I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2377: It's space combat in the first place!

As soon as he entered the dungeon world, Jiang Siming noticed something was wrong, and the surrounding area was pitch black, and he was in a suspended state.

This feeling is not the first time he has experienced it.

Jiang Siming immediately knew that he should be in space.

The consciousness swept away, and as expected, he was in an unknown space.

It was the first time that he entered a copy that was not on Earth, and it was sent to him randomly into space.

This is a ghost...

The only certainty is that this is not the solar system, because Jiang Siming hasn't even seen a familiar planet.

Before coming in, Jiang Siming had a detailed understanding of the background of this new copy, and found that the background world of the reunion was very different from reality.

Even the universe was changed by Marvel's screenwriter, and it became an almost independent alternative universe.

So this is completely different from the real universe. Lao Jiang can't tell where he is at all. Don't be too far away from the earth, or you will waste a lot of time going back.

"Xiao Xian, I'm doing rough work." Jiang Siming called out his capable little assistant.

However, Xiaoxian can only explore the information of one galaxy at a time. After trying it once with a battery, Xiaoxian regrets to tell Jiang Siming that this galaxy does not have an earth.

If she wants to explore, she has to fly to other galaxies and try again.

This is too inked. How long do you have to find?

Just when Jiang Siming wanted to find a direction casually.

"I almost forgot, I am also a person with a spaceship!"

Jiang Siming slapped his thigh and summoned his beloved space travel spacecraft.

After entering, I searched for the location of the earth on the navigator of the spacecraft, and sure enough, I found it in an instant.

【122 light-years from the earth】


Jiang Siming was so angry that he was so far away, 122 light-years, that the speed of this spacecraft could reach the speed of light.

But to go to the earth, to fly at this speed for 122 years...

Is this Marvel world more difficult than a copy of Xianxia?

Does he have to return to reality to summon the Intermediate Wormhole?

Jiang Siming, who was interested in this, suddenly remembered the special function of this spacecraft, space jumping, which is a wormhole-like ability.

Each jump is equivalent to a distance of 100 light-years, and each additional jump is X2 times the jump distance, which can achieve up to five consecutive jumps.

After having this skill, there is no need to move the wormhole over for the time being.

However, it is a bit painful that the spacecraft needs fuel and the earth is temporarily absent. Under normal circumstances without jumping, it can be used for ten years at a time without charging.

If you use the space jump, the fuel must be greatly reduced.

"Master, the spacecraft has no fuel for the earth, but it should be easy to get here." Xiao Xian, standing on Jiang Siming's shoulder, dialed.

"Yeah! It makes sense, there are a lot of spaceships in Marvel, they must have spacecraft fuel, haha, Xiaoxian is quite smart."

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction, and began to drive the spacecraft to jump in space.

After the spacecraft sprayed on the spot and started to jump, the surrounding space seemed to be squeezed away, like a barrier was forcibly squeezed away.

After a few breaths, the spacecraft returned to normal. Jiang Siming looked at the navigation display and he had returned to the edge of the solar system.

This is also called the solar wind sheath.

Jiang Siming was planning to make another jump, but he saw that outside the solar wind sheath, around the solar system, there were many strange spacecraft circling back and forth.

These spaceships are extremely ugly, like a bunch of reptiles scurrying around.

Among them is the largest worm-body spacecraft that is parked outside the solar system. This spacecraft is tens of thousands of times larger than Jiang Siming's spacecraft. It looks like a planet standing there, which has a deterrent effect.

These worm-body spaceships apparently also discovered his uninvited ship, and soon a dozen small spaceships rushed towards him fiercely.

Obviously the danger is imminent, but Jiang Siming is still playing tricks on the spacecraft, and laughs out from time to time.

"This spaceship also has a combat mode, haha, awesome!"

When Jiang Siming was talking and laughing, switching the combat device, two beams of light were shot from the spacecraft, accurately hitting the two worm-body spacecraft.

After being hit by this beam of light, these spaceships burst into ash instantly.


Jiang Siming saw that the weapon configuration of his spacecraft seemed to be more than one grade higher than that of Marvel's spacecraft.

He remembered that his spacecraft is a product of a different dimension, not in a certain movie. In layman's terms, his spacecraft is a high-end cargo.

Those on the other side can only be regarded as ordinary goods.

Two spaceships were killed, but the other spaceships did not escape and retreat, but rushed towards Jiang Siming more ferociously.

Jiang Siming became interested at once, and started to compete with these spacecrafts in the outer space on the edge of the solar system while driving the spacecraft.

Taking advantage of the super high maneuverability and agility of his own spacecraft, Jiang Siming shuttled among these spacecrafts and fired a few more beam cannons by the way.

One after another worm-body spacecraft was killed.

Have you ever played thunder and lightning in the arcade? Jiang Siming feels that he is now playing a real spaceship-level thunder and lightning.

This is much more interesting than arcade games.

"Hahaha, come, come, and a little more."

While laughing, Jiang Siming kept manipulating his spacecraft in seven in and out of the worm-body spacecraft.

He now suspects that he is the Star Trek dungeon instead of the Marvel dungeon, let alone, it's very exciting, quack~

From the largest mother-body spacecraft, worm-body spacecraft were continuously sent down, but they were all beaten up without exception.

On the mother ship, a strangely-looking alien creature was furious.

"Who is this guy! Destroy it for me!"

"Chief, I suggest not to go to war." A deputy next to him suggested.

"Give me a reason, otherwise you will wait to be eaten by me!" The leader glared.

The deputy said: "The leader should not forget that our purpose this time is to help Loki rule the earth. Now his plan has not yet started. We are so aggressive and the movement is too loud, I am afraid that we will be discovered by the Earth's surveillance satellites. It's exposed, Loki will definitely throw all the pot at us."

"Hmph, are we still afraid that he won't be successful? He is just a puppet of our Zitarui. What he wants is the earth, and what we want is the entire universe!"

"That being said, if Loki refuses to help, we can't do anything with him. Moreover, this spacecraft is so advanced, it is absolutely impossible to be the technology of the earth. In other words, this spacecraft is likely to be a highly developed spacecraft. The product of the planet, letting it go to the earth to attract the attention of those superheroes is more beneficial to our plan."

The leader also felt very reasonable after hearing this, and immediately ordered all the spacecraft to be withdrawn, and by the way, he drove its parent spacecraft away, obviously not wanting to provoke Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is having a good time. It is the first time he has experienced a battle with an alien spacecraft.

But all the enemies were gone, which made Lao Jiang feel dull.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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