I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2087: Love to buy or not!

"Congratulations to Myojin for winning the first place in the "Le" show again! What does Myojin want to say?"

Yan Sisi handed the microphone to Jiang Siming knowingly.

Of course she knows that the big boss is about to start advertising.

Jiang Siming coughed twice, took the microphone, and faced the audience from these twelve countries without saying anything about winning.

"Take this excellent opportunity to announce to everyone today that our company's "Holographic Jedi" will officially open overseas sales channels in two days. At that time, overseas servers will be merged with Huaxia servers. You can play it now. Booked on the official website of "Hollo"."

Everyone: "...."

People asked the first testimonial, but you started advertising your game. What is this (laughing and crying).

But there is no trick, who is the boss, oh~ how to advertise is not too much.

After the show.

Jiang Siming's "Planet" swept the entire Japan like a storm at a speed of lightning speed.

Even in the Chinese, European and American music circles, this song is rapidly occupying the major music charts.

Of course, it is Japan that is most affected by the ‘storm’.

How much influence has Europe and the United States been affected by "RightHereWaiting" in the last issue, and now this song "Planet" has much influence on the Japanese music scene.

The Japanese song sung by a Chinese singer is so magical.

Jiang Siming's popularity in Japan has risen to an incredible height.

Now that is, Lao Jiang has not gone to Japan, if he is now traveling in Japan or returning to the Tokyo Olympics.

Japanese fans can surround the hotel where the Chinese Olympic team is staying.

It's really not that they blindly chase stars, but that this song is really so good, even foreign listeners have no resistance to this song, let alone Japanese listeners.

When Jiang Siming married Ishihara and Hashimoto, many Japanese people were still very angry.

He even felt that Jiang Siming was deliberately retaliating against Zhiling for marrying to Japan.

It seems that it is obviously not.

And they now feel that Ishihara and Hashimoto's ability to marry Jiang Siming is really lucky for eight lifetimes.

Not to mention the depravity of ordinary Japanese girls, even the two beautiful daughters of Takuya Kimura also fell at home.

"Mom, I finally found my idol~ I announced that my idol in the future will be Mr. Jiang Jun~"

It was Kimura Shinmi who was talking, watching the TV program of "Le" in the living room, dancing and dancing. She is the eldest daughter of Takuya Kimura and Shizuka Kudo.

"Me, too." A quieter girl next to her was also busy talking, as if she was afraid that she would be snatched away by her sister if she slowed down.

Her name is Kimura Mitsuki, and she is the second daughter.

Kimura Takuya has just two daughters and no son.

Shizuka Kudo, who was also watching TV, said with a smile: "Your father might be sad to hear it."

Not to mention, Takuya Kimura, who was in the bathroom, just came out and heard everything.

The look in the old father's eyes became quite aggrieved.

"Guangxi, Xinmei, didn't you say that you only fan your father forever? Didn't you say that except for your father, I will never look down on other men?"

Takuya Kimura asked in a low voice, expecting the two baby girls to quickly change their answers.

However, what made him worry is that the two daughters did not want to change the answer at all.

"Dad, that's because we didn't meet a better boy than you. Now that we have met, we must tell the truth."

"That's right, you have a mother. We are still single. We have to find a boyfriend."

Kimura Takuya was anxious and said, "But the person you are looking for has already been married, okay? And he has married so many wives."

"What does that matter? I heard from my mother that she had eaten with Mr. Jiang Jun and was able to be sure that he was 100% an excellent good man, and they would cook for his mother." Kimura Guangxi said.

Sister Kimura Shinmi immediately asked her mother, "Mom, when you ate with Sister Ishihara, did you think she was particularly happy?"

Kudo Shizuka nodded honestly, and said, "Yes, as a person who came by, I can tell at a glance, Ishihara is super happy."

"Let's see~" the two daughters immediately asked their father, raising their necks.

Takuya Kimura was so angry, but finally said that these three women went back to bed depressed.

Jiang Siming, you never want to pry away my daughter in this life, no matter how good it is!


In addition to the popularity of the song, because of Jiang Siming's last commercial, "Holographic Jedi" has become popular again.

The good news for overseas players is finally here.

They have been looking forward to it for so long, and finally waited for the overseas market of the game.

That is, the first time Jiang Siming announced, countless players from all over the world began to pay money and book on the official website of "Hollo".

But what they didn't expect was that the game ring that they thought would only cost 3,000 soft sister coins would be a huge price increase in their hands!

The first is the official website of the United States. The game ring of 3000 soft sister coins was sold directly for 5000 US dollars.

U.S. players are stupid, so why are 3000 soft sister coins turned into five thousand dollars?

This Nima is more than 32,000 soft sister coins, which is more than ten times more expensive.

Servers in other countries are also wrong.

South Korea sells 28,000, Japan sells 22,000, Britain sells 25,000...

Prices vary from country to country.

The cheapest are Pakistan and Russia.

Pakistan only sells 3,000 yuan. Like China, Russia only sells 4,000 yuan.

As soon as this price gap came out, players all over the world were dissatisfied.

Why, this is a different treatment!

In particular, the United States and South Korea clamored the most, claiming that Jiang Siming is a national discrimination, and they want to protest and refuse to buy!

Unless Jiang Siming adjusts the price back to three thousand soft sister coins.

However, Jiang Siming didn't say anything about their demands.

Even if his INS account has been quarreled by them, Jiang Siming is like a okay person.

This attitude is very obvious. If you want to buy it, you can buy it. If you don't buy it, you are too lazy.

Foreign players were so angry that they teamed up and threatened to boycott "Holographic Jedi".

But despite their loud slogans, the number of pre-orders on their official website is not less than that, rising by tens of thousands of tens of thousands every minute, and they pay honestly.

This made them, foreigners, very shameless. They used to ridicule the Chinese population for accusing them of boycotting apples, but they actually bought them more eagerly than anyone else.

Feng Shui is now turning around, and I keep shouting not to lower the price or buy "Hollo", but the speed of ordering is so fast.

People can't escape the law of true incense, even the American people who claim to be the largest country can not avoid the vulgarity, ha ha.

When the face was beaten enough, Nuwa announced the reasons for the high prices everywhere.

There is only one reason, and that is that hackers in your own country madly invaded the servers of "Hollo".

The server is so high because of serious damage caused by hacker attacks and expensive maintenance.

Seeing this reason, everyone is speechless...


The fourth update~ Yesterday's update is completed~ Talking is the answer!

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