I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1865: A disappointing new song?

The seven announced singers have all sung.

During the whole process, the audience only wanted to say one word: cool!

Show experience from the beginning.

No matter which singer sings, it is of top level.

The audience's ears were full of addiction during this more than an hour.

Watching a show, let the ears enjoy a musical ‘gluttonous feast’, it’s not worth it!

What did they pay?

At the most it is nothing more than a few yuan rewards. Besides, this is all voluntary.

You don’t have to give a reward after reading it.

Of course, there are still many people who give rewards.

According to the backstage statistics of Gulu Video, this program has 6000w+ online viewers.

Among them, there are at least 3000w or more people rewarding.

This data is enough to make other music programs ashamed.

Even the hottest recently "Riding the Wind and the Waves" is insignificant in front of "Le".

There are thousands of households in the streets.

Subway, bus, train station, bus station, etc.

Everywhere you can see people holding mobile phones and wearing headphones, watching what programs there, very fascinated.

In the past, it was "Le"!

But this is not over yet, nine guests went up to seven, and two unknown guests have yet to show up.

"I believe that at this moment, the audience is in the same mood as mine, swimming in the ocean of music, let us continue to invite the eighth singer!"

Bai Song was also very addicted to his heart. The host of this show was really worthwhile, and he was addicted to listening to music.

When the eighth singer came out, some audiences were surprised, some were clear, and some were happy and excited.

The eighth singer is Deng Qi!

The appearance of Deng Qi made many viewers unexpected, reasonable, and some viewers were a little disappointed.

No way, Deng Qi is a singer of the younger generation after all. Regarding the status of the music world, he still cannot be equal to the singers like Sun Yanzi and Angela Chang.

Of course, it was just a small loss, and the audience soon recovered.

After all, although Deng Qi is not as famous as Zhang and Sun, the little girl made her debut very early.

At the age of sixteen, he held a solo concert in the Red Hall.

It also represents one of the most powerful female singers born in the 90s.

Everyone still likes her very much.

However, seeing Deng Qi appear on the stage, many viewers' eyes brightened.

Then the next... won't it be Jiang Siming?

It's really possible.

In the poster, the position of the two mosaic figures is the cp position.

Who is Deng Qi's husband? Isn't it Jiang Siming?

And Jiang Siming's creative talent is beyond doubt.

He chose to create his own, everyone can understand.

"The world's richest man is coming, hahaha."

"Affection is a couple coming."

"Is it his own show? He didn't even bother to invite him to so many variety shows before, but now his own show is on decisively."

"Haha, Mingfan is here! I can hear my Mingshen big new song again, I miss it~"

"Hey, is Myojin who is dystocia finally going to be productive, Oye! I thought I was menopausal."


Knowing that Jiang Siming was coming, everyone looked at Deng Qi's eyes more satisfied.

At first, everyone thought that the finale egg buried in the show was Zhang Geshen or Wang Ge.

Unexpectedly, it was Jiang Siming and Deng Qi.

This is also very good. Deng Qi can be said to be the best female singer of the 90s.

Needless to say, Jiang Siming won the Golden Melody Award. Among the male singers born in the 90s, he recognized the second and no one would dare to recognize the first.

After Deng Qi played, the song "Bubbles" was applauded.

It also allowed Deng Qi to get a reward of 139w+, which is not much different from Sun and Zhang. This result is enough to be proud of.

After Deng Qi ended, he came to the last guest singer today.

Although everyone has guessed who it is, Jiang Siming is still eagerly looking forward to coming out.

What's more, what Jiang Siming wants to sing is a new song, dare to take a new song before so many singers.

With this courage, everyone admired it.

As the lights focused, the auditorium gradually became quieter.

The band changed a lot.

Jiang Siming's figure appeared on the stage.

The last time I saw Jiang Siming on stage was at his solo concert.

Last time, it was only on the show "Singer".

Jiang Siming has only participated in this music variety show, but has brought many popular songs.

It also injects new nutrition into the already bleak Chinese music scene, otherwise the Chinese music scene would have been utterly unreliable.

With a burst of brisk melody, Jiang Siming walked to the center of the stage step by step.

There were crowded audiences all around, and glow sticks lit up.

Jiang Siming felt like he had returned to his concert scene.

The audience in the details found that the microphone Jiang Siming was holding was not the pure blue crystal microphone used in Jiang Siming's solo concert.

It seems to be called Sky Blue, which was given by fans through crowdfunding.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming always took it and brought it to such an important stage.

Many fans feel warm in their hearts. It’s nice to have such an idol~

But everyone's attention is still on Jiang Siming's song.

It has not been more than two hours since Fei Chen announced his composition requirements.

Jiang Siming has to arrange music and practice with the band.

Everyone is worried about whether Jiang Siming can write a new song in such a short time.

Have to meet the requirements of Fat Chen.

wait? What song will it be...

"If I knew that that day was our last."

"I will never waste time discussing trivia with you."

"The seemingly accidental but inevitable farewell in life."

"No one can avoid it."

At the beginning of the song, the eyes of the audience were a little unexpected.

This look is not a surprise, on the contrary, everyone is a little surprised.

What is surprising is that this song is really the level that Jiang Siming wrote?

So ordinary!

Audiences who have been accustomed to Jiang Siming's various amazing songs are not cold at all about the prelude to this song.

Think about Jiang Siming's "Wind Up", "Little Love Song", "Luzhou Moon", etc...

Which song's prelude doesn't surprise you all at once.

On the contrary, I haven't seen Jiang Siming sing a new song for a long time. This first song seems to be out of standard.

Everyone's thoughts did not interfere with Jiang Siming.

The song continues.

"One time I was in a deja vu scene."

"At that moment, I suddenly felt that you were by my side."

"The past, the present, and the future may not have their boundaries."

"Maybe love can travel through time and reach forever..."


Upon hearing this, the audience all agreed that this song is too general.

Especially after hearing eight other top singers sing, this song becomes even smaller.

Everyone felt that Jiang Siming's song was not worthy of the finale.


Second more~

The shop is a bit busy today, dear friends, we will have two updates today, and we will make up tomorrow, love you~

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