I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2398: Brand new widow sister

"Hey, Su Rui, why are you still here?"

Jiang Siming asked in surprise.

Su Rui looked directly at him, and bravely came up with a wave of self-recommendations.

"Mr. Dragon God, if you want to find someone to practice qigong in the future, you can find me! I am also very strong! At least better than her."

Jiang Siming felt a group of crows flying over his head.

"Um... we are not actually practicing... well we are indeed practicing."

Jiang Siming was too embarrassed to tell the truth.

Can’t we say that we are not practicing qigong, but doing the eighteen forbidden things, right?

Su Rui is also a little girl who is only eighteen or nineteen years old. Isn't she a mistake to say such a thing?

"Your proposal is very good. I will adopt it. If there is a need in the next practice, I will find you again."

In order to coax the little girl, Jiang Siming also lost his face.

"Hmm! I will definitely work hard to cooperate with Mr. Dragon God, and I will insist on longer than her!"

Su Rui raised her head and pointed at the black widow confidently, disdainful of the black widow's staying power in her tone.

Is this a Soviet god-level agent? That's it!

The widow sister was also drunk, and was looked down upon by a little girl for the first time.

If she hadn't even been squeezed out of Jiang Siming's energy to speak now, she would have to say it well.

"Ok Ooke, it's a deal. I'll take her to the bath first. See you later."

Jiang Siming was afraid that the widow sister would leak the lie that she had just told her, and walked away after she said it.

Su Rui looked at his back and muttered: "Is it possible to be taken to take a bath when practicing with Lord Dragon God, then I must take the initiative to grab a position next time..."

Unfortunately, Su Rui's wish could not be realized for the time being.

For two days in a row, Jiang Siming immersed himself in studying the battle clothes. He didn't mention the exercises at all, and he didn't call out the mecha again.

Two days later, the research on Jiang Siming's suit was completed, and Fury had already made hundreds of calls to remind him.

Jiang Siming chose to leave, leaving Wakanda temporarily, and flew back to New York with his widow.

At this time, New York is already in a mess.

Because Ultron's artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it has long been separated from the procedures and instructions set by Tony for it.

Ultron believes that the only way to achieve peace is to destroy all human beings, including all the heroes of the reunion.

Ultron invaded Tony's robot army and launched a war.

New York is in chaos at this time, because the Robot Corps is the first to bear the brunt of New York, and then all the cities in the United States.

The American team, Tony, Sol, Hawkeye, and the Hulk united the American army.

Still fighting the Ultron Legion, several people fought back and forth for a few days, exhausted.

They not only have to face the Ultron Legion and the Ultron deity, but also the two superpowers of Quicksilver and the Witch.

It was too difficult to fight. If it were not for the help of the American army, the five people would have passed away from exhaustion.

Fury even dispatched the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But in terms of strength, it is still quite different from the Ultron Legion. The most terrible thing is that the Ultron deity has the ability to resurrect infinitely.

As long as you kill it, it can escape through the network, and then find a robot body and resurrect it!

This kind of undead monster caused a headache for the United States. Coupled with the powerful abilities of the witch and Quicksilver, for a while, the defensive front of New York City became precarious and was on the verge of collapse.

"Damn it, Tony, how many robots have you built! You can't finish it after two days!"

Sol silently looked at the surging robot regiment on the ground, almost unable to swing the hammer in his hand.

"My arrows are almost gone again, and I can only fight with the bow as a knife when I fight." Hawkeye looked at the empty quiver, crying.

"Tony, you have to take full responsibility for this matter. The death of New Yorkers is inseparable from you!" The US team was sweating profusely, and the clothes were soaked.

As Iron Man, Tony knew that this was caused by himself, but his arrogant character still made him reluctant to lower his head.

"I just want Ultron to protect the earth. Who knows that it will evolve. Every scientific research has a good intention. Does it mean that there is no need for scientific progress in the future? You old illiterate!"

"Say it again if you have the ability!" The US team suddenly became angry.

This Tony made a mistake and made a stubborn mouth, and mocked him for being illiterate. No matter how good-tempered people are, he can't bear it.

"Shut up all to me! Let's solve the current problem first!"

Seeing that the two quarreled, it was fortunate that Ferry yelled at him.

Hawkeye asked bitterly: "Director, why haven't the Black Widow and Jiang Siming come yet? They won't run to other places to die, right?"

"Nonsense, Jiang Siming has received so many welfare benefits from our country, and he must dare to see the dead and not save us. SHIELD can't spare him!"

As soon as Fury's voice fell, he found that the sunlight under his feet was covered.

At first, he thought it was clouds covering the sun, but when he looked up, he found that a behemoth appeared in the sky. It was Jiang Siming's Vengeful Wanderer mech.

Seeing this mecha, everyone was shocked, and finally came to help!

But everyone also noticed that on the shoulders of this Shenlong mecha, there was a figure that looked like a robot.

This figure is somewhat similar to the Iron Man suit, but it is not at all. No matter the shape, color and material, it is essentially different from Tony's suit.

"Who is this? Why are you wearing a battle suit?" Sol puzzled.

Tony, who was on the side, said with an unhappy expression: "It is my Mark's suit. Jiang Siming must have changed it privately! This is the prototype of Mark's seventh generation, but the shell and shape have been changed.

Everyone suddenly saw that the widow sister had already flew down in her battle clothes, and joined them, the helmet opened automatically, revealing her true face.

"Hey, long time no see, how is it, do I look good?" The widow sister asked the teammates with a smile.

It was the first time everyone saw the widow sister. It felt like she hadn't seen her for two days, how beautiful she was!

That skin, like a girl, was ruddy and shiny, and that smile seemed to be happier than she had ever been, and it was from the heart.

"It's so beautiful, much better than Tony's red iron shell." The assistant female agent Hill beside Fury commented sincerely.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Tony's face was dark, and he wanted to curse but couldn't say it.

Because the shape of Jiang Siming's reformed new suit is indeed much better than his red shell.

The lines perfectly fit the human body, especially the figure that fits the widow sister, elegant and sexy.

The color is also in line with the aesthetic design. The pure girlish pink shape, blue and white inlaid, also outlines a domineering Chinese dragon totem, the overall look is amazing!


Haha, I was too tired yesterday and slept too hard. I only woke up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but don't worry about it. If you can't do it, you call me a fool!

[Author's digression]: First more~

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