I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1868: Lee Sung is missing?

As Jiang Siming retired, the PUBG team continued to grow, ushering in a blowout development.

There are dozens of teams that have signed up for the leagues in various countries.

The competition between the regions is extremely fierce.

A large number of new masters have sprung up.

This has brought a lot of pressure to other veteran teams.

This year's China Division is actually very interesting.

Lin formed SMG at the age of three, which was the original 17 team. Except for A Shou and Da Jing, the other two positions all changed to stronger players.

Cheng He also overthrew the SnakeTC team and rebuilt it into the Tianba team, referred to as the TB team, and the Taobao team.

Um, yes, Cheng He helped the boss of Ma in this wave of free advertisements. He worked very hard and worked hard.

The influx of so many masters into the competition area was originally the year everyone was looking forward to most. Unfortunately, because of the retirement of "God", many Jedi fans still feel a little boring.

In the past two years, as long as you play PUBG Mobile, who doesn't know Jiang Siming, who doesn't like his style of play.

The extremely violent style of play, the unconstrained operation, the charm of a single person.

Unfortunately, these are all past tense.

Everyone will never see him on the field anymore.

As the legend ends, it takes a long time for the audience to get over.

4AM just started a few games, but the effect is very unsatisfactory.

Maybe it is because there are so many strong teams this year, maybe it's also because Jiang Siming and Kite have just been missing, and the team hasn't run in yet.

In short, the results are far from ideal.

Countless 4AM fans called on Jiang Siming's Weibo to make Jiang Siming come back.

But their calling sounds like a mud cow entering the sea, without any movement.

The current Jiang Siming doesn't have time to watch the domestic league. He might be interested to watch the World Championship finals.

At this time, he was accompanied by Hundred Billion to Xiangjiang, which is his old husband's home.

Hundreds of billions who were supposed to be busy at the company came home suddenly. Naturally, it was not that they had time to go home to see their parents, but the house of Hundreds of billions.

On his own private plane, Jiang Siming held a hundred billion, gently patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Nothing will happen, silly girl, you forgot who your husband is."

Hundred Billion said with a sad face: "Husband, why did my dad suddenly disappear? He must have encountered something."

The billion-dollar father, Li Cheng, Jiang Siming's father-in-law, disappeared three days ago.

The Li family searched Hong Kong but could not find anyone else. They asked the police, and the police investigation did not have any record of Li Cheng leaving Hong Kong.

In other words, 80% of Li Cheng is still in Hong Kong, but they still don't know where the people are.

The Li family was in a hurry, and the mother of Hundred Billion couldn't contact Hundred Billion, hoping to get Jiang Siming's help.

Seeing that his father-in-law had something to do, Jiang Siming was obliged to do so, and the plane was almost at Xiangjiang.

When Li Cheng was missing, Jiang Siming used his spiritual knowledge to search the entire Xiangjiang for the first time.

Jiang Siming in the transformation stage can cover most of the earth by using his spiritual consciousness.

But he was a little surprised. He scanned the Xiangjiang several times, but didn't find Li Cheng, even the corpse.

This shows that Li Cheng is either hidden in a very secret place, a remote place unknown to Jiang Siming.

Either it was the worst result, being killed, and the body was divided.

But this possibility is very small, and Li Cheng has always been a bodyguard with a hermit.

He is not so easy to be killed.

Jiang Siming can only go to Xiangjiang with Hundred Billion first, and then look for clues to find Li Cheng.

The plane soon arrived at Xiangjiang Airport, and the Li family had already arranged a car to pick them up.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to get in the car, he suddenly glanced at the airport exit behind him somewhat unexpectedly.

Two women posing in disguise came out.

Although Jiang Siming didn't know her dress and appearance at all, he recognized the two women at a glance.

Fire dance and ice beauty.

How could they appear here?

On the other side, Bing and Huo Wu, who had been disguised, didn't expect that she would meet an old acquaintance when she first came to Xiangjiang to perform a mission.

As soon as Bing Beauty looked at Jiang Siming's eyes, she knew that he must have recognized herself and made a gesture to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming understood, and said to Hundred Billion: "You get in the car and wait for me. I will deal with it in advance, soon."

Hundred Billion nodded and waited in the car.

"Uncle, the house can be urged..." The housekeeper was a little anxious. The housekeeper and Jiang Siming also knew Lin Jiude. Jiang Siming saved his life back then.

But now the master is gone, Lin Jiude is a little worried.

Before Jiang Siming could speak, Hundred Billion immediately said to the butler: "Grandpa Lin, it's okay, we'll just wait."

"Okay Miss, but the master is really dangerous, we have to go back as soon as possible." Lin Jiude looked like he was thinking about the Li family.

Hundred Billion didn't think there was anything at first.

But she practiced [Breaking Eyes] accidentally glanced at Lin Jiude's eyes, and with this, she suddenly felt that Lin Jiude was hiding something from her.

This Forgotten Eye was picked up by Jiang Siming at the Olympic Games, and after taking it home, his wives all practiced.

This thing can even be practiced to a minimum, but it can also sense whether the people around you are kind or malicious.

Although Hundred Billion has been practicing for a while, the realm of the Eye of Forgetting is also very low.

But she still faintly felt that Lin Jiude was hiding a trace of malice towards her.

Hundred billion even subconsciously wanted to call Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming turned her head and gave her a clear look.

The two couples had a pair of eyes, and immediately understood.

Hundreds of billions are like knowing nothing, waiting in the car.

And Jiang Siming has brought the ice beauty and Huo Wu to a secluded corner.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Siming said straightforwardly.

"Perform the mission." Bingmei answered.

"What task?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

Huo Wu subconsciously wanted to say secrets, but when he thought about Jiang Siming's identity, he was a guest of the Heavenly Group, and he was fully qualified to know their mission.

Bingmei naturally knew this too, so she didn't hide it.

"We are here to investigate the Huang Traitor. It is said that he is supported by the ghost force of the Lijian Empire and is preparing to do a major event in Hong Kong. We are here to investigate this matter."

Huo Wu added: "The Ghost Troops are secret agents of the Lijian Empire. They can be regarded as our China Sky Team. The strength of each Ghost in it cannot be underestimated."

"More than that, in addition to the ghost troops, the traitor Huang also got the support of a hidden cultivator who fled to Xiangjiang. In order to avoid the chasing and killing of the heavenly group, the elites in the sect all fled to Xiangjiang and defected to the traitor."


Jiang Siming understood, he was a little puzzled, could it be that Li Cheng's disappearance was also related to this traitor?


Third more~

Ahhhh, my ears were so uncomfortable yesterday, I wanted to sleep after I finished the second chapter. I didn't expect to sleep until now.

My ears are still not working well (crying), and I am going to see the hospital at dawn.

Sorry everyone. Although it was not updated yesterday, I still remember the chapters that owe sake. I will not forget it.

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