I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2335: Declare innate merit!

Damn it!

1000 yuan? ? ?

More than 30 million people...

Isn't that 30 billion?

Everyone immediately felt that their heartbeats were much faster, and they grabbed 30 billion red envelopes for nothing. What is the result of this special meow?

It's inhumane~~

Many viewers heard this and quickly took out their mobile phones to find Wufu on Gulu Weibo.

Like other APP's Wufu, everyone will automatically ignore it.

Tens of millions of people are divided into hundreds of millions, and if you **** it, you can **** a few dollars.

Still grab the red envelope of Jiang Da’s richest man, one shot is 30 billion, tens of millions of people, on average can grab hundreds of thousands, this is so fragrant~

For a while, the entire network began to fall into the Gulu Weibo gathering activity, and even a difficult-to-find secondary card was sold for hundreds of thousands of yuan.

There is the world's richest man in the Spring Festival Gala as a guarantor, and he is afraid that he will deceive others.

Suddenly, the Wufu activities of other companies were not treated by anyone. Anyway, everyone knows that they can't get a few cents, so it is better to collect the Wufu from Gulu Weibo with all your heart.

Jiang Siming continued to be interviewed on the stage and sold 30 billion yuan to organize an event for the Chinese audience. For him, he has become accustomed to it.

He had done this kind of universal celebration before getting married many times.

Moreover, there is no repetition of one kind of activity every day, and I don't know how many times the benefits have been issued.

Jiang Siming's wave directly made all the companies that engage in Wufu activities lose face, and it feels like nothing is being compared.

The limelight was robbed by Jiang Siming in an instant.

Even the first company that developed this activity, Mr. Ma's company, felt humiliated.

We are all doing a few hundred million. It's okay for you to come straight up to 30 billion. It's not clear that it's damaging the scene and looking down on people.

"This President Jiang is too much, it seems that he has money in the whole world." Assistant Ma, who was watching the Spring Festival Gala on the scene, couldn't help but vomit.

Boss Ma laughed and said, "You are right, he is really the richest in the world, and you don't have to guess, he did it on purpose."

"Why? Why does he deliberately disgust us?"

Boss Ma has a certain understanding of Jiang Siming, and smiled slightly: "This kid is not a businessman who is purely profit-oriented. I guess he just couldn't understand that we use this little money to puff everyone's appetite, so he deliberately shot it. "

Don't tell me, Mr. Ma's words are exactly what Jiang Siming meant.

In the past two years, there have been a lot of gathering activities, but users have worked so hard to collect the five blessings and waited to receive the red envelope, and then only grabbed one or two yuan at a glance, or even less, one or two cents.

Doesn't this show shabby others, when everyone has never seen money.

Since there are so many users gathered to participate, your red envelope should be appropriately larger.

Not to mention grabbing hundreds of thousands, you at least get ten dollars and twenty meanings.

For a few cents, you are really a beggar for everyone.

Last year, his daughter-in-laws had nothing to do during the Chinese New Year and gathered five blessings at home. They were full of interest and finally ended in failure.

At that time, Jiang Siming wanted to say that his company was also organizing a Wufu event, but the New Year's Eve was already past, and it was too late to start a temporary event.

So this year, in order to slap those companies in the face, let everyone truly receive benefits.

Jiang Si asked Gulu Weibo to open this event early tomorrow morning.

While giving New Year benefits to the people of the whole country, it also disgusts those shabby companies that engage in Five Fortunes by the way.

It is estimated that once he finishes the Wufu event on Guru Weibo this time, he will have to weigh carefully when those companies hold such events next year.

The host continued to interview Jiang Siming and asked with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, you also know that starting this year, the Ministry of Education will gradually abolish English as a major subject for students and include the Chinese martial arts class as the main subject. What course should be taught in the Chinese martial arts class?"

Jiang Siming didn't expect to ask this question. It seems that the host has come prepared, and he is also creating momentum for the inclusion of national martial arts in the major courses.

Sure enough, all the viewers in front of the TV were shocked when they heard this.

They thought that the abolition of English was just talking, but they didn't expect it to be real.

English will be excluded from the major courses of the Huaxia Education Curriculum. Whether this is a pros or cons... Everyone does not know.

However, it is obvious that there are many people who support it or those who oppose it.

To be honest, it is really unnecessary for all Huaxia's children to learn English. After a hundred children learn English, one may not be able to use it in the future.

And rote English and real English are two different things.

What you learn in school is English grammar. This kind of English is too formal to be used in daily life, even if you work abroad.

Let all children pay attention to English, it is precisely the performance of our Huaxia is not strong and not confident at the beginning.

In the past, it was understandable to lag behind, but now, this situation no longer exists.

It's useless to learn anyway, and I don't like it, so it's better to give it up.

Use the time of learning English to exercise your body, learn Chinese martial arts, strengthen your body and cultivate your ethics. Isn’t this much more important and meaningful than learning English?

Everyone was shocked and curious, right, what is the Chinese martial arts class?

I can't always learn to fight with people, and many people worry that after learning Chinese martial arts, many violent people will be born, and they will do it if they don't agree with each other.

Relying on his own learning of Chinese martial arts, he used to bully the weak, bully men and women, and even commit crimes.

Facing the eyes of all Chinese audiences, Jiang Siming replied calmly: "For the time being, there is only one course that will be taught in the Chinese martial arts class, and that is Taoist "Innate Skills."

What? ? ?

Everyone was shocked again.


Isn't that something that is only found in novels, martial arts secrets?

This is true and false, how do you feel that Jiang Siming is more like a neurotic or MLM leader...

I remember that many years ago, China popularized learning qigong, and many ‘Qigong masters’ were born.

The most famous is Zhang Baosheng at that time, known as the first Qigong person.

There are all kinds of unique skills, such as fetching objects in the air, floating on the water with light skill, and what Shaolin's unique skills.

Anyway, it was to use magic and deceit to deceive the innocent people at that time. Everyone believed that he was a qigong master.

Countless people asked him to apprentice and learn art, and even the local ZF officials believed him and provided him with all kinds of conveniences.

It wasn't until later that the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to an end that the scam came to an end, and the ‘Qigong masters’ all hid overnight and dared not swindle.

The current Jiang Siming, these words are a bit like the original qigong master...

There is no scientific basis at all.

Even the innate skills have come out.

However, thinking about the original martial arts conference, Jiang Siming defeated all masters with Chinese martial arts, and he was even named the **** of war.

This is true. No one has said that Jiang Siming is a liar, and no evidence can be found.

If you think about it this way, is it...is it true?


[Author's digression]: First more~

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