I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2438: Back to the top!

"Fuck his grandfather, I'm obviously using my posture, and there is a car next to it as a cover. He can blow my head with a single shot? Lock it! Fak!"

The SQ player who was knocked down even suspected Jiang Siming to open up technology.

Although this game plug-in has long since disappeared, he is a rookie player after all, and he has never experienced the scariest [Myojin Era].

The first time I met Jiang Siming, he couldn't believe it was true.

His body is so spicy and elegant, but the other party's bullets seem to lock his head accurately.

Can this be done for him as well through the sewing machine?

But SQ was already riding a tiger, because TL was already on his face.

"Hit! Speed!"

Captain SQ shot immediately, and accurately knocked down a TL member who was facing his face and got out of the car.

But before he had time to make up for it, another shot was silenced at 98K, and he fell to the ground.

The remaining SQ member Hwinn was very upbeat and swept the two TL players from the car at once.

In the end, only one TL member remained.

The TL member has already got off the car and sent it to his face.

But at this time, Jiang Siming had stepped on the accelerator and drove down.

Hwinn wanted to shoot and kill the last person in TL, so that he could completely receive four points.

So even if he heard the sound of getting closer and closer behind him, he couldn't care about it.

But when he raised his gun to kill the last person, Jiang Siming's rifle sounded behind him, and he shot it in seconds!

SQ just left Jiang Siming alone, and was killed by him in the blink of an eye.

"Fakfakfak!!!" All SQ members yelled and slapped the table with anger.

"It's okay, we still killed the three of TL, three more points, a total of seven points, we still surpassed Gen.G, two more points, and now we are number one."

The SQ captain comforted that the other three members thought about it. Anyway, if the score is the first, it will be even more difficult for 4AM to catch up.

Just when SQ was complacent.

In the game, after Jiang Siming killed the last person of SQ, he did not aim his gun at the remaining TL members.

He turned the front of the car, avoiding the gun line of the last man in TL, and... actually ran to make up for it!

SQ knocked down all three of TL just now, but there was no time to make up for them.

As long as Jiang Siming fills them up in the past, the head will be his, and it has nothing to do with SQ.

TL also understood this. The last member, Ibiza, swept Jiang Siming's car frantically in an attempt to kill him.

Or irritate Jiang Siming and let him kill himself, so that at least SQ can get three points.

But Jiang Siming turned a blind eye to his provocation and drove straight to the fallen TL members.


When the spectators in the North American Division saw Jiang Siming driving down the TL member, they all shouted in their throats, begging Jiang Siming not to help.

But Jiang Siming didn't care at all, so he drove and ran over.

One kill!

Two kills!

Three kills!

Crushing all the way, the three fallen TL players were crushed to death on the spot with wheels.

Easily put these three heads into the bag.

The SQ team members were so angry that they wanted to smash the keyboard. The precious three-pointers could surpass Gen.G's three-pointers, so Jiang Siming picked it up.

It's strange that they are not angry.

The audience in other regions laughed and gloated. Who would let you engage in this kind of underworld trick, relying on the actors to get points and want to be beautiful!

Ibiza is also so angry, they are here to give points to my good brother SQ, not to give you points to Jiang Siming!

The angry Ibiza was so angry that he threw throwing objects at Jiang Siming frantically, and threw the grenade Molotov cocktail over.

However, while Jiang Siming was driving the car, these projectiles couldn't touch him at all.

On the contrary, it reminded Jiang Siming that there was another kill point waiting for him.

Jiang Siming turned around and drove the car back, and rushed towards Ibiza.

Ibiza has a serious look and strong fighting spirit, ready to fight Jiang Siming desperately.

But it is still not Jiang Siming's enemy of Yihe, and he was seconded in the car...

When the two teams got their heads in hand again, SQ was over.

Jiang Siming drove again and drove to other places.

At this time, Jiang Siming was still addicted.

Operating the keyboard and mouse, looking at the computer screen, Jiang Siming seemed to have returned to the beginning, beheading one opponent after another while bragging with his brothers.

It's still interesting to play this kind of team competition, and it's much more fun than the singles.

For singles, Jiang Siming didn't have any pressure at all, so he killed them casually.

Only this kind of team competition can put him under pressure, and every time he encounters people, he is a whole team, harvesting four heads at a time, which can be more efficient than finding enemies one by one in a single player.

The main reason is that the Holographic Jedi has not yet started the team competition, and Jiang Siming is a bit lonely alone.

There is no passion for playing with brothers.

After the holographic team game, Jiang Siming planned to find a few teammates to form a new team.

It's just that he hasn't thought about the personnel yet, so he can't let Ah Wei and the others switch to Hologram, they are not the same.

If you want to change a new teammate, Jiang Siming really doesn't know who to look for for a while.

If it doesn't work, I can only go to his university to recruit a few students.

Jiang Siming, who feels hot, just looks for people all the way and kills them all the way.

He wiped out the first three teams.

Then look for those non-China teams and do it when they meet.

It wasn't until later that they dealt with the Huaxia team.

In the end, Jiang Siming scored 22 kills alone, and the other three in 4AM scored 6 kills, successfully eating chicken without any suspense.

The reason why only 22 were killed was not because Jiang Siming's technique changed.

It was he deliberately. He specifically controlled the points. The team had scored 28 kills. With the last lap followed by the ranking points, they definitely surpassed Gen.G.

The remaining people, Jiang Siming left to the Huaxia team, and also helped them clear the most difficult enemy to gnaw.

Allow them to enter the circle smoothly and win the target.

Since your North American team wants to play yin, then he is not welcome.

In this way, until they got enough points, Jiang Siming cooperated with 4AM to collect them one by one, and finally ate chicken.

A total of 38 kills, which is 38 points, plus the lap points and the point rewards for eating chicken, this adds a total of nearly 60 points.

Not only did 4AM become the first place, but also let IFTY and Pero score second and third, squeezing Gen.G and SQ all the way down.

After this game was played, all three of the Huaxia Division were rounded up.

The players in other divisions were so depressed that they almost didn't cry.

But they couldn't say anything. After all, it was really on their own side that they played the diversion first. Jiang Siming still used the color, and there was nothing wrong with it.

In the end, 4AM once again won the championship trophy in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds International Tournament!

After a year, 4AM finally returned to its peak.

After waiting for so long, 4AM fans who finally waited until their favorite team won the championship, tonight, the entire PM Internet cafe was full of voices shouting Myojin.

Jiang Siming smiled and looked at the stadium he had left for a year, and he felt a lot in his heart.


Second more~

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