I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1998: Bad master, wronged person~

There are at least four games in the NBA Finals, and there will be a day off after each game, that is, one game in two days.

Counting that, Corvo and the others will have to stay in Shanghai for at least a week, and if they play a full game, they will have to stay for two weeks.

This makes Corvo very happy, and their family should not spend more time in China.

Fortunately, they didn't bring their children here wisely this time, otherwise gigi and the others would both have to go to school. They might have to leave early.

Together with players like Zhan Huang, they all stayed in Jiang Siming's Fuding Hotel, and stayed in their own boss's hotel, which is comfortable.

Fuding Hotel is also one of the best five-star hotels in Shanghai. Players and friends go out to pick up and drop off the Rolls Royce.

The more than 300 Rolls-Royces that Jiang Siming bought when he was married have not been distributed.

Because there are a few couples of father-in-law and mother-in-law who don't need these cars, such as Shengxue's family, they don't need them, because they are not likely to be affected.

Hundred Billion and Eva don't need it at all, they don't lack at home, and they don't bother to transport them.

This leaves a lot of Rolls-Royce, and Jiang Siming doesn't like these models too much.

They packed them together and threw them at the Fuding Hotel to pick up their friends or some of the guests who came to live in the hotel.

Now I find that it works well. It feels that Fuding’s structure is lower. Although it is a five-star hotel, there are many five-star hotels in China, and it is everywhere in the world.

Reba, the president of space real estate, intends to make Fuding a hotel brand and plans to open branches all over the world.

Recently, preparations have been made to build a seven-star Fuding hotel, which will also be the first seven-star hotel in Shanghai.

There are currently only three seven-star hotels in China, in Sanya, Kyoto and Guangzhou. Unfortunately, there are none in Shanghai.

The richest man Wang originally invested 3 billion yuan and wanted to build a Wanda Ruihua Hotel, but the specifications were far worse than the seven-star hotel. At most, it was a five-star hotel.

Many hotels advertise seven-stars, but in fact they don't. They can't even reach five-stars.

You can't get 3 billion of this stuff.

The Burj Al Arab Hotel is a standard seven-star hotel and the first seven-star hotel in the world.

It cost nearly seven billion soft sister coins to build, and it was 1994 at that time.

Reba is here to be serious this time, and Jiang Siming also agrees. Even the hotel drawing has been designed for her. If it is built, it will be absolutely phenomenal.

But the cost is also very scary, at least tens of billions.

But for Jiang Siming, this is nothing at all.

The money he just picked up recently was more than 200 billion, which was given to him by fools, and these fools were the jewelers.

These jewelers are still arguing with him, trying to buy up Jiang Siming's diamonds and kick him out of the game.

Knowing that people have worked so hard to give money to himself, Jiang Siming doesn't seem to be very interesting without spending a little bit, so let's play the entire tens of billions of hotels...

After banqueting friends, Jiang Siming also returned to his home.

It's already more than one o'clock in the morning, and the lights at home have been turned off early.

The whole family fell asleep, and he, the male protagonist, had just returned from the outside waves.

Fortunately, Mom and Dad have gone back, otherwise they would have to scold him if they knew that he was "fooling around".

After entering the house, Jiang Siming still habitually went to Xinyi's room to see Xiao Luoyu.

Seeing his daughter sleep soundly, he felt relieved, closed the door quietly, and returned to his room.

Stripped off the clothes and ran into the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately, the wives are all asleep, otherwise a mandarin duck bath would be great.

Jiang Siming thought to himself that it seemed that he had to guard the vacant room alone today, so he could go around in the archived copy for a while.

While taking a bath, Jiang Siming wondered why the new large copy hasn't come out yet?

It used to be very fast, but this time I waited for more than a week without refreshing.

The small copy roulette is almost refreshed, and two large and small copies will not appear together at that time.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to wait for this.

Jiang Siming, who was considering which dungeon to go to tonight, suddenly opened the bathroom, and the familiar Ari walked in.

Behind her was a familiar cat ear lady.

Jiang Siming's eyes widened. Good fellow, Ah Nun also recovered.

Oops, I may not be able to go to the copy tonight...


The next day, Jiang Siming got up refreshed, and the wives at home were also very normal.

There are two pets in the exclusive exclusive, a cat and a fox, lying motionless on the sacred fruit tree and sleeping deeply.

"Husband, what's the matter with these two little guys? Are they sick? They usually come over when they get to the meal. How come they seem to have no energy today."

Holding a ration, Huo Wu looked at Ari and A-Nan on the tree suspiciously.

She and Bingmei practiced at home, and she also became a breeder.

Moreover, Huo Wu has long been integrated into the role of'Jiang Siming's wife'. This husband called it quite smoothly.

Jiang Siming coughed a few times and explained: "Oh, it's not sick. When I came back last night, the two of them were still fighting. I guess I will have to sleep today when I'm tired. Don't worry about them, just feed Xiangxiang them. That’s fine."

"Yeah." Huo Wu didn't doubt he was there, and turned around to serve Xiangxiang and Nicole Aqiao.

As soon as Huo Wu left, Ari and A-nan looked down on the tree and looked at Jiang Siming aggrievedly, bad master, wronged person~

Jiang Siming had a thick-skinned face, but Chundang didn't see it, and turned around to eat his breakfast.

While eating, he pretends to watch the news with the tablet, for fear of revealing the stuff.

"Why are you weird today?" The Ice Beauty just finished eating and looked a little strange at him.

Jiang Siming immediately pretended to die: "Is there? What's weird?"

"When have you seen the news when you usually eat?" Bingmei said.

"Oh, it's not that I suddenly thought of this, just want to see if there is any interesting international news recently." Jiang Siming is quite guilty now.

Bingmei didn't delve into it. She tidied up her dishes as if chatting, and said: "There is a piece of news that may be related to our team. The teacher may have to assign a task."

"What news?" Jiang Siming immediately turned his attention.

Bingmei walked to Jiang Siming, bent down and lowered her head, and slid a few pages against Jiang Siming's tablet, turning to a piece of news.

"Look at this one."

Jiang Siming hurriedly looked over and said: [The Minister of Environmental Protection of Japan announced that 1.25 million tons of Fukushima nuclear waste water will be dumped into the Pacific Ocean. 】

It is also written below that the Japanese environmental ambassador declared that this action will not cause any pollution to the marine environment and will not cause any impact on marine life.

Let everyone rest assured.

"Is this environmental minister's mind filled with shit?" Jiang Siming was speechless.

I saw such disgusting news early in the morning.

Will nuclear waste water dump into the Pacific Ocean cause pollution?

This fallacy is like saying that if I dig out your five organs, you won't have any influence.

Not to mention pollution, biological mutation is very possible!


Third more~

I owe six more chapters. I originally wanted to pay it back, but the editor asked me to save the manuscript for the event next month. Alas, sake is also very helpless.

Let’s wait for a few days, starting on the 1st of next month to make up all the debts~

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