I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2146: The energy value appears!

When shooting in the car, there is no need to aim at the left and right windows. With such a large gap in the windshield of the car, it is perfectly possible to shoot.

This is also the most realistic operation. It doesn't make sense to shoot in the car without having to open the car window.

The big windshield in front is a display.

Obviously, the hologram is much more delicate and true than the end game.

Jiang Siming now controls the steering wheel with his left hand and sets up the Type 95 automatic rifle with his right.

After firing a few shots and breaking the windshield, the muzzle was aimed at the motorcycle that was about to escape.

The speed did not decrease, and it was a sudden rush to catch up with the motorcycle owner.

Da Da Da Da...

Fortunately, the hip protector on the motorcycle owner's **** blocked the deadly bullet, otherwise he would be a box-like spirit at this time.

Seeing Jiang Siming doing this, the motorcycle player was first taken aback, then reacted and took out the Desert Eagle pistol on his waist.

In the same way, while driving the motorcycle, the man fired several shots at Jiang Siming's window.

Sensing something wrong, Jiang Siming immediately moved the front of the car to avoid a few precise sand eagle bullets.

Yo! Master!

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and he was certain that this man was also a master.

This made Jiang Siming a little interested in the contest, re-turned the front of the car back, and continued to chase.

Two people, one car and one motorcycle, were advancing fast in the jungle, and from time to time there would be several fierce gunfire.

It is a pity that there are too many trees in the jungle, and Jiang Siming is always blocked from sight, so he can only look for opportunities in the cracks to shoot.

The two sides seem to be evenly matched, but there are more and more bullets in the body of the motorcycle owner, but Jiang Siming is still intact.

He used his car skills every time to avoid the player's turn round bullets.

But the motorcycle owner is not worried, because the speed of his motorcycle is much faster than that of a pig cart, and the distance between him and Jiang Siming is rapidly expanding.

As long as he runs far, Jiang Siming can't help him.

Jiang Siming also knew clearly what the other party was thinking. This man didn't even fire his gun, and he kept sprinting around in the jungle, obviously wanting to flee.

"Wasting me so much time, let you run away, I am not in vain."

Jiang Siming smiled, and his expression immediately became serious.

The gun in hand has also been switched from QBZ95 to M24 silencer.

The six-fold mirror on the sniper rifle, Jiang Siming, did not open, but was slowly calibrated purely by the position of the muzzle and the collimator frame that came with the gun.

Everyone in the live broadcast room held their breath, and they didn't believe it in their hearts. This is impossible to hit.

The bushes were still uphill and downhill in a rapid state. On the two cars, Jiang Siming still held a gun in one hand.

Not to mention the sniper rifle, just give them a machine gun, and a swipe may not be able to get a shot.

However, they can't help but believe it. After all, the owner of this live broadcast room is Myojin!

During the two years of traveling in the Jedi, how many fairy operations Jiang Siming contributed to is still fresh in their memory.

If you are other people, you certainly don't believe in it, but if this person is Myojin, they subconsciously increase the credibility by 50%.

Nothing else, just the word Mingshen is worthy of everyone's belief.

Just as the two vehicles were going downhill, there was a gap between several trees that crossed vertically and horizontally. This gap was estimated to stay for less than half a second.

Jiang Siming shot!


I saw the motorcycle player's third-level helmet exploded a large flower of blood, and then the whole person rolled off the motorcycle, and the corpse rolled dozens of meters along the slope.

I go!

It's true!

The live broadcast room was boiling instantly.

It seems to be back when Jiang Siming first started live streaming the end game Jedi. Whenever there is a god-level operation, the live broadcast room will inevitably boil.

Now, as it was back then.

"Hey, the marksmanship is pretty good, should you be considered a sharpshooter?" Jiang Siming laughed and teased.

The water friends smiled bitterly, this is more than a count. If you change over to a hundred sharpshooters, none of them can perform this operation.

When Jiang Siming killed the player, a warning sound suddenly floated in front of the players' eyes.

[Congratulations to the player ‘Ming’ for completing the wonderful kills, unlocking the ‘Global Killing Highlights List’, temporarily ranking first, reward energy value: 1 point. 】

With this news, even Jiang Siming hadn't thought of **** a person and there was such a reminder.

Global kills highlights list? And this stuff.

This Jiang Siming is not too surprised. What surprised him most is that the energy really appeared!

Jiang Siming discussed with Nu Wa before that this energy can improve the body's physique.

Each time Nuwa can only store one thousand energy points, which can be used to distribute to high-level players or some specific easter eggs in the game.

But in the game beta for nearly half a month, this thousand points of energy value is not less than a drop.

Now he finally got it, and he did it. One thousand energy points immediately became 999 points.

And the energy of this reward was quickly sent to Jiang Siming.

But this little energy is like a drop of water into the ocean to Jiang Siming, a big man in the transformation stage, and it doesn't help at all.

But he still felt it very, very subtle.

If this energy is changed to ordinary people, they will definitely feel stronger and more obvious.

"It's getting interesting. I don't know what will happen to this game when this energy is actually unearthed by the players?"

Jiang Siming laughed. He didn't want to announce it now. Even if he said it, everyone would not believe it.

After all, he is the boss of this game, he blows this game like this, others don't believe it at all, they just think he is promoting the game.

Instead of this, it is better to let the players dig on their own, and they will always be discovered.

At that time, his games will probably become the target of the world's madness.

At that time, Jiang Siming will increase the price of the game again, making a fortune, hehe (profiteer's face).

In the live broadcast room, there were still the sounds of amazement from the water friends.

Even many players heard the game prompt and quit the game to see the ‘Global Kills Highlights List’.

Sure enough, there was an additional list in the hall, and it was a picture of Jiang Siming who just shot off his opponent in seconds.

The difficulty of this shot can be said to be at the ceiling level. Many players are stupid after watching it. How can this be hit? Luck!

Of course, this also made everyone envious for a while. You can still enter the list if you play well, and you can make announcements all over the network.

This is too much face! They must also have a complete kill collection.

There are still many people who are very curious about the energy value Jiang Siming obtained, and they have asked Jiang Siming's energy value in the live broadcast room?

Jiang Siming smiled mysteriously: "This energy is worth keeping secret, I want to discover it by myself."

by! Hanging appetite~

Everyone despised, thinking that it must be Jiang Siming's gimmick for his own game, they don't care, cut!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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