I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2394: Coming to Wakanda

After becoming Jiang Siming's true girlfriend, Zhao Hailun was completely willing to become Jiang Siming's wise helper, and began to study the fusion of nanotechnology and battlewear technology.

Jiang Siming also unreservedly handed over all the suit technology to her to study, and would discuss with her in his free time.

Normally, during the day, you study seriously, but at night you just don’t communicate.

However, the nano battle suit can not be developed in a day or two, and he is not in a hurry. Taking advantage of the free time when there is nothing to do, Jiang Siming continues to buy the production materials of the battle suit everywhere.

It also includes various new materials that appear in Marvel that are not in reality, such as vibrating gold, Edman alloy, cabernet alloy, Aka metal, Ulu, Galaxy glaze and so on.

These are rare metals unique to Marvel, and they are also extremely rare in Marvel.

Vibration should be known, also called sound-absorbing steel, the shield of the US team is made by vibrating.

Regardless of the fact that Zhenjin is very hard, it has a very strong defense.

But among these rare metals, it is actually the weakest.

Everyone is familiar with Edman Alloy. Wolverine’s weapon is made by it, and its hardness can crush vibrating gold.

The representative figure of Carbone Alloy is Deadpool. His knife is made of Carbone Alloy, which is not only extremely sharp, but also inhibits self-healing.

Others like Yaka Metal come from Yongdu's flying arrows in "Galaxy Audition", which can be controlled by sound.

Ulu is a metal unique to Asgard, which can store energy and magic, and Thor's hammer is made of it.

The most powerful is the galaxy glaze. This metal has a rarity of MAX. It can travel freely in space and walk in black holes above stars.

Therefore, Jiang Siming is aiming at these metals, as much as he can take.

A trip to the Marvel copy by yourself can't be for nothing.

Other metals Jiang Siming doesn't know where to find them, but Zhenjin knows that in Marvel's Earth, only Wakanda is the country that has Zhenjin.

It is also because of the existence of Zhenjin that Wakanda is the richest and most technologically developed country in Africa.

As for why Marvel screenwriters set the African countries to be the most technologically advanced, it is actually to expand the African film market.

In addition to vibrating in Wakanda, there is also a superhero king, that is, the black panther.

Although the strength of the Panthers is not among the top few Marvel heroes, it is also an existence that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, the real power of the Panthers is that he can command an entire Wakanda country.

Wakanda is also the most technologically developed country set by Marvel, which means that the Panther is backed by a mountain.

In Reunion 3 and Reunion 4, the Wakanda troops led by the Panthers are an important force to resist the invasion of alien races.

If it weren't for the help of the Panthers, these huge numbers of alien races would be able to kill all superheroes to the death of all superheroes just by tactics.

But Jiang Siming doesn't matter how powerful your Panthers are, he only knows that all the vibrations on the earth come from Wakanda, and he has to get everything he says.

Had it not been for Zhenjin to take a long time to mine, Jiang Si would have stolen it silently tomorrow morning.

Moreover, people in this country of Wakanda are jealous and fearless to death, and Jiang Siming's threats with force are useless.

People prefer to break the jade instead of the complete. Many countries have thought about the idea of ​​using force to beat Wakanda, but without exception, it is not a defeat.

So if you want to get a lot of vibrating gold, there are only two options. The first is to wipe out all the people in Wakanda.

Obviously, Jiang Siming is not a murderous maniac, good or bad, he really can't do it for people who slaughter a country.

Then only cooperation is left.

Since it wants to mine, it must cooperate with Wakanda.

To this end, Jiang Siming directly airborne Wakanda.

When I left, the US side thought that Jiang Siming was going to leave the US to go to other countries, and was so frightened.

Mr. Ao even stopped working and rushed to find Jiang Siming.

After asking Ming Jiang Siming's intentions, Mr. Ao was relieved, but just in case, he reluctantly pretended to give Jiang Siming a magnanimous guarantee.

For the Zhenjin Jiang Siming needs, their Baigong side can be responsible for giving the money.

Because Mr. Ao thought to himself that Jiang Siming wanted to invigorate gold, that is, he wanted to build a battle suit or weapon, and he didn't need much.

If you pay, just pay it, and give it to him as a personal favor.

Jiang Siming didn't say how much vibrating he wanted, so he was very happy to thank others first, and then left.

When the time comes, I will give Mr. Ao a surprise. Well, he will be very happy.

And Wakanda, for Jiang Siming's arrival, is always ready.

It is no wonder that Jiang Siming's Dragon Mecha has caused too much sensation on a global scale. Everyone knows that Jiang Siming has destroyed a whole Zetaru mothership by himself.

The arrival of Jiang Siming made Wakanda like an enemy.

The Panthers, who are meeting in a neighboring country, don't care about what they will do, and quickly return to China.

At Wakanda Airport, all the high-level domestic officials were present. Everyone was waiting. Hundreds of people stood in the same position, but their eyes were fixed on the lonely man on the opposite side.

The black panther, as the king, took the lead: "Mr. Dragon God, I don't know why you come to our Wakanda?"

Jiang Siming looked at the bustling crowd and chuckled lightly: "I'm just here to travel, don't need to be treated so special, it makes me feel like a terrorist."

Black Panther smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Dragon God has misunderstood. It is because of your special status that we will treat it specially. Mr. Dragon God has saved the earth and is the benefactor of the earth and also the benefactor of our Wakanda."

"Well, then I misunderstood everyone." Jiang Siming said casually.

Of course he knew that what the Panthers were talking about was just scenes. Not only did they regard themselves as terrorists, they were also extremely threatening terrorists.

After all, everyone knows that Jiang Siming is in the United States and plays for the United States.

As Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country, they certainly think that Jiang Siming was sent by the United States to make trouble.

No wonder people treat themselves like anti-thief.

But he doesn't care, he is here to cheer up gold.

"To be honest, I'm here to buy vibrating gold." Jiang Siming said straight to the point.

"Does Mr. Dragon God also need vibrating? That's a trivial matter. How much do you need? We will give you some for free, which is considered to be a friend of Mr. Pan." Hei Leopard breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not here to make trouble, it's not robbed but bought, then it's fine.

The Panthers thought the same way. Jiang Siming must just buy a little vibrato for his own use, and use a little vibrato to drive away the time bomb, that would be great.

Who knows that Jiang Siming shook his head with dissatisfaction: "Don't take me for anything, the money must be given! Anyway, Mr. Ao said, he pays for everything!"


I just signed a contract with the landlord today for broadband, and I only come back at ten in the evening. I have to move these days, and the update may be unstable. Sorry, sorry~

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