I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2037: Global game companies panic

Seeing this barrage, Jiang Siming was speechless and smiled: "You can't play online even if you get it now, you can only play in the training ground."

"It doesn't matter, I am willing, I want it!" Wang Dashao cried.

"Are you teaching me how to do things? Re-edit the language." Jiang Siming said proudly. Let's see, is this the attitude of asking for help?

Wang Dashao really deserves to be a good man.

"Brother, my good eldest brother~ please, give me a ring, I need it~"

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction and said: "Don't be so troublesome, you give me the address and I will let my driver take it for you."

"Ok Ouke, I will send you WeChat now, let your driver drive faster, I can't wait, wait for a meeting, pull me to team up!"

"Okay, I know, don't be too long-winded." Jiang Siming finished talking to everyone and waited a moment, then temporarily turned off the live broadcast.

Give the ring to Li Chunlan and let him send it to Young Master Wang.

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Siming suddenly remembered that he could not only let Wang Dashao try it out, but also find all the well-known game anchors to try it out.

Isn't this a living advertisement? This can prove to everyone whether his game is real or not.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming took out hundreds of rings and asked all the drivers in the family to mobilize and acted as a courier, sending them to the homes of various famous anchors.

As for the address, he will know it by asking on WeChat.

The anchors who learned that Jiang Siming would ask them to try Holographic Jedi jumped up excitedly.

They were also watching Jiang Siming's live broadcast just now, and just like the water friends, they can't wait to enter the game immediately.

They bought the game early, but it will take at least a few days to get it.

Of course they would be happy to play in advance now.

In this way, within an hour, all major broadcasters in Shanghai received the game ring.

PDD, Yinzi, Nv Liu, Wu Wu Kai, a certain phantom, old tomato, factory manager Ao, Chu He, UZI, Shen Chao, etc.

These first-line anchors stationed in Shanghai all received the ring from Jiang Siming.

The anchors who received the ring were excited as if children had picked up their favorite toy, and they were dancing with joy at home.

One after another, the live broadcasts are started, and other games are sidelined. They just want to try this game today.

Watching Jiang Siming play in the training ground for more than an hour, the audience was not tired at all, but the more they watched, the more they became fascinated.

The training ground alone is enough to attract them. Waiting for the game's open beta, is it worth it?

Now you must go to the training ground to practice guns and be familiar with the content of the game, so that you can be ahead of other players, and then use this to gain popularity, quack!

Dazed and Tuantuan still have kites. They also asked Jiang Siming for a few rings, and they were all excited to try them.

When other wives saw this, they were all curious about this game. They all asked Jiang Siming for a ring, and they all went back to the house to play the game, but they stopped playing mahjong.

Even Zhao Xiaoxiao ran to play games.

Fortunately, Xiao Luoyu fell asleep, otherwise she would cry when her parents stopped playing with her, oooooo, love disappeared~

Soon, in addition to twitch, all three platforms have anchors starting to play Holographic Jedi.

Every anchor who tried to play could not stop their screams from beginning to end.

"Ya'er a geoduck! You can still play games like this! I'm stupid!"

"It's so **** cool, Ma Fei! This game is so real!"

"Kayakayakaya! Is this a holographic projection? I feel like I've passed through!"

"Look at me pinching my face, hahahahaha, I'm so ugly~"

"It feels like we have come to another dimension."

"Seriously, just for the experience, 3000 yuan is too cheap!"

"I play the console. Generally, many VR games have to sell for thousands or even tens of thousands. Compared with this game, they are not as good as shit!"

"I just say one thing, buy now, don't regret not buying!"


This comparison, Jiang Siming was much calmer than them.

They are the reaction of real gamers to the Holographic Jedi for the first time.

With them, the popularity of publicity has been unprecedentedly expanded.

The number of reservations skyrocketed!

In just over an hour, there are already more than 250,000 players scheduled to pay.

In other words, in such a short period of time, Jiang Siming was 780 million.

That's how many people are. If they can reach the standard of end-game Jedi players and reach tens of millions, Jiang Siming can sell game rings and win hundreds of billions.

The key is not to mention holographic games on the market, that is, qualified and fun VR games are rare.

When the holographic Jedi appeared, it was like a thermal weapon came to the ancient battlefield a thousand years ago, crushed! Crush without suspense!

Dominate the market!

With so many big anchors doing publicity, Jiang Siming can quit the game temporarily.

As soon as I quit the game, my phone received a lot of calls.

Wangyi, Penguin, Shanda and other major game companies called him to ask about Holographic Jedi endorsement and technical cooperation.

Obviously, they are panicking now.

Just kidding, Jiang Siming's company made such a phenomenal game, it's strange that they didn't panic.

Especially Penguin. After seeing the live broadcast of this game, Mr. Ma jumped out of bed when he was going to sleep.

If this game is really in public beta, is there still a market for his League of Legends?

He didn't worry about this issue when he traveled to the peak of the Jedi with the front end, but now that this holographic Jedi has not yet been publicly tested, he already feels a strong sense of crisis.

President Ma called Jiang Siming the first time, but the line was busy, but he had no choice but to immediately notify Penguin's game department for an overnight meeting.

The same goes for other game companies, including major foreign game companies, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Blizzard, Orange and so on.

All companies are holding emergency meetings to discuss how to deal with Jiang's new game.

Mr. Ma asked the developers of the game department more bluntly: "Can you copy the same holographic game?"

The developers are stupid, the boss is afraid that they are teasing them? How to copy this?

The imitation failed, so they had to continue to call Jiang Siming to inquire about cooperation.

However, the response they got was that the Jiang Group does not need to cooperate for the time being, they can do it all by themselves.

Now, the bosses of these game companies are in a hurry, but they are helpless.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how you think about it is redundant.

You can't crack how this game is made? What exactly is holographic technology?

Even if I want to spend a lot of money to dig the production team of the holographic game, I can't find a bit of information after checking it.

Temeow’s game seems to be made out of thin air!

But as early as a long time ago, Jiang Siming revealed that his company would release a new cross-epoch game.

It also proved that Jiang Siming must have a team, but he hid so deeply, they haven't found it yet.

In this case, there is no move.


The fourth watch ~ still owe five more ~ ​​continue to add more!

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