I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2322: Manager with the highest bonus

The celebrities and guests returned to their seats at the front desk after the performance. When they saw this scene, they had almost the same expressions as the employees of the Jiang Group.

Although many of them have very high incomes, they vaguely feel that the money in it is definitely worthy of any of them.

Although celebrities are rich, they are not at the same level as the real rich.

The most popular celebrity, like Long Ge, is worth only tens of billions, no matter how tall it is, it can't be too high.

And how much money is there, Jiang Siming tells you.

"There is a total of 20 billion in cash here."

Jiang Siming's understatement almost stopped everyone's heartbeat.

20 billion...what concept? Anyway, most of them have never experienced it, let alone this concept.

Other companies will make two million to twenty million annually, but Jiang Siming is better, and directly put two billion to 20 billion.

This is the small goal of two hundred President Wang...

And Jiang Siming's next sentence directly made everyone's blood boil.

"The two tens of billions are your year-end bonuses, and one point will not be less, except for the president."


The audience boiled again, more lively than any big star on stage at the party just now.

There is only one reason, the chairman said, the two tens of billions are all theirs.

The more Jiang’s Group has 30,000 employees, no one can get an average of more than 600,000 employees.


Many people couldn't help swallowing saliva, including the stars on the guest table.

Even if it is divided into six hundred thousand, although it is not a lot for them, it is simply a fantasy to distribute it to tens of thousands of employees.

Six hundred thousand can buy a Da Ben, Jiang Siming is equivalent to sending more than 30,000 Da Ben directly.

With the exception of the president, everyone knows that, after all, the president is the wife of the chairman, and it is reasonable for them to be independent.

This also makes employees more grateful to Jiang Siming, who can clearly let his wife share a lot of money.

According to the president's year-end award, it is at least ten to twenty million.

But Jiang Siming said as soon as he came, except for the president, that is to say, the two tens of billions, the most points are only the manager level.

Counting it down like this, the average per employee is probably more than 600,000.

"Next we will officially start issuing year-end awards."

Jiang Siming's move out of 20 billion in cash was really shocking.

Although there is no need to do so much at all, wouldn’t it be a lot easier to issue a bank card directly or make a call to an employee’s account?

But Jiang Siming didn't do this. That saves trouble. But there is still a big difference between a bunch of numbers and real cash.

Cash is the most exciting thing.

It's like now that everyone pays with their mobile phones and just scan the code for what they buy. Although this is very convenient, it also makes everyone unable to feel where the money is going.

To put it simply, you don’t feel like spending money, you just scan it, and the money is spent super fast, and you don’t know where to spend it.

Cash is different.

Many people pay hundreds of thousands of flowers on their mobile phones, but they have a hundred dollars in their pockets for several days and are reluctant to break open...

The shock of cash is much higher than the number.

This is why most companies use cash to issue year-end bonuses.

This time, Jiang Siming directly called a big bank, got it with full authority, put out 20 billion, and then had to send staff to stand by at any time.

If an employee wants to save the money, they have to do it right away.

It seemed like it was superfluous, quite a kind of rush to take off his pants and fart.

But Jiang Siming felt it was necessary.

At the beginning of the payment, the year-end awards will be awarded in a reasonable and fair manner based on each employee's position, salary, grade, attendance, performance and other aspects.

Position and level are the first element, and the year-end bonus received by each position is different.

There are differences from A1 to A10, and the gap is also obvious.

Generally, other companies pay year-end bonuses just one or two months of salary for their employees, and five or six months' salary is better.

If your salary is 5,000, then 30,000 will be paid.

A better company will pay ten months' salary. This is already a top company.

This is how the Volkswagen Group made it, and it has become inhumane.

Jiang Siming here is more than ten times theirs.

However, if the employees in this position have poor attendance and performance, a part of the year-end bonus will also be deducted.

On the contrary, if you work hard throughout the year and have outstanding performance, you may get a year-end award that is higher than your superior.

In this way, each branch company began to receive the year-end bonus.

Jiang Siming is only responsible for giving awards to manager-level employees, or employees above A5, whose year-end awards have exceeded 10 million.

Jiang Siming glanced at the list in his hand.

What he didn't expect was that among all the managers, the one with the highest bonus was not the manager of Fu Xi nor the manager of Yinghuan.

It was the new manager of his own car factory who received the highest annual managerial award.

The new manager has been in office for less than two months, but he won the highest year-end award.

"Is this not a mistake?" Jiang Siming asked in a low voice to the assistant Xinheng Yui beside him.

Xinheng Yui shook his head and said affirmatively: "No mistake, chairman, this manager is right to join the Jiang Group recently, but she was the CEO of Rolls-Royce before, so it’s right to be in charge of an automobile factory. She said it was easy."

"In these two months, she has doubled the performance of this car factory by four or five times. She is quite capable. The ladies all argued that it would be too bad for her to manage only one car factory. She is fully qualified to work in any formal car factory. Be the president of a car company."

Hearing Xinheng Yui's words, Jiang Siming was a little curious. Such a powerful automobile management talent is not common.

If you can trust her, it is not impossible to give her your own driverless technology and car battery technology.

He has always wanted to build a new car brand and enter the auto industry, but he has never had suitable and trustworthy talents.

Jiang Siming hesitated a little, whether to entrust it to this person.

After hesitating, the manager of the car factory has already stepped onto the stage.

Jiang Siming glanced at this man, and he was even more surprised. This man was still a woman, and she was still young, with blond hair and blue eyes, with a foreign face.

This is too weird. Jiang Siming was a little bit scared by Yuan Wenbin's nephew incident, so he quickly used mind reading.

At this look, Jiang Siming was a little dumbfounded.

This person... really doesn't come to his company for a purpose.

But this purpose... is to chase him (cover his face)...

Jiang Siming wanted to say what the **** was going on. The daughter of Rolls-Royce went to work as a small manager in his company and was in charge of an automobile factory.

Although this car factory is a large factory, in the eyes of the other party, I am afraid that even pediatrics is not counted.

But the girl stubbornly stayed in the factory, and managed his factory very diligently, and her performance had doubled several times.

If you talk about the intersection with the girl, you have to count the fact that the other party frequently sent yourself a new car before.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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