I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2116: It's hard for Lao Jiang's new task

Jiang Siming stepped into the gate of the void and successfully entered the land of the Demon Abyss.

His location was actually a swamp, and as soon as he entered, his shoes began to sink into the mud.

This made Lao Jiang a bit speechless, but luckily it was just a swamp, not a cesspool, otherwise his mentality would explode.

Quickly leaving the swamp area, Jiang Siming looked around. This was a swamp forest with no one around temporarily.

Jiang Siming wanted to fly his sword into the air, but found that he couldn't move at all.

There seems to be an enchantment in the land of Demon Abyss, and it is not allowed to fly.

Lu Xueqi also explained this to him. Jiang Siming just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect it to work.

Although flying with the sword cannot be done, simple light work is not a problem at all.

Jiang Siming patted the mud under his feet with the palm wind, and the whole person got out of the swamp by the impact of the palm wind.

After a few more vertical jumps, he easily left this swamp and stepped onto the solid ground.

Jiang Siming had no idea what this place was, and where he was in the land of Demon Abyss.

Everyone comes in the same, with a black eye.

Fortunately, he has Xiaoxian here, so he can release Xiaoxian and let it fly into the air for reconnaissance.

But because of the restrictions in the sky, Xiaoxian could only fly a few hundred meters, and couldn't rush up again.

The information obtained is also limited, only the face of 30 li can be seen.

Looking for Lu Xueqi is obviously not that simple.

And this swamp forest alone covered more than 30 miles, which was too big.

I saw other monks who were also in the swamp, a total of twelve.

There are good and evil, men and women, but Jiang Siming doesn't know any of them.

Thinking about where to find the past, a new task has arrived.

[Main Mission 4]: Enter the Golden Core Phase before the closure of the Demon Abyss

[Task Reward]: Reward a random fine cyan fragment

[Mission failed]: deduct a random fine cyan fragment

[Mission Supplement]: The higher the Golden Core Period, the more cyan fragments can be added. There is no upper limit.

Seeing this task, Jiang Siming didn't know what to say.

Isn't this forcing him to practice, and he has to find the fastest shortcut to practice.

Because the land of Demon Abyss is opened once every ten years, and each time it is opened, it only takes one month...

In other words, if Jiang Siming wants to complete the task, he must rush to the Golden Elimination Period from the Seventh Foundation Building within a month.

It's definitely impossible to practice meditation. Then there is only one shortcut to practice concentration.

But the point is, this is not Xiaozhufeng, this place where birds do not shit, where can I find a girl who cultivates concentration for him...

Although there are only a few female monks in this swamp, their looks are hard to say.

Compared with Shuang Ling and Lu Xueqi, the difference is not too big, he doesn't feel hot and yin and yang in his body.

Although his yin and yang gong is really a bug-level gong method, it is also limited.

Jiang Siming tried it in reality, but his appearance could not reach the level of Zhao Xuan Yoona and others, no.

Also, it's not the first time, nor does it work.

Only when these two conditions are met can you practice Yin and Yang Gong.

Didn't Jiang Siming pick wild flowers several times before, every time it worked.

Originally, Tong Ya's appearance was considered to be the best among Jiang Siming's wild flowers, and Lao Jiang had already recognized her heart.

But no move. She was married, and Yin Yang Gong was immune to her.

The last time it was Yu Shuang, it didn't work either.

Alas, this is also the reason why Jiang Siming is becoming more and more honest now. He can't cultivate his concentration, he unilaterally contributes, what's the point~

But although the yin and yang gong cultivation conditions are a bit more demanding, people are bulls who can bring Lao Jiang two years to the stage of transforming gods.

But right now, it is a bit too difficult for Jiang Siming to break through the golden core within a month.

"Forget it, anyway, the cyan fragment is definitely nothing good. Even if you fail to deduct a piece, it won't hurt."

Jiang Siming's sour self-comfort.

At the same time, he began to leave the swamp quickly to gain an opportunity for his golden period.

However, after searching for three days in a row, Jiang Siming found nothing.

On the contrary, many evil cultivators have been solved, more than a dozen storage bags have been collected, and there are also two demon monks from the early Jindan era.

But this is not the point that Jiang Siming wants at all, it doesn't quench his thirst at all, uncle's.

Just when Jiang Siming was frustrated and was about to give up, Liu Anhua showed another village.

Not far from the forest where Jiang Siming was located, there were several fierce fighting sounds. The sound was loud, and the aftermath shook him.

Jiang Siming thought it was just an ordinary monk who fought for the treasure, but Xiaoxian didn't know that it was completely after scouting.

Several evil cultivators surrounded a decent woman.

Several evil cultivators are in the late stage of foundation building. Although the woman is at the peak of foundation building, she is hard to beat by four hands and is surrounded by groups.

The appearance of the woman is beautiful, and her temperament is like a peach blossom in full bloom, with tenderness in her beauty.

A pale pink dress, although a little generous, can't cover the figure of the devil inside.

Ji Xiaochun has peach blossoms, clouds piled with green buns, lips blooming with cherry blossoms, and willow teeth are fragrant.

It's just that this woman doesn't seem to feel well, her face is flushed and willow eyebrows are frowned.

Holding a crescent-like magic weapon in his hand, there is also a Suzaku totem carved on it, which is powerful.

It was this magic weapon that made several Xie Xiu unable to get close for a long time.

But they were not in a hurry, and began to look up and down around the woman, their eyes full of **** and greed.

"I said, Great Beauty, you are destined to not run today. It's better to appoint and let us do something, hahaha."

"Yes, I got the most famous Mojiao pornographic powder in Beihai, but it's the best in the world. The more you resist, the stronger the effect of the medicine will be. Jiejie..."

"Brothers don't worry, wait slowly. When she is unable to resist, let's find a cave house, play with her for three days and three nights, and then kill people for treasure. Isn't it beautiful!"


Several evil cultivators laughed arrogantly, only the woman was desperate, and the medicinal effects in her body were quickly destroying her last few sanity.

"I'm Nangongwan, a disciple of the Covered Moon Sect in Xizhou, aren't you afraid of being pursued and killed by the Covered Moon Sect forever!" The woman reported to her family and tried to scare away these people.

However, these evil cultivators didn't care at all.

"Cut, this is Zhongzhou, not Xizhou, besides, if you kill you in the land of Demon Abyss, no one will know. You should be obedient and catch you, great beauty."

"That's right, I think you are already on fire now, you can't help it, don't be suppressed, I can help you solve problems, how, hahaha..."

The woman bit her silver teeth, furious, and spoke again:

"My friend Han Li is a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, and he came here with me immediately. If you don't leave, just wait for death!"

But several evil practitioners didn't believe it at all, not only that, but the movements in his hands also accelerated, making the woman more tired to cope with it, and the luster of the moon wheel magical instrument in his hands became dim.

Just when the woman couldn't support it completely, she wept in despair and sadly put the moon wheel on her neck, wanting to die.

"Even if I die, I will never let you touch me!"

When the woman finished speaking, she wanted to die.


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