I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2028: The faculty of Guoshu University

In addition to the coming out of the Holographic Jedi, Jiang Siming's Chinese Academy of Arts is about to open.

During this time, he has been looking for school personnel.

Cleaning things like the doorman is very simple, mainly looking for teachers who can teach at the Guoshu University.

This is very important. After all, what the Guoshu University wants to teach is real skills, and most of the first batch of students taught are elites in the police and military circles.

There are even elite members of the Tian Group.

If the teacher is not qualified, it will be a joke.

So Jiang Siming asked the old man Tianzu to help him contact the masters of the hermit school to apply for the company.

For the time being, only masters in the hermit realm were qualified to be teachers in it, and at least they started as profound masters.

These monastic masters were unwilling to come at first, but the old man of the Tian Group said: "You don't have to come, but this kid is very likely to go back to your school if you don't come, but I don't know why you are going to your school. "

After saying this, no matter which hermit sect, he obediently sent a master, and even the head of the monarch.

Damn, do you have to go if you can't go? If this killer comes here, they don't need to open their sect, okay?

Jiang Siming's strength has been recognized by the hermit world, this person's strong pervert, at least the strength of the sky level or above, can not provoke, do not provoke.

Since then, there have been constant retreat masters coming down the mountain, coming to the magic city, and honestly rushing to Jiang Siming's company, waiting for an appointment.

Jiang Siming is not a master at all. Under his mind-reading and delusion-breaking eyes, he has a clear understanding of the opponent's character strength and personality.

Anyone who is not well-intentioned, or who is not right in their minds, will be given a fight according to different degrees.

The slightly bad ones were given a warning for serious injuries. The more bad ones had their cultivation bases abolished and handed over to the Tian Group to arrest them.

If it's worse, then throw it into the wilderness of the animal planet to survive.

In the end, twenty qualified masters of hermit cultivation were screened out, of which fifteen were Xuan-level and five were Earth-level.

The number of teachers is a bit small, but it doesn't matter, it should be enough for the time being.

If it doesn't work, order all hermits above the profound level to come and report, otherwise he will be destroyed.

It just doesn't make sense.

And these twenty masters, the masters they cultivated at that time, can continue to stay in school as new teachers, and so on.

Don't worry about the lack of teacher resources in the follow-up.

What's more, Jiang Siming would also take time to go to school to attend classes. If it didn't work, let Bing and Huowu and Shengxue help out, just a trivial matter.

Of course, it is not without benefits for these masters to be teachers in school.

Jiang Siming knew that wages were not of much interest to them, so he took out a few [Strengthen Pills] as rewards.

One of this thing is comparable to twenty of their so-called Heavenly Pills.

Heavenly pill is a rare treasure in the hermit sect. The attraction of this [Strengthen Pill] to them can be imagined.

These twenty preparatory teachers were originally arranged to be teachers reluctantly.

It sounds like this is good.

Jiang Siming clearly stipulates that teachers who come to school to spend their days can not be rewarded, only basic salary.

Only teachers who have taught the best students are eligible to take this stuff, and the more masters taught, the more pill will be rewarded, and there is no upper limit.

And the best teacher can get his personal guidance.

This made them more motivated. They all left the school behind and just wanted to stay in the university and teach well.

Jiang Siming initially decided to start school in the middle of next month. They can go back and stay for another half a month. Then they will report to the school on time.

When these twenty people heard it, they hurriedly returned to the school without stopping.

As for going back to the school? Of course it is amazing!

Hand over all the martial arts masters to apply for, and it is best to bring the head and ancestors over!

This is a good thing, whoever is not active is a fool.

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that this wave would clean up a lot of ‘garbage’ for the entire monastic world.

Because anyone who came to apply for a job would be able to get insight into Jiang Siming's secrets, and Jiang Siming might know better than them if he did not do bad things.

The good stays, the bad cleans up.

In this way, Jiang Siming inadvertently cleared the atmosphere of the entire monastic world. Even the old man of the Tian group sighed and owed Jiang Siming a favor...

As for the number of students, there are already 3,300.

The elders are about to go 1,500, the top policeman also wants 1,000, and the old man in the Tian group wants 300. Later, his father-in-law also ‘corrupted’ 500.

The original quota of 3,000 was originally set, but now it must be exceeded.

According to the teacher at Fudan who was in charge of enrolling him, there are more than 10,000 students enrolled nationwide, but only less than 1,000 meet Jiang Siming's conditions.

Adding up this thousand, if there are further applicants, the total number of students will be around 5,000.

Five thousand are not too many. His Chinese Martial Arts University can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, and five thousand are not enough.

However, in the first batch, Jiang Siming even hopes to train 5,000 teachers, so there are not too many places, and the conditions are very high.

During this time, Zaina made rapid progress in school.

There is Jiang Siming's Qiangshen Pill every day, coupled with her diligent training and extremely hard work, and Jiang Siming's guidance from time to time.

Zaina's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and her level is no less than that of a profound master.

Don't be surprised, [Strong Body Pill] A body that is set for a year, Zaina has been in school for more than a month.

During the period, the [Strengthen Pill] never stopped, one a day, which means that Zaina is equivalent to at least forty to fifty years of practice.

There are so many elixirs at home now, mainly because there are more alchemy robots, and the efficiency of alchemy is naturally N times faster.

There is really no shortage of pill, and as there are more and more pill-making robots, there will be more and more pill, which can be used as a candy pill for her.

In fact, even if Zaina is a teacher, she is qualified, and it depends on whether Zaina can reach the prefecture level in the last half month.

After the earth level is the sky level, the sky level will actually touch the threshold of foundation building.

The reason why his wives can cultivate immortality is also the result of eating [Strengthening Pill] every day, plus Jiang Siming used real energy to open up their veins and blood.

Quickly break through the heavens and enter the gate of immortality.

And the hermits on the earth cannot cultivate immortals even if they reach the foundation-building strength, because they don't know how to cultivate.

Unless Jiang Siming is willing to teach them.

But Jiang Siming had never seen anyone who broke through to the heavens, except his wives.

He also carefully searched the earth with his divine sense, and indeed no one has broken through the heavens.

At most, it only reached the level of heaven. Like the old man of the Tian Group and the uncle of the base, they were already rare.

Jiang Siming is already considering whether to help Zaina also clear up the veins and blood.

But it’s better to use Yin and Yang Gong to get this thing through. Jiang Siming is not very willing, after all, he is a big boudoir (low beep)...


Fifth more!

I owe you eight more! Continue tomorrow.

Everyone, this wave of sake is considered sincere, that... silver ticket, vote for it, ahem...

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