Jiang Siming has a daughter-in-law who is a Swedish princess.

It would be even worse.

Everyone's anger involved Nancy, and they were all asking Nancy to explain.

After learning about the news, Nancy apologized and aggrieved.

This matter has nothing to do with her, but it is also connected.

After all, this company is indeed in its own country, and she is a member of the Swedish royal family, so naturally she has joint responsibility.

So thinking about it, Nancy wants to go home for a few days, so as not to affect her husband's reputation.

After listening to the causes and consequences, Jiang Siming laughed nonsense: "Fool, what's the matter with you, it's just that some Chinese netizens have lost their judgment, but sane people will not blame us."

What else Nancy wanted to say, but Jiang Siming continued to comfort him: "Furthermore, every country has a very individual rat poop. No one wants this kind of situation, but it can't be avoided. I believe your father. It will be handled."

"Okay, but I still have to rush my father." Nancy said, still couldn't help taking out her mobile phone and dialing the number at home.

It's okay if she doesn't go back, but she must let the father and the king deal with the bird enterprise as soon as possible.

If you dare to slander her husband's country, you must do it plainly for you!

She is Huaxia’s daughter-in-law, and of course she stands firmly on her husband’s side~

The call was quickly connected, and Nancy's father's voice came.

"Daughter, I know what you want to say. I'm sorry and angry when such a thing happened."

Jiang Siming interjected: "Father-in-law should not blame himself too much. It has nothing to do with you. Naturally, this company must be dealt with. However, I also suspect that someone is behind it. If things like this come, check them out if it's convenient."

"Don't worry, I will take care of it, give Huaxia a satisfactory account, and give my son-in-law an account. You should also take care of my daughter. I heard that some netizens are angering her."

"Then please come to my father-in-law. I will take care of Nancy. She is very good here. Those are just some irrational netizens. Most of them are still very discerning."

"That's good, I won't say anything, wait for my news."


Second more~

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