I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1993: Diamond rain

Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun in the solar system.

Jiang Siming didn't go here as a tourist. He came to ‘buy goods’.

There are a lot of diamonds in Neptune, all under its atmosphere.

But the current level of science and technology on the earth simply does not have the ability to pass through the atmosphere of Neptune.

Because Neptune’s atmosphere is quite terrifying, the outermost layer is full of methane and hydrogen, and then there are thunderstorm clouds, followed by water ice clouds and superheated clouds.

The temperature can reach minus 300 degrees Celsius at the lowest temperature, and it can break through 1200 degrees Celsius at the highest temperature.

Even the most advanced exploration satellites may be melted instantly after entering.

This is why so far, none of the eight planets has ever landed.

No one has ever boarded Mars, even the lowest risk factor, and only launched probes and monitoring satellites.

The only one to land on is the moon, which is the nearest and the safest.

With the current level of science and technology on the earth, Jiang Siming can say very pessimistically that within a hundred years, it will be impossible to achieve the goal of living on other planets.

The planets in the solar system can't be dealt with, let alone the planets that are habitable to other galaxies.

Fortunately, he has the help of the Fragment Mall, as long as he collects enough fragments, this is not a problem.

But right now, the atmosphere on Neptune has become Jiang Siming's obstacle to catching diamonds.

It's a pity that this can stop other people on earth, but it can't stop Jiang Siming.

How can a dignified man in the stage of transformation be afraid of this thunderstorm and temperature difference, let alone eat space genetic medicine.

Even if he didn't eat, the temperature and thunderstorms were not a problem to him.

If you have to compare it, the thunderstorm here is equivalent to the reaction of the igniter in the lighter to a normal person, except for a little itching, it really doesn't feel anything.

The temperature difference is simpler, and all the temperature differences can be isolated when the true energy is enveloped.

Jiang Siming didn't hesitate much, and the speed of light plunged into Neptune.

Sorry, he thinks this thing is too complicated.

He had never experienced any temperature difference thunderstorms. At the extreme speed of light, Jiang Siming reached the surface of Neptune in an instant.

Uh...Is this a bit too disrespectful to other planetary brother...

Jiang Siming shrugged and turned his gaze to this extremely low visibility planet.

Neptune, as Xiaoxian said, is also a dead planet without any life.

What the scientist said he still didn't believe it, after all, they had never been to Neptune.

But he must have believed what Xiao Xian said, and he has seen it with his own eyes now.

The surface of Neptune is full of densely packed diamonds.

Many of these things are hidden on Earth, and they are everywhere on Neptune.

And besides colorless, there are many other colors of diamonds.

Pink diamonds, purple diamonds, gold diamonds, yellow diamonds...and so on, there are countless.

Bending over and catching it casually is a lot.

The most outrageous is that the diamonds on Neptune are surprisingly large.

On the earth, a diamond the size of a fingernail can be sold at sky-high prices.

In history, the largest diamond found on the earth was no more than a palm.

But here, palm-sized diamonds are everywhere!

Even Jiang Siming glanced with his spiritual sense, and the largest diamond was more than seven or eight meters high, like a hill.

And it is raining with diamonds in many places, crackling. On the earth, it rains only rain, and here, it is diamonds.

This thing on this planet is lighter than the grass on earth.

Jiang Siming smiled unceremoniously and began to put these diamonds into the ring.

Anyway, it’s bigger and more stuffed in all colors.

Go back and set a pink diamond toilet, try to sit on the diamond toilet to see if it will be smoother (cover your face).

After filling up the ring again, Jiang Siming left Neptune without nostalgia.


A few days passed, and the voice condemning Qingyuan Gems became stronger and stronger.

Countries all over the world are beginning to discuss the news of Qingyuan gemstone synthesis.

However, Qingyuan Company did not make any response.

Qingyuan chairman Eva Arnot, one of Jiang Siming's wife, also did not come out to make any clarifications.

Just when everyone thought that Qingyuan knew that he wanted to be a turtle, a big news broke out on the Internet.

Qingyuan Company once again found a Qingyuan gem mine, which is already under mining.

The mining process and video were all clearly filmed and posted online.

This video instantly rewrites public opinion.

There are even many reporters who do not believe in evil and go to see it.

After witnessing it with my own eyes, there is no doubt that Qingyuan gems were really mined!

In addition, the Jiang Group began to counter-attack crazy propaganda, and the news rumors surrounding Qingyuan Gems tilted back for a while.

The sales of Qingyuan gems quickly climbed back.

U.S., Donald Corporation headquarters.

"Damn it, let him get away with it again!" Ivanka sat in a man's arms and smashed the latest notebook in her hand in despair.

And this man is not her husband, but the former eldest master of Morgan Group.

David didn't have his hands idle, he sneered while wiping the oil: "Don't be discouraged, this is just our first wave of tentative offenses. In fact, even if he knocks down a jewel of fate, it will not hurt him. Our goal is Pull him off the entire Jiang Group."

Only then did Ivanka recover some good looks, and she rubbed her charmingly in David's arms.

"Master David, if you have any good ideas next time, please tell me the first time~"

David smiled and said: "Reassure, a small upstart, I really didn't take it seriously. It's a pity that our family's business is very small in China, otherwise he would have become a beggar."

David has already begun to undress Ivanka, and he kept talking, saying: "I learned about the family plan a few days ago. Our Morgan family will fully enter China at the end of this year, focusing on jewelry, finance, The pharmaceutical and other industries will surely pinch the Jiang Group to death at that time!"

"Master David, you are such a great man, I love you so much!" Ivanka smiled, and took the initiative to hook David's neck.

"In fact, I have made a lot of money from Master David's jewelry business during this period. Even if Jiang Siming succeeded in getting out of danger, we also made a lot of money from the jewelry business."

"The jewellery business is really a lucrative industry. I also asked my father to allocate 10 billion dollars to invest in the diamond industry. Master David, please take care of me in the future~"

David Jiejie laughed and said, "My great beauty, of course I will take good care of it, but now, you have to take care of me first."

After speaking, the two maggots started to work in the office.

Ivan Cumming knew that her husband was outside, but she didn't care at all, she knew that this soft guy would not dare to come in.

But at this moment.


The door was suddenly knocked open!


First more~

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