I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2041: Tubang European and American music!

Haven't waited for everyone to get distracted from it.

The most romantic and wonderful place of the whole song came in.


Let the end of the world


Let it go


Waiting for you in this life


Don't pay a huge price


Waiting for you


At this moment, the workers' stadium with nearly 100,000 people is silent.

Except for Jiang Siming's singing, the scene was quiet like a library.

Even those viewers who like to be noisy or have ADHD, at this time, it seems that they have been caught in the fixation technique.

Sit in your place and feel the charm of music.

Many foreign audience members burst into tears.

And these tears seem to have infinite appeal, and more and more Western audiences shed tears.

Whether at the scene or in front of the computer or television, Western audiences were crying.

This song touched the softest and most vulnerable part of their hearts.

This song "RightHereWaiting", when it was created at the time, became the hottest song in the United States. It once occupied the first place on the major music charts for three full years!

After that, this song was widely sung, and it also became a sustenance for mutual comfort and peace when family and friends parted during the war.

Almost all Westerners can sing this song, one can imagine the magic of this song.

If the English songs sung by Jiang Siming before are compared to a small earthquake.

That song is equivalent to a ten-magnitude earthquake, enough to shake the mountain and earthshaking!

Chinese audiences were also moved by it, even if they could not exactly feel the meaning of the English lyrics.

Just looking at the translation can also let them know how extraordinary the song is.

God, what kind of song did Jiang Siming write!

Obese and Corvo, who are usually the most optimistic, have red eyes, no usual smiles, and some only remember and move.

Taylor also burst into tears, and Christine next to him cried into tears.

Oh, a Chinese man made her cry, it’s amazing!

Until the end of the song.

Although no one has counted how many people shed tears for this song today, it is not an exaggeration to say.

Jiang Siming sang and cried all Western audiences with a song today.

Even after Jiang Siming finished singing, until he stood up and bowed to everyone, the audience still hadn't recovered from their sadness.

It was the Huaxia audience who took the lead in applauding and shocked them, and then they reacted.

Soon, the entire stadium was overwhelmed by applause.

The Chinese audience waited for a long time after applauding, and the applause of the foreigners did not stop. They seemed to have only applauded.

Only then can I express my gratitude to Jiang Siming for sending them this song.

After three minutes of voting.

The number of votes of Jiang Siming was announced at the scene: 3899w+!

Almost more than twice the votes of Taylor, the Chinese audience felt incredible.

But foreign audiences are not surprised at all. They think that Jiang Siming's song is definitely worthy of this number of votes!

This is not over yet.

As soon as the vote was over, Jiang Siming was about to turn around and leave, but Taylor rushed up like a little fan and threw himself into Jiang Siming's arms.

Very proactively kissed Jiang Siming's lips.

And this time, those Western audiences who were originally protesting started to feel that Taylor was lucky to find such a boyfriend.

This idea, they all feel outrageous...

This night, the Western music scene is destined to be a sleepless night.

I don’t know how many foreigners play this song in a loop.

This song is also called by Western audiences as the best gift from the East.

If the Hollywood movie "Kung Fu Panda" is the best gift from the West to the East.

So now, Dongfang has finally returned one of the best gifts to them.

The former was produced by the top team in Hollywood, and it has also won billions of box office in China, which is considered a gift, and it is also self-interested.

But now, Dongfang only relies on Jiang Siming to write one song and complete the gift feedback.

And did not charge any fees.

This makes many foreigners feel embarrassed. When comparing their "Kung Fu Panda", they can't get it right. That's what they call a great country style!

Overnight, the song "RightHereWaiting" topped the charts on all major music platforms including YouTube, Yahoo, Soundcloud, and Microsoft!

Even crush the ten major roads of music ranked behind.

The entire European and American music charts were bloodbathed by Jiang Siming's song.

Many people in Europe and the United States did not watch the "Le" program, and when they got up the next day and watched it online, the entire network was agitated by a song.

They felt inexplicable, but after they listened, they immediately joined the boiling army...

Jiang Siming's INS account also gained tens of millions of fans in one night.

These fans all rushed to this song and became fans of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's current number of fans has reached the top ten INS fan rankings, catching up with the big names in Europe and the United States.

In the ranking of singers in Europe and America, it is in the top five.

The soaring list is all first!

You know, Jiang Siming is just a Chinese singer (cover his face)...

Before the change, they didn't believe that a Chinese person could enter the European and American music charts.

Even many well-known European and American music critics are cheering for Jiang Siming.

He also said that Jiang Siming's song is very hopeful to win the Grammy Awards in January next year!

Unless the organizer has regional discrimination, Jiang Siming will not be awarded, they stand upside down and shit!

Jiang Siming doesn't know what the reaction of Europe and the United States is and how big a musical storm it caused.

At this time, he was in his own Fuding Hotel, in his exclusive presidential suite, with the beautiful girl Taylor in his arms, sleeping soundly.

The home run was successfully completed last night.

After a world-class pop song, she also became a wife of the Jiang family.

For this reason, Lao Jiang didn't return home last night and stayed in the hotel all the time.

He and Taylor did not get up until there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, I found Christine standing in the doorway with a bad look.

"What's wrong, what's the matter?" Jiang Siming asked with a yawn, without any fear.

It’s just a Sayuri, it seems like it’s here to catch a rape, cut it~

"I'm going back to China, come and say goodbye to Tyler."

Seeing Jiang Siming's fearless look, Christine was even more angry.

She tried very hard to stop it last night, but still couldn't stop it, Taylor gave the faith in vain.

Taking advantage of her bath time, Taylor slipped away and ran to Jiang Siming’s room to go happily with her boyfriend, regardless of her life or death...

But it was useless for her to be angry. Taylor didn't have any affair with her at first, and Taylor regarded her as a good friend.

Although she likes Taylor, she has a crush.

Taylor has found love now, what can she say, she can only bless her.

She just wants to go back now, hugging her girlfriend and crying...


[Author's digression]: Third update ~ plus correction on the way~

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