I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2019: Dialect expert Jiang Siming

At first, it was silent, and many shopkeepers saw this cigarette. They did not belong to any tobacco company and were not interested in it.

Cigarettes also depend on the background. For example, if your cigarette is Liqun, Honghe, China, etc., it is a new product under their banner.

There must be a lot of people to buy it, but Jiang Siming's background is a newly registered tobacco company.

When they saw it, they had no interest at all.

If you don’t have a background and are so expensive, the ghosts are willing to buy and sell, if you can’t sell it, don’t you throw it into your own hands?

And Jiang Siming asked his father to sell only low-to-mid-grade cigarettes for the time being, and to keep the high-grade cigarettes temporarily.

Therefore, the price of 288 did not appear in everyone's field of vision, otherwise it would cause a sensation if it hit the price.

After all, cigarettes are stipulated not to exceed one hundred yuan, you sell 288? It is estimated that there will be a lot of complaints.

Jiang Siming didn't want to be complained and reported as soon as he started selling, and he didn't want to use this method to speculate.

Simply sell it like that, only low-to-mid-grade ones.

He fully believes that his own Yulongyan can become popular without any hype.

Good product without advertising.

After Yulong's smoke explodes, the catchphrase from Gen Huazi has to be changed to come with Longzi (laughs and cry).

By the way, Jiang Siming sent ten high-grade Yulong Yan to the elder and the old man of the Tian Group.

It is not that he buckles, but that the output of this high-grade Yulong smoke itself is small.

This is also one of the reasons why he is not allowed to sell it temporarily. He wants to officially sell it until the second batch of Yulongyan is released.

The elder and the old man smoked after receiving the cigarette, good guys, they all called Jiang Siming and said that they would...

Jiang Siming spread his hands, and he knew it would be like this, so he had to send them ten more, and let's talk about it after he finished drawing.

In addition to the old man and the elders, Jiang Siming also mailed twenty articles to the old men who smoked.

Fortunately, the elder and the old man didn't know, if they knew they had to point Jiang Siming's nose to scold him differently.

They only gave ten, and it took a long time for them to add to twenty.

Your father-in-law didn't say anything, only 20 items per person. You are not treating it differently! Protest! Protest!

Fortunately, they didn't say, otherwise Jiang Siming would definitely answer very bachelor's: Some way, who would let me take their daughters away, I have to make some compensation.

At that time, it is estimated that the old man of Tian Zu will not be angry, maybe he will also stuff Dongfang Weixi on him (smirk).

In addition to the old man, Jiang Siming also sent one to each of his good friends who like to smoke.

Well, there is only one, the richest man in the world.

President Ali Ma, President Penguin Ma, and President Wang Shunfeng are all smokers. When they got Jiang Siming's gift, they opened it curiously.

It was found to be a cigarette, and it was a cigarette I had never seen before.

After taking a sip with curiosity, like the elders, they immediately called Jiang Siming and asked for more.

Jiang Siming was very ‘generous’ and sent them an extra one on the excuse that he didn’t have much, but he could buy a mid-range version.

When these guys heard it, they believed it, and immediately asked their secretaries to find this kind of cigarettes all over the world.

In addition to them, there are also many entertainment friends that Jiang Siming knows, and there are many smokers.

Like Fei Chen, Zhang Shan, Lao Hu, Cheng He, Lin Gou, Huang Bo, etc., these guys are actually smokers.

Even Star Master also likes to smoke.

When Wang Dashao heard that Jiang Siming had delivered a cigarette, he immediately called and said that he had no loyalty and had forgotten himself.

Jiang Siming had to comfort him and said that it had been delivered, but it hadn't arrived yet. For this reason, he also posted one more and sent it to the young master, which blocked the guy's mouth.

After they received Jiang Siming's gift, they all smiled and put it down.

This cigarette is so easy to smoke, they started smoking the first puff, worried about the issue of out of stock.

So they all sent their assistants to find them this kind of cigarettes.

With their search and needs, some bosses began to tentatively buy cigarettes from Yulong Company.

The demand market for Yulong Tobacco is also gradually opening up.

It is only a matter of time before it becomes the favorite cigarette of all smokers.

In the past two days, Jiang Siming went to watch an NBA game, and still tuned in with Taylor to check the ball.

Later he discovered that Christine was also a smoker, so he asked her to smoke a dragon.

Unexpectedly, after smoking, Christine threw all her woman cigarettes away and begged Jiang Siming to sell her cigarettes.

This woman asks for fifty when she speaks, because she is afraid that after she returns to the country, she will lose it...

Jiang Siming was reluctant to bear it, but in view of Taylor's face, he gave it generously.

This wave, I did not expect to have won a lot of goodwill from Christine.

Christine, who had always been jealous of him, also began to be kind to him.

Jiang Siming said he was speechless. He never expected that he had discovered the secret of attacking Christine, and he could get it with a pack of cigarettes, this silly girl!

The NBA Finals is already 3:2. The Lakers have won three games. If nothing else, the last game is over.

Otherwise, you have to play two games.

However, depending on the status, the Lakers should end the battle 4:2. Jiang Siming is waiting for the start of the next game. At that time, he can prepare red envelopes to reward these players.

The next issue of "Le" will soon begin.

Jiang Siming calculated the time. It is estimated that when the NBA is finished and the next episode of "Le" is over, Jiang Siming's Holographic Jedi should also come out.

Thinking about it, I look forward to it, when Jiang Siming will be the first to experience it.

One day before the start of the final game of the NBA Finals, Jiang Siming took Tang Ru and his brother-in-law Tang Song to Liaoning.

Both Tang Ru and Tang Song are from Liaoning, one of the three provinces in Northeast China.

It's no wonder that Tang Ru spoke a few Northeast dialects from time to time, and he was particularly fond of playing.

The northeastern dialect is actually very interesting, and full of true temperament in boldness, Jiang Siming loves to listen anyway.

Moreover, he was fascinated by the fact that he also learned a fluent Northeast dialect beside Tang Ru.

In fact, this guy already knows many dialects.

Learn Cantonese from Hundred Billion Deng Qi, Funan from Tuantuan, Shanghainese from Zhao Xuan Chizheng, Sichuan dialect from Jiang Lan Kite, Shaanxi dialect from Xia Ran Daida...

Wait, Jiang Siming already knows a dozen dialects anyway.

No way, there are many wives, and they all come from all corners of China.

In addition, he learns things very fast, so he knows more.

If he hadn't learned English, French, Korean, and Japanese from the fragments, Jiang Siming would be able to learn from his wives without these fragments.

Ji Hyo Jenna taught him Korean, Eva taught him French, Ishihara Hashimoto taught him Japanese, and Irene taught him English.

So far, Jiang Siming has been a little pity, wasted, and it's good to keep for self-study.

But he taught himself Swedish, and Nancy taught him.

Maybe I will learn Pakistani in the future...cough cough...there's nothing, I'm sloppy, don't get me wrong.


Third more~

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