I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2407: Asgard's first beauty

When the three passed through a section of the palace, there was a long narrow corridor.

The corridor seems to be made of special metal, separated from one room to another.

Many prisoners are held in it.

"These are the guys who violated the Code of God's Domain, and were imprisoned here by my father." Saul introduced.

The three of them continued to walk inside. Suddenly, a person in a room attracted Jiang Siming's attention.

The people inside also saw Jiang Siming.

When this person saw Jiang Siming, the original quiet state was suddenly broken and became mad.

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!"

The prisoner yelled at Jiang Siming, and his original chic image suddenly seemed to be a berserker.

Jiang Siming laughed instead of anger, and said, "Oh, isn't this a weak chicken? You haven't eaten enough for the lesson? It seems that you should be allowed to'eat' more that day."

This man is the initiator of the New York war, Sol's cousin, Rocky.

"You bastard, sooner or later I will make you pay back a hundred times!"

Loki blushed with anger and his neck was thick, and he wouldn't care about how other people beat him, nor would he care.

But only Jiang Siming, the shame he brought to him, is still fresh in my memory.

When Loki goes to bed every day and closes his eyes, he is the full car of Yoneda. It's a shame!

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, no wonder Rocky hated him so much.

Jiang Siming didn't have any expressions, just looking at him, and faintly said three words: "Suction truck."


Loki's conditioned reflex was average, his stomach cramped, and he began to retching on the spot.

"The car **** feces."

"Oh~ don't say it!"

"The dung truck sucks."


The goal is completed, Jiang Siming leaves freely.

Sol glanced at Loki sympathetically, and continued to mutter: "It turned out to be a spell, haha, Loki, if you dare to provoke me, I will chant it too!"

Although Rocky heard it, he was already unable to resist, vomiting dimly, and limp.

Saul took Jiang Siming to a quiet room. He wanted to go in but was thrown out by Jiang Siming.

"Just stay outside."

When Salton smiled wretchedly, he looked at Jiang Siming and then at Kate.

"I know I understand, Master, don't worry, no one will disturb you, but after you succeed, don't forget to help me and let me get in touch with Jane earlier~"

Jiang Siming's face turned dark, then he raised his foot and kicked him more than ten meters away.

Afterwards, he calmly said to Kate: "Come in, let's start."

Kate didn't know, so she really suspected that Jiang Siming wanted to do something strange, and walked in nervously.

After the two entered the house, the door was locked by Jiang Siming.

Sol patted the ashes on his butt, and said, "Master is the master. He clearly wants to do that group of things, but he doesn't admit it. The actions are still very honest. I will just remember a moment for you to see if the master can persist. how long."

Unexpectedly, the door opened in less than ten minutes.

When Salton laughed, he ran up to Jiang Siming and said earnestly: "Master, you don’t seem to be bad, is the kidney not very good? Do you need me to give you the kidney medicine from God’s Domain earlier? Do you make a supplement?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sol discovered that the woman who came out of the house was not Kate, but...Jane!

Sol was dumbfounded on the spot.

"This...it's not true..."

Salton felt a ray of light, at that moment, what pain was dazzling...

Seeing that the dignified Thunder God was about to cry, Jiang Siming laughed, and ‘Jane’ also laughed.

Then Jane changed back to Kate.

"Damn! Master, you are too bad! How can you make such a joke."

Sol feels like riding a roller coaster, he can only say that life's ups and downs come too fast.

"Who made you keep talking and thinking wretched." Jiang Siming shrugged, saying that he was having fun.

Sol couldn't refute, but more attention was still on Kate.

After Kate has the reality gems, the most basic illusions can already be used.

However, the power of reality gems is much more than that. If you want to develop all of them, you have to rely on Kate to explore.

Kate relieved her life from danger and got such a precious treasure again, she couldn't take it anymore.

So he untied the bracelet and returned it to Jiang Siming.

"Lord Dragon God, leave this to you."

Jiang Siming did not accept it, but calmly replied: "Since the gem has chosen you, it means that you are destined to you, so you can put it away first, or keep it for me, if I really want to use it someday , It’s not too late for you to give it to me."

Kate heard the words, and did not twist, put the bracelet back on again, and said: "I will protect it for Lord Dragon God!"

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction and said to Thor: "Okay, if it's okay, we should go back."

Saul just wanted to nod his head, he also wanted to go back to meet Jian Jian as soon as possible.


Outside the palace, there was a soft drink.

The three of them looked back and saw an explosive woman in military uniform standing at the gate of the palace.

The appearance of the woman is stunning. Although she is thin, she is holding a giant sword in one hand, and her cloak is hunting and majestic behind her.

When Saul saw her, his expression instantly became wonderful.

"Hurry up, let's go."

Sol greeted the two of them, trying to escape from here.

Unexpectedly, the woman walked quickly and came to the three of them in the blink of an eye, blocking her way.

"Sol, what did you go after seeing me?" the woman asked sharply.

Saul smiled awkwardly, scratching his head and said: "I want to see my father, he has something to call me."

"Nonsense, God King Odin has already told me just now, and he said he has given me the eternal necklace that should have been given to me to an earthling."

After the woman finished speaking, she turned to look at Jiang Siming and Kate.

When she saw the bracelet in Kate's hand, she grabbed it without saying a word.

Jiang Siming slapped the hand that the woman stretched over.

"What are you doing? Isn't it robbing things in broad daylight? Sol, do you Asgard have a policeman to handcuff her away."

Saul smiled bitterly, and said: "We Asgard have never had a policeman. She is the sister of my good buddy Heimdall. Master, take care of it."

The woman was slapped with Jiang Siming's palm, and she couldn't bear the tone: "I admire your courage. You are the first person in Asgard to provoke me. Now prepare to accept my sanctions!"

With that said, the woman raised the huge sword and prepared to fight.

Kate immediately stood up, taking over for Jiang Siming at any time.

Sol hurriedly stood up to be the peacemaker: "Sif, stop making trouble, and go back quickly. This is my brother and my master. You can fight, and you can't fight him."

"Huh! I won't believe your nonsense, I can't fight it, I don't know until I move my hands, but you worship Thor, the **** of thunder, but worship an earthly man called Master, it's a shame!"

The woman raised her great sword and pointed at Saul disdainfully.

However, in the next second, a figure flashed by, and the sword in her hand disappeared out of thin air.


[Author's digression]: Yesterday the second update~ There was a minor situation, it doesn’t matter, I will make up today

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