I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1875: Family gathering

There was a daughter-in-law by his side, Jiang Siming was afraid of touching her daughter-in-law, so he had to let Huo Wu'slaughter'.

She was bitten severely before being let go.

Jiang Siming looked down at his arm, leaving a deep tooth mark on it.

Although it didn't hurt, Jiang Siming had to pretend to be hurt.

"Are you a dog? It hurts me."

Wang Xinyi was anxious when she heard it, but fortunately, Jiang Siming said something in her ear in time, and she was relieved.

Huo Wu and Bing Mei didn't know Jiang Siming so many routines.

Huo Wu really thought that she had caused Jiang Siming to suffer, and her eyebrows were raised with joy.

"Hmph, tell you to do bad things!" Huo Wu looked like a little goose who had won the battle, her neck stretched out.

"Deserve it." Bing Mei was also sneered and smiled.

Obviously, the two women finally figured out the bad breath.

Jiang Siming stretched his face as if he had suffered a loss.

The two women were happier, and one of them entered the house holding Wang Xinyi.

It’s been a long time since I was so happy, so happy~

As everyone knows, they seem to have forgotten a little, Jiang Siming only pays such a small price, so they can be seen completely...

When they entered the room, Jiang Siming's face immediately recovered, and he muttered with a smirk: "Well, the'landscape' just now is so beautiful. Tsk tsk, no loss or loss."

After entering the house, Huo Wu and Bingmei immediately asked Wang Xinyi: "Why do we feel that this place you live in is different from an ordinary place?"

"I don't know this, you have to ask my senior brother." Wang Xinyi smiled.

Huo Wu and Bingmei turned their heads and looked, Jiang Siming came in with a stinky face.

"Don't be so stingy, it's always okay to be even?" Huo Wu really thought Jiang Siming was angry.

"Okay, I will suffer a little loss, and it's even!" Jiang Siming said with a big wave of his hand.

After speaking, he ran generously and poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

"Thank you."

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu took it over and thanked them flatteringly.

I thought that Jiang Siming was really magnanimous. If he didn't say he was angry, he wouldn't be angry. He even poured tea for them. Well, he shouldn't care about it.

Huh... I always feel that something is wrong... I can't tell...

"As for your question just now, I can tell you, but you have to keep it secret." Jiang Siming sat beside Wang Xinyi, habitually hugging his wife.

The two female chicks nodded like pecking rice.

"Have you heard of the Spirit Gathering Formation? Just gather the auras together and it's fine."

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu, look at me and I look at you, thinking there are still such things? Never heard of it.

After being surprised, the two began to admire again. Don't be too cool to practice in such a place.

No wonder Shengxue's strength has grown so fast. Is this the reason?

It must be more than that, Jiang Siming has a lot of secrets.

"I remember Shengxue said that you were only pregnant for less than three months. Why is your belly so big? Is it twins or triplets?"

Huo Wu noticed Xinyi’s belly, which looked like seven or eight months old, and she even suspected that Xinyi would be giving birth soon...

"No, there is only one. It's a daughter. Because the baby's nutrition is too good, it appears that I have a big belly, and I will probably be born prematurely." Wang Xinyi explained patiently.

Huo Wu said in a speechless voice: "Doesn't it mean that you have to be a big fat boy when you are born?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Wu found Jiang Siming's eyes staring at her, and she was scared to change her words quickly: "I didn't mean that, when I didn't say it, when I didn't say it."

Jiang Siming withdrew his gaze now, dare to say that my daughter is a big chubby butt, believe it or not.

"Anyway, congratulations, you are about to become a mother. When she is born, can we take a look at her when we have time?" Bingmei smiled.

"Of course you can, you can come anytime, Shengxue said, sooner or later you are going to... forget it, don't say it."

Wang Xinyi covered her mouth and shook her head.

"Sooner or later, what do you want?" Bing Mei asked strangely.

"It's nothing, drink tea. It's almost time for dinner. You can stay for dinner."

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu shook their heads quickly and said, "Then there is no need."

But Wang Xinyi insisted: "You are welcome, Shengxue and the others don't have time to come back at noon. It is only me and my brother who are having dinner at home. It is very boring. You should accompany me this little pregnant woman, OK?"

Jiang Siming was speechless. When did she feel bored at home? Haven't you always enjoyed this kind of life?

Of course, Jiang Siming would not say it.

Wang Xinyi's words caused the two women to change their words and agree.

Wang Xinyi was overjoyed and immediately said to Jiang Siming: "Brother, then please cook for you~"

She has a big belly and definitely can't cook, and of course Jiang Siming is left at home.

Jiang Siming didn't mind, it was incumbent to cook for his wife. It didn't matter if he had two more meals, just do more.

Jiang Siming got up and walked towards the kitchen. Bing Meiren and Huo Wu stayed beside Wang Xinyi. The three women chatted, and women laughed from time to time in the living room.

When it was almost ready, Huo Wu and Bingmei came over to serve the dishes consciously.

At noon, three women sat together at the table at home.

Jiang Siming is still making the last soup in the kitchen.

A table of dishes, Huo Wu and Bingmei smelled the scent on the table, their stomachs rang unconvincingly, and suddenly made a big red face.

"Be hungry, let's eat first, brother will be well soon, our family doesn't care about this kind of etiquette." Wang Xinyi greeted.

The two women still didn't move their chopsticks. How could they not have this point of concentration.

Wait until Jiang Siming carries the last bowl of soup to the table.

"Go ahead, clean up the kitchen after eating. You can't eat for nothing." Jiang Siming said to the two women.

Wang Xinyi groaned: "Brother, how can you let the guests work."

"It's okay, we will clean up, it's a trivial matter." But Bingmei agreed.

Jiang Siming opened a bottle of Huaxiang red wine and said, "Do you drink it?"

"Didn't you say that there were several days off. Anyway, it's okay. Let go of the drink. If you drink too much, some rooms are sleeping in the house."

When Wang Xinyi heard drinking, she immediately urged.

Arch fire little expert~

Maybe because they really want to relax, both women nodded.

They can't drink a drop of alcohol during working hours. No matter what time it is, they are afraid of urgent tasks.

In this way, the four of them started a small party at home, drank small wine, and shared lunch.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu said with emotion that this kind of life is really beautiful, peaceful and happy.

Sometimes they want to live the lives of ordinary people, but it is a pity that members of the Tian Group can only enjoy this kind of life unless they retire.

They retired very early, and at least they had to work hard for 20 years.

Especially when they saw Wang Xinyi's happy smile, they were even more envious.

When will they be as happy as Wang Xinyi~


The fourth one is more than enough! Sake is really a good and trustworthy boy~

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