I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2010: Mom, if you don’t understand, just ask

This is not just the United States anymore. My fans have fans all over the world. It's not just fun for INS fans to exceed Ronaldo.

It was even more sensational than when Yoona was made public.

Lin Yoona is only well-known in Asia, and Momo is on the five continents, with her fans.

For a while, audiences all over the world were protesting.

Of course, the most irritating is the American audience, after all, the mildew is from the US.

No man doesn't want the "national treasure goddess" of his country to be pried away by a foreigner.

When Liu Yifei was pried away by a stick, Chinese fans almost didn't blow up the Korean website.

At the scene, protesters abound.

They have even started shouting, but a very small number of American audiences are shouting, but the Chinese audiences have begun to gloat.

After all, Jiang Siming is from their Huaxia, if they can soak away the goddess of the United States, then they will also earn a good blood, they and Yourong Yan.

Just like Lin Yuner was poached by Jiang Siming back then, although the Chinese man expressed his heartache, but besides his heartache, he was more proud!

Hahaha, this is a typical honor psychology.

If they weren't yelling, Jiang Siming wouldn't know what was going on. He didn't know that he had been sniped by the director again when he looked up at the screen.

When he was about to turn his head and tell Tyler that it would be okay to ignore the shot, he never thought that Tyler unexpectedly took the initiative to kiss him.


For a time, the audience was a sensation!

Ma yeah, tomorrow's big global news has been locked in advance!

The American men were heartbroken when they saw this scene.

Yes, Jiang Si clearly didn’t take the initiative, but... Temeow’s own goddess took the initiative first...

"Like men in Korea and Japan, I hate Jiang Siming deeply!"

"The United States never welcomes Jiang Siming anymore!"

"When I see Jiang Siming in the U.S., I will see him fight once."

"Did you form a group with me to fight him in China? (1/100

"Doesn't this guy have some bad money? Tyler is so superficial! Fan turns black!"


These American men are so sour to death, it is fake to say that they are not uncomfortable.

The Chinese audience is different.

"Jiangshen cowhide! Marry the mildew back to China!"

"Yes, yes, there are so many anyway, not bad for this one, Jiang Shen, come on!"

"Master Patriarch is worshipped by me!"

"When it comes to wealth, my Myojin is the number one in the world, and when it comes to picking up girls, my Myojin is not a rant, and the same is true!"

"What the **** is Xiao Lizi, he can only be a model, my Myojin, I will not let go of the beautiful ones, hahaha."


These Chinese audiences are not too big to watch the excitement, and they laugh more vigorously than anyone else.

Durant, one of the NBA superstars who just came here today on vacation to watch the game.

On the side, eating crispy noodles, watching this scene, the expression is quite rich.

Others only knew that he liked Scarlett, and even publicly stated that he wanted to drink Scarlett's bath water.

But in fact, Du Xiaoshuai still has a sweetheart, that is mildew.

Durant wanted to sit with Momo from the beginning, but Momo told him that there was someone in this position, so he had to sit on the other side.

Now, seeing the mildew take the initiative to kiss Jiang Siming, Du Xiaoshuai's heart was cold, and the crispy noodles in his hands suddenly didn't fragrant at all.

The O'Fan next to him patted him on the shoulder and said soothingly: "Don't be sad, you just lost to my suit."

After speaking, O'Fang grabbed the crisp noodles in Du Xiaoshuai's hands and ate them by himself.

Du Xiaoshuai didn't care, but his eyes were still staring at Moyu and Jiang Siming's dog food.

"Why, the goddess I like, none of them like me."

Durant muttered to himself sadly.

Obang will eat up all the crispy noodles, and still not forget to secretly put the packaging bag back into Durant's pocket, and then comforted:

"It's okay, with your temperament, sooner or later there will be a goddess who likes you, you have to persist."

Durant didn't believe it. People on the Internet said he was a dick, a rich dick.

Even Chinese netizens laughed at him, even if his net worth is over 100 million, he still can't hide his temperament as a contractor...

Crying, crying, no love.

On Durant's side, various nets are suppressing clouds, but Jiang Siming is full of peach blossoms.

Taylor offered to kiss, and it took a long time before he parted.

Taylor smiled and said to Jiang Siming after kissing: "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to break the rules of KISSCAM, you don't have to be psychologically burdened."

Jiang Siming was forced to kiss for some reason, and he was old and innocent.

But as an old driver, how could he be as shy and timid as a rookie.

He looked at Tyler, pointed to his mouth, and said: "Please be more serious, please spread your lipstick evenly, can you not be perfunctory?"

Taylor really couldn't hold it this time, and finally blushed.

But Taylor didn't dare to be bold again.

He even got up and left his seat, and Kuan Kuan sat in Jiang Siming's arms, holding his face, and kissed him again.

Oh woo~~~

Only the wailing of men could be heard again at the scene.

American men are wailing, Chinese men are caring.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

The American men in front of them can also comfortably say that it is because of KISSCAM.

It was Taylor and Jiang Siming's fake play, which enlivened the atmosphere.

But now KISSCAM's lens has long since been cut off on both of them, now they can find self-comfort?

The American goddess, who only stayed in China for less than a few days, was captured by Jiang Siming.

The goddess harvester, this title is well-deserved.

Christine on the side pretended to look at the phone and didn't want to watch this scene.

Yes, her goddess was also robbed...

Fortunately, the two were not too involved and separated temporarily.

It seems that the two still know that this is the scene of the game, and it is still broadcast live worldwide.

But after this wave, the news that Momo took the initiative to show his love and kiss Jiang Siming must not be able to escape. INS and Gulu have already been in the fryer.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was watching TV at home, watched her dad cuddling with an unfamiliar woman.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was so angry that her mouth was pouted, and the bucket of ice cream she was holding was not sweet anymore.

"Moms~ come and see~ your husband is adding financial burden to our family again~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her neck and shouted, reporting, this wave must report her dad!

But who knows, the mothers walked over and took a look. Not only were they not angry, they laughed and said it was a good thing.

There was no one on her side, Zhao Xiaoxiao was speechless, and said: "Moms, are you really unable to eat at night to let Dad find you so many sisters?"

All the women in the family blushed with this.

Zhao Xuan was even more frustrated. She walked over and pinched Zhao Xiaoxiao's ears: "You girl, what are you talking about, at a young age, who did you learn this from?"

"See if I won't pack you today, sit down for me, you are also in high school, it's time to talk to you about **** education!"

Zhao Xuan looked serious.

Zhao Xiaoxiao saw Ma Ma angry and sat down obediently.

"Okay, Mom, just ask if you don't understand."

Zhao Xuan: "....."

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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