I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2381: Anti-Jiang Siming armor!

Tony realized the seriousness of the matter.

He originally thought that Jiang Siming couldn't understand his suit technology at all, so he dared to let him touch his company's highest technology on the first day of the interview.

Who knows, Jiang Siming can not only understand, but can even help him upgrade his suit.

Except for monsters, he has no other adjectives to describe this person.

And now there is a big problem before him, that is, Jiang Siming already knows the technology and principles of the suit. If he runs now, he can start a new company to study the suit.

And the other party's research on the suit is more profound than him...

Tony was a little panicked now.

If Jiang Siming develops a new Iron Man suit, which is more advanced than him, then who will be Iron Man in the future?

At this moment, Tony regrets his death, so why have to install the cup and let Jiang Siming get in touch with his core technology.

He had only met Jiang Siming before, and he didn't even know who the other party was.

Little Pepper also realized that it was not good, and immediately gestured to Tony, asking him to take remedial measures.

Tony also understood, and quickly took out a document and handed it to Jiang Siming, saying: "Since you have been hired by our company, then first sign this lifetime contract with the confidentiality contract."

Jiang Siming stopped the action in his hand and chuckled lightly: "What does this mean? Is it a contract?"

Tony quickly explained: "Of course not. I mean that our company is willing to hire you permanently. If you feel that there is a problem with the treatment, you can just mention it. I will also appoint you as the vice president of Stark Industries and give you some more. Company equity."

Faced with such favorable conditions, Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head, and said, "I don't plan to work in your company for a lifetime."

Tony finally couldn't calm down, and said angrily: "What do you mean? A peek at our company's core technology, do you want to leave!"

"Mr. Stark, I want you to make it clear. I didn't take a peek. I looked at it with integrity. This is your permission. Jarvis can testify."

Jarvis said at this time: "Yes, boss."

"Shut up Jarvis!" Tony was angry, and he immediately understood Jiang Siming's purpose.

Then he gritted his teeth and asked Jiang Siming: "You didn't come to apply for the job, right! Your purpose is to steal the suit technology, right! From the beginning to the end, you deliberately angered me and asked me to exchange the suit technology. Give you!"

"You're so smart, Mr. Stark." Jiang Siming stopped pretending, and it was a showdown.

Tony, who knew the truth, knew that he had been fooled, and furiously pointed at Jiang Siming and cursed:

"You thief! Thief! Do you want to replace my company, or do you want to replace my Iron Man name! I tell you, you are all dreaming!"

Jiang Siming stretched his waist and replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Stark, I'm really not interested in your company and your Iron Man's name. I'm just curious about the technology of the suit. I won't compete for the name with you. Yes, it will not steal your company's business. To be honest, with the suit technology you are currently studying, I still look down on it."

Tony, who was once again despised and looked down upon by Jiang Siming, was furious, and rushed forward to grab Jiang Siming's collar and give him a severe lesson.

But he found that Jiang Siming easily raised his hand and pushed him out.

Tony realized that something was wrong, that ordinary people could not have this kind of power, and immediately opened the suit and turned into Iron Man!

"Who are you! Are you a subordinate sent by Rocky or a spy from another country!"

"Your imagination is too rich, I am not anywhere." Jiang Siming replied.

But Tony didn't believe it at all, and snorted coldly: "If you don't tell me, I have a way for you to say it."

After speaking, Tony rushed up, trying to subdue Jiang Siming and arrest him first.

Tony, who has a battle suit, is full of confidence.

Jiang Siming became a little impatient, and when Tony came to the front, he lifted the opponent directly and kicked him back.


Tony was stunned by this kick, and the defensive armor on his chest sank in.

【caveat! Damage degree: 40%】

"I've said it all. I'm just curious about your battle suit skills and want to borrow it. I didn't want to grab your name and business. Now that I have read it, I should also go. I left you with Mark for the seventh generation. The clothing data can be regarded as the compensation for your battle clothing technology. Of course, the premise is that you have to research it out."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the person disappeared in the same place and disappeared out of thin air.

The Tony and Little Pepper couple was completely dumbfounded.

"Tony, are you okay?" Little Pepper quickly helped Tony up.

Tony looked at the place where Jiang Siming disappeared, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Where is he sacred? Why do I feel... he is even more dangerous than Loki!"

Little Pepper said: "So let's not mess with him. I think he shouldn't lie to us, just want to take a look at the skills of the suit."

"I hope so."

Tony said depressedly, and then began to wonder whether or not to discuss with Banner, the production of the anti-Hulk armor should be postponed.

He now wants to study the anti-Jiang Siming armor...

Tony didn't dare to be careless, rushed to the flying aircraft carrier where the Avengers were staying, and told the Avengers members of the incident. The members were all very surprised.

"You said he could kick your armor out with one kick? It's impossible, Hulk can't do it." Coleson smacked.

"You don't believe me? I got him kicked and the armor was nearly half damaged." Tony said and took out the damaged armor. After reading it, everyone agreed to believe it was true.

"Could it be that some superhero was born again?" Black Widow guessed.

Tony suddenly became angry and retorted: "He can't be a hero! He is a thief! He stole my suit skills! He is a thief!"

The bodybuilding coach US team in star-and-stripe clothes nodded and agreed: "Tony is right. Anyway, this person is a steal. If I meet him, he will be arrested and brought to justice."

At this time, Director Ferry said: "Now anyway, the most important thing is to deal with the secrets of Loki and the Cube of the Universe. The rest is temporarily set aside. I think since this person did not kill Tony, It shows that there is not much malice."

At this time, the burly man in a cloak with a hammer in hand said: "I agree with the director. If he is really malicious towards Tony, he shouldn't just eat the other person's kick. People can completely kill him."

"He said you could kill me if you kill me? Do I think I'm paperless, the big silly hammer with the hammer!" Tony annoyed.

Saul was also unceremonious, and counterattacked: "Aren't you just a piece of paper? One kick can destroy your armor by half, which means you can only eat two feet."

"Do you think you are humorous? Take your small wooden hammer and go heads-up!"

"Who is afraid of anyone! Tin Man! No, it's a paper man!"

The two of them quarreled with Maimang...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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