I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2175: Fighting?

This cage is full of high-voltage currents, which seems to confine Jiang Siming to the core.

Jiang Siming remained motionless inside, which also made Lao An and Lao Jian very relieved.

"Don't say we don't give you a chance, as long as you are willing to surrender the energy value and the way to obtain the abilities in your body, when we master it, you can let you go back, and you can continue to be the richest man in the world."

Old Suga said with a smile.

Abe sat directly in front of Jiang Siming and said contemptuously: "Think about your wealth, your confidantes, and your family and parents. They are all waiting for you. If you are trapped here forever , But all previous efforts have been lost."

"One move is wrong, and you lose all the games, you two treacherous villains!!!"

Jiang Siming scolded them angrily.

The two were not angry, but even more proud, which showed that they had indeed driven Jiang Siming to a dead end.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Siming seemed to have cursed enough. He gritted his teeth and thought about it for a long time before saying: "Okay! I said yes, but you must make sure that I finish talking and you let me go!"

"No problem, we have to say what we say." Lao An smiled.

Jiang Siming said with disdain: "Retired people should stop pretending to be empowered. You don't have the right to say such things now, and I won't believe it."

Lao An's expression was frozen, Jiang Siming's words pierced his heart, he was indeed no longer the authority.

After he retired, power was transferred to Lao Shan.

Lao Jian smiled indifferently, and said: "Mr. Jiang, you don't have to instigate discord here. Lao An and I are the same. They are all for the future of our Great Eastern Empire. As long as it is good for the future of Eastern Empire, who is in charge? it's the same."

Lao An's expression became much better when he heard that, he glanced at Lao Jian gratefully, then stared at Jiang Siming again, and said, "It's all about this, can you explain it now?"

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Of course you can. Let me talk about my power first. To tell the truth, I don't know the source of my power."

"Mr. Jiang, are you kidding us?" Lao An's face was gloomy for a moment.

Jiang Siming spread his hand and said: "You can't help me if you don't believe me. If I really know the source, why not turn all my daughters-in-law into Superman and let them save me?"

"What he said is not unreasonable, then if your ability is not called out, we will not be able to let you out." Lao Jian said.

Jiang Siming agreed in cooperation: "Of course I know, so I want to tell you that this power of mine can be transferred to others, but it can only be transferred once. You can find someone to accept my power. Oh, by the way, these abilities of mine can greatly extend my life span. It’s okay to live five hundred years old, but it can only be transferred once. After the transfer, it can’t be transferred again."

When Lao An and Lao Jian heard this, their eyes lit up instantly.

Can live for five hundred years?

This ability still has this ability?

For those in power like them, what attracts them the most is not the ability, but the lifespan.

As long as they live long enough, they can stay in power.

It's like the emperor longs for longevity.

Both of them are in their sixties, and their desire for longevity far exceeds that of young people.

Moreover, Jiang Siming said that it can only be transferred once. Of course, they will not let Jiang Siming transfer his abilities to other people. It must be transferred to themselves.

"Then give it to me." Lao Jian was the first to speak, with an unquestionable tone.

Lao An hurriedly said hypocritically: "Lao Jian, you can't do it. You are our current master of Dongying. This kid is telling lies and has lost too much to Dongying. Let me come. I am willing to sacrifice myself for Dongying at any time. !"

If it weren't for Lao Jian who knew that Lao An's character is the same as him, he would almost be fooled by Lao An's acting skills.

"No, if I sacrifice, you will take over my position again. There is no need to discuss this matter."

Old Suga cut the railroad firmly.

But Lao An just didn't agree, joking, how could he easily see such a good thing fall into the hands of others.

The two argued for several minutes. From the beginning of the argument, they quarreled directly at the back, making their faces blushing.

"This is an order! You Abe! Get out! Come, drag him out!" Lao Jian directly used power to pull Lao Allan out.

Just as his subordinates were about to do something, Lao Ann had already threw Lao Jian to the ground and scrambled.

The two current and former leaders of Dongying fought on the ground like a street boy. You slap me and I give you a punch.

Dirty tricks such as monkey picking peaches and fairy picking grapes are all used.

In the end, Lao An was pulled away by Lao Jian's hand.

"Lock him up! Lock him up!" Old Suga said angrily.

Lao An was dragged away, and he cursed Laoshang all the way before leaving.

As soon as Lao An left, Lao Jian couldn't wait to walk to Jiang Siming and urged: "Quick! Give me your abilities!"

However, Jiang Siming remained indifferent, and instead looked at him like a fool.

"It's really exciting, guess what will the global audience think when I post the video of your fight just now."

"What do you mean, do you want to break the contract?"

Old Kan was furious, and after calming down, he realized that Jiang Siming had been playing tricks.

Jiang Siming yawned and said, "I've watched enough of the show. It's time to tie the enemies together."

After speaking, he stood up, let the high-voltage current pass through his body, and walked out from the grid of some kind of trouble.

Old Jian was shocked, and the master next to him immediately wanted to act and subdue Jiang Siming.

Unexpectedly, they couldn't move at all, as if they were fixed.

Old Kan was fine. He backed back again and again, shaking his body, looking at Jiang Siming and said: "What do you want to do...you have to think about it, no matter how I say it, he is also the leader of Dongying, if you dare to do it to me, Dongying will not let you go, and it will trigger a war between China and Dongying. You don't want to see the scene of peace be broken, do you?"

"I hope he is flat, and I love he flat the most."

Jiang Siming rubbed his fingers and said casually, "But, someone always beats me, which gives me a headache."

"You can rest assured, starting from today, I will never do anything to you, and I will never give you another idea. We can cooperate, and we can cooperate in all aspects, really." Old Suga said.

"Cooperation is okay, but you have to show some sincerity first." Jiang Siming showed a devilish smile.

In the eyes of Lao Jian, Jiang Siming is still a devil when he smiles! Devil!

"What sincerity?"

"Call Lao An back." Jiang Siming finished his move, and the pistol in one of his men flew into his hand, and he handed the gun to Lao Suga.

"Killing him is your sincerity."


[Author's digression]: First more~

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