I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2142: What a kid!

The company did not prepare baby meals for Xiao Luoyu, and Xinyi was not there either.

Jiang Siming also carelessly forgot to bring a powdered milk bottle. Fortunately, the mothers like Hundred Billion Reba have powdered milk bottles in their storage rings, just for fear of unexpected needs.

This allowed Xiao Luoyu to have lunch, Jiang Siming was ashamed, his father was considered incompetent at all.

Zhao Xuan and the others ate their lunch, stayed in Jiang Siming’s office for a lunch break, and went back to work.

Xiao Luoyu regained his energy after a nap.

"Dad~Smelly~ Pull the smelly~"

Jiang Siming could only retreat from the game again, scratching the little guy's nose with a wry smile, and said, "It seems that your dad, I cannot play the game today."

Jiang Siming picked up the child and took it to the bathroom of the office to help the little guy.

Xiao Luoyu loves hygiene very much. Since she was a child, she never wets the bed or pulls her pants. The house prepared for diapers has not used a few packs until now.

After holding her to pull the papa, Jiang Siming skillfully wipes her ass. Lao Jiang is quite competent at this point, and the **** shovel officer is not an understatement.

After coming out of the bathroom, the game could not be played, and the little guy was full of energy and refused to sleep.

Jiang Siming had to leave work early and took his daughter to Yu Fei's kindergarten. After playing there for an afternoon, it was almost time for Zhao Xiaoxiao to leave school.

Jiang Siming took her daughter to Xiaoxiao's school to pick her and Zhirou home.


When Xiao Luoyu saw Xiaoxiao, his eyes lit up immediately.

Apart from mom and dad at home, her elder sister is also the best for her. Xiaoxiao would hold her as long as she was fine at home.

And secretly give her delicious food, such as ice cream and chocolate.

Sometimes when mothers need to be'forced to work' with their father at night, Xiao Luoyu usually sleeps with Xiaoxiao.

So don't look at the age difference between the two sisters, but the relationship is quite good.

When Xiaoxiao saw Xiao Luoyu, she ran over for the first time, and she dexterously hugged her sister from Jiang Siming's arms, and kissed her first.

Two sisters who are 15 years old and have no blood relationship are even better than those of relatives.

Although there is no blood connection, but in the relationship, the two underage girls are very intimate.

Jiang Siming saw that Xiaoxiao hugged Xiao Luoyu and kissed him. Naturally, he was no exception. He hugged Zhirou and kissed him, um~ such a family can be considered warm.

Of course, Zhirou doesn't want to be kissed. There are so many people. She wants face (cover her face)~

If Lao Jiang wanted to be shameless, he just said two things.

"Dad, help me sign." Zhao Xiaoxiao took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Siming.

"What's this? Transcript? Or test paper?" Jiang Siming asked in confusion.

"Apology letter." Zhao Xiaoxiao answered calmly.

"Apology letter? Are you in trouble again?" Jiang Siming immediately guessed that the girl had beaten the classmate again.

I didn't expect it to be.

Zhirou explained to the side: "The day before yesterday there were a few female classmates who like to chew their tongues. Because Lin Youyou was brainwashed and rhythmic, Xiaoxiao knew about your bad things in school. She took those female classmates All were beaten, the leader was beaten the hardest and all went to the hospital."

Not only was Jiang Siming less angry when he heard this, he was much more relaxed.

"What about the few students?"

"They were all taken home by their parents. The school knows Xiaoxiao's identity, and it is true that they chewed their tongues first, so the school did not pursue it. However, the parents of the students were not convinced because several students were beaten a bit hard If you want to make trouble, the school told Xiaoxiao to write an apology letter, and the matter passed."

After Zhirou finished speaking, Jiang Siming tore up the letter of apology on the spot.

"Why do you apologize for nothing wrong? Don't worry about this. I will arrange a lawyer to come over tomorrow. I will see how the parents want to make trouble. I bought this school by the way. I will see which ones in the future. Little boy dare to chew on the roots of his tongue."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he crumpled the torn apology letter into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Zhao Xiaoxiao laughed suddenly, and said to Yin Zhirou with a smiley face: "Mother, I just said my dad won't agree to sign. I don't know him yet, hehe."

Yin Zhirou shook her head funny, and said: "I guessed it too, how can your dad's character make you suffer."

"That is, who made me his big baby, right Luo Yu, you are a little baby, I am a big baby." Zhao Xiaoxiao still did not forget to tease Xiao Luoyu.

Jiang Siming said angrily: "Okay, I won't care about you this time because you are really right. I'm leaving, and I'm going home for dinner. I will buy your school and let your mother be the principal."

"That's great, Dad, after you buy the school, can I buy a bundle of explosives to blow up the school?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao has always had the wish to blow up the school, so he accidentally said it.

Jiang Siming was so angry that there was smoke above his head, and he almost broke his defenses. What a kid, bombing the school? She can't figure it out.

Although he had fantasized before...

The next day, Zhao Xiaoxiao's school changed hands and was bought by Jiang Siming, who became the school manager.

The few parents who still want to stay away from trouble, dare not let one fart, obediently take their children and quickly transfer.

Yin Zhirou also became the deputy school manager. She did not become the principal. Because the principal had too much work, Jiang Siming didn't want his wife to work on other students in the school every day.

It’s most appropriate to be a school manager. You don’t need to be in a position of aloof, and you can also supervise school leaders.

With Yin Zhirou here, the teachers and leaders of this school will have to look at her expression.

It would be appropriate to buy this school. After all, Xiao Luoyu will go to school when he grows up. This school is not bad, and it is just right to let Xiao Luoyu go to school in that time.

Fortunately, after Xiao Luoyu stuck to Jiang Siming for a day, he was satisfied and stopped pestering him.

With mothers taking care and company, she is not alone at all.

Jiang Siming succeeded in temporarily getting rid of the title of Dad, and instead, began to attack seriously, Holographic Jedi!

After so many days of public testing and overseas market development.

The number of holographic Jedi matching scores successfully exceeded 100,000.

Nuwa will also update and maintain the game immediately, and the ranking system will be activated at six o'clock tonight!

This update also makes a large number of holographic Jedi players very excited. Playing ranked is the favorite thing for players who really enjoy competition.

Qualifying can be matched to opponents of the same level, and while honing their skills, they can also constantly break through.

Besides, people with high ranking scores are also very easy to play with a cup.

There are a lot of girls in this game, and masters who want to lead girls, as long as they report their ranking points, it is estimated that there will be many girls shouting for them to take.

And the update content given by Nuwa is very clear.

After the ranking is opened, the top 1,000 ranked points each month will be able to receive a large amount of cash rewards and a hidden reward.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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