I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2100: Desperate!

Jiang Siming received the support of all the female disciples of Qingyunmen, and correspondingly, all the male disciples turned their heads to support Lin Jingyu.

No way, who made him hate so much, even people who didn't like Lin Jingyu before, all united the front.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

In terms of momentum, although the number of male disciples is large, they can't hold up the decibels of girls.

Besides, which cheerleader you have seen is made up of men, the female cheerleader is king.

Fortunately, when the fight started, the cheerleaders on both sides temporarily stopped to cheer.

Lin Jingyu, who was standing opposite, looked at him coldly, opened his mouth, and said, "Today, I will return the shame of two years ago to you."

Jiang Siming responded with a chuckle: "Hurry up if you want to fight. There is so much nonsense, but you are still very polite. You sent me two top-grade swords two years ago, and this time you came to give me something again. You know there is a word called ' Courier?"

Lin Jingyu put away his expression, his eyes were murderous. Although he didn't know what a ‘courier’ was, he knew that he was taunting himself.

"In that case, let's start."

As he said, Lin Jingyu moved his figure in an instant, stepped on the seven stars, and the golden crow in his hand slid across the air, like a round of rising sun, shining brightly, and cut off towards Jiang Siming!

Compared with him two years ago, Lin Jingyu is no longer what he used to be, and the power of this sword aura is more than ten times that of two years ago!

Jiang Siming didn't choose to dodge, staring at this sword shadow with playful eyes, when the Golden Crow was about to come to his chest.

Jiang Siming held a sword flower in the hand of the Dragon Slashing Sword, and the Dragon Slashing Sword immediately blocked his chest.

Accurately predict the location of the Golden Crow.


The two swords collided, and there was a contention between the sword and the sword.

However, Slashing Dragon was obviously weaker, and the light on the sword faded a lot.

Golden Crow is the best magic weapon, Zhanlong is only top-grade, and there is a gap in equipment.

It's just that Jiang Siming doesn't care about this difference.

In the face of real operation and strength, equipment is only the most important factor.

With the strength of the Golden Crow's impact, Jiang Siming floated backwards with inertia, and leaped into the air before reaching the edge of the ring.

Zhanlong in his hand once again shined with a luster that was several times brighter than before, like an unwilling...beater, let out an ambitious anger.

Then the sword power, the sword of the dragon sword was like a divine arrow shot by Hou Yi, mixed with violent infuriating energy, the Changhong pierced the sun, and a thought came!

Lin Jingyu's complexion became a little dignified, and he took a step back, pinching a sword art in his hand.

Then the Golden Crow hovered in the air, holding Yuan Shouyi, the Golden Crow clinging to the blazing sun, did not shrink back, and collided with the Dragon Slashing Sword again.

This time, the two swords used offense instead of defense, and the air wave generated by the impact of the sword tip, such as a Category 8 hurricane, broke many bamboos and woods nearby.

Lin Jingyu seemed to block Jiang Siming's sword, but in fact his body had been unconsciously forced back by two steps, and the zhenqi in his body was also hit by this sword and surging with blood.

Lin Jingyu was terrified. Jiang Siming clearly only had the first level of cultivation, but his sword power seemed to be as powerful as Senior Brother Qi Hao.

However, he was not discouraged, and after standing still, he began to chant the spell silently.

Following Lin Jingyu's curse, the golden crow in front of him made a loud noise!

Like a beast roaring wildly, the wild dragon came out of the abyss, shaking everywhere.

In an instant, the Golden Crow Sword was radiant, and even many disciples with a slightly lower cultivation level could feel a burning sensation on their skin.

What's more terrifying is that even the spiritual energy in the body is beginning to evaporate inexplicably because of this light!

After just a few breaths, many humble disciples found that the original aura in their bodies had been reduced by half in an instant!

"Damn! This magical weapon is too abnormal! It can burn aura, go back!"

Many disciples retreated one after another, far away from the burning area of ​​the Golden Crow.

They can't help thinking, standing on the periphery can feel the extraordinary and terrifying of this trick, what about Jiang Siming in the ring? Can he catch this trick?

Lin Jingyu had already finished reciting the curse. At this time, his face was pale, as if his body had been hollowed out.

But he still looked at Jiang Siming with a smug smile.

"You left the sect for two years, even though you have practiced the Yuqing realm to the full level, without a master's guidance, and you have not learned any azure cloud secret arts, it is like a casual cultivator with no roots and no peace. How can we know the true strength of our sect ."

As Lin Jingyu said, the sword was like an arm and shouted!

"This trick is called'God Slashing Style', which is comparable to the'Excalibur Royal Thunder Technique', and with the golden crow, the most suitable magic weapon, its power can be compared to the lightning strike of a Jin Dan stage master. I see, how do you take it!"

After speaking, Lin Jingyu made a slashing motion with his fingers.

With just such a small movement, he exhausted all his strength and could only barely stand up and not fall to the ground.

And he did not live up to what he said, where the Golden Crow passed by, the air made a sizzling popping sound, carrying an aura of destruction, pressing against Jiang Siming's head!

The ring under the feet began to crack like a cobweb, split into countless stones, and flew out of the stage.

Just these little stones were ejected, like a hidden weapon that killed one's life, shot aimlessly at the crowd.

The disciples who were watching around were a little panicked and wanted to resist the flowing stones. Suiyue suddenly appeared around the ring, brushing her sleeves slightly, blocking these flying stones.

After Shuiyue finished this, he immediately returned to the elder's seat, and said to Cangsong with some dissatisfaction:

"Brother Cang, you really know how to train disciples. This'God-slashing style' can only be learned by disciples who have completed the foundation building and is used to deal with evil monsters. You can let him learn in advance and let him use it to deal with his own sect. Sect disciple, it's really enough."

Cang Song said: "Jingyu's talent, why don't I let him do it? Only disciples with stupid talents need to follow the steps. Besides, this is martial art, and everyone should show their true ability and be able to deal with it. Demons can naturally also be used to fight against each other."

Shui Yue gave a cold snort and ignored him, but looked at Jiang Siming on the ring with a faint worry in his eyes.

At this time, the Golden Crow had already reached the top of Jiang Siming's head, and the terrifying burning was a means to evaporate the spirit of the human body.

For a time, Jiang Siming thought this was a blow by a master of Jin Dan stage.

This also made him have to pay attention to it, he is a **** of the gods, yes, he has a thousand years of fighting experience comparable to nightshade.

But now, the opponent doesn't have any combat experience with him at all, and uses pure equipment and pure skills to deal with himself.

It's like in a game, you want to play and operate, but people can play equipment with you and add more skills.

The most important thing is the directional skill. He can't leave the ring, otherwise he will be judged to lose. Isn't this a directional skill.

Moreover, he is just building a foundation, and in order to achieve the mission requirements, he cannot borrow the summoning technique.

Zhuji faced a blow of Jindan's strength, even if it was only the first power of Jindan, he had to deal with it carefully.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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