I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1862: Promotion Association

"Lin Sansui is here too. This Nima Guru is rich and powerful. So many big guys are here."

"Nonsense, Gulu Weibo is all Jiang Siming, the world's richest man can't afford to hire a few stars?"

"How come the other two people are mosaics? Are they deliberately designed surprises?"

"Anyway, just configure it for this guest, I love it, it's a must-see!"


The online discussion of "Le" resembled a tornado, immediately setting off a wave of public opinion.

#《乐》Gulu Video presents a new program!

#The lineup is unprecedentedly powerful, including shows from the three heavenly queens of Inner, Hong Kong and Taiwan!

# "乐" is afraid of surpassing "Riding the Wind" to become a phenomenal music variety show!

In short, this show has not even started, it is already awaited.

After all, who can see so many popular and powerful singers gathered in a show, who doesn't want to watch it.

These seven fans, together, it is estimated that they can cut off more than half of the fans of China.

Zhou Dong, Lin Sansui, Chen Yixu, Xu Wei, four male gods born in the 80s and 90s.

Miriam Yang, Stefanie Sun, and Angela Chang, three dream goddesses of countless men.

These seven people rarely go on variety shows, and now they can gather on a show, which is simply a dream.

The two figures that were mosaicked were also eagerly discussed and speculated by netizens.

Everyone is curious about who these two people will be.

"Guess Song Xiaobao blindly!"

"I guess it's Zhang Geshen."

"Since it is a surprise, it must be an incredible singer."

"The two people are positioned like a couple."

"Uh, really, are there any couple singers in the Chinese music scene?"


No matter how you guess, there is still no result.

According to the advertisement, the program will be premiered in the world on Gollum video in five days, and it will be live!

The live broadcast location is at Shanghai Workers Stadium.

You don't need to buy tickets if you want to go to the scene, and 50,000 members will be randomly selected from the members of Gulu Video in each issue.

You haven't watched this type of program. Many people are ready to go and watch it live.

By the way, the number of member registrations of Gulu Video has soared like riding a rocket.

Guru Video is already the only one.

In the past, iQiyi, Youku and Penguin Video divided the world.

But as soon as the Gulu video came out, Jiang Siming waved his hand and bought the broadcasting rights of countless movies, shows, TV series, etc.

General audiences want to watch a certain movie, but they may not see it on one platform, so they have to switch to other platforms.

Now in Gollum, 90% of people can see the movie they want to watch.

Moreover, Jiang Siming hates video sites for a lot of advertisements, and he also does some tricky settings that spend money to read the content in advance.

His Guru videos are not only clean and basically free of ads, but also his own Fuxi ads or red wine ads.

And after the user opens a membership, he insists on not charging any more.

As a result, Gulu Video has been favored by countless users, and the traffic has skyrocketed.

Now another "Le" has been created, and the number of members has increased several times!

Jiang Siming didn't have time to bother about the non-show. At this time, he was at Zhao Xiaoxiao's school to attend Zhao Xiaoxiao's first high school parent meeting.

Although this private school is in the middle and high schools, the high school and the middle school are actually separated into two campuses.

The teachers in high school are also completely different. Zhao Xiaoxiao is in the first grade of high school. The head teacher is a man, but Zhao Xiaoxiao said that he seems a bit snobbery.

When I just entered high school, the parent meeting is inevitable.

Jiang Siming, the old man, naturally obliged to come.

Knowing that Jiang Siming was coming, this class teacher was really ‘diligent’ and had been waiting at the school gate early.

As soon as Jiang Siming saw his father, he ran over to introduce himself.

As everyone knows, Jiang Siming hates this kind of people who tend to be inflamed, and has already given him a revocation order in his heart.

Contact the principal to transfer him in a while, he doesn't want Xiaoxiao to have such a class teacher.

In fact, the parents' meeting that just entered school has nothing to do with the class teacher. It is mainly for the new students to familiarize themselves with each other, and for the parents of the students to take care of them.

Under the diligent leadership of this class teacher, Jiang Siming came to the first class of high school.

As soon as Jiang Siming arrived, the class automatically became quiet, and the needle in the originally noisy class could be heard at this moment.

All the parents looked at Jiang Siming and thundered in their hearts.

No way, Jiang Siming's name is so loud that it has surpassed Ali Ma and Wang's richest man.

From another perspective, if you participate in a parent-teacher meeting for your child and suddenly find that Arima always walks in, he must behave worse than them.

Although the children who can come to this school are either rich or expensive, they are not at the same level as the other.

The parents of Class One never expected that Jiang Siming's children would be in the same class as their children.

After that, I was overjoyed, and I wish I could go back and brag with other people’s parents now that my child and the world’s richest child are classmates!

Jiang Siming didn't have any extra expressions. He glanced across the class and saw Zhao Xiaoxiao sitting on his right.

Next to her were Sendie and her father.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was still chatting with Sendie, and when he saw Jiang Siming coming in, he immediately waved to Jiang Siming happily.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's face is not without a proud expression.

Jiang Siming walked over with a smile and sat down beside her.

"Hello, uncle~" Sendie blushed and greeted Jiang Siming.

She had seen Zhao Xiaoxiao's father a long time ago, and always felt that Xiaoxiao's father was 10,000 times more handsome than her own.

Little girls are a little shy to big handsome guys.

Jiang Siming also smiled and said hello to Sendie, and greeted Sendie's father.

Sendie's father responded flattered.

He and Jiang Siming only met once, more than a year ago.

At that time, Jiang Siming was just a popular game anchor, and he didn't even know him.

I also think Jiang Siming's image is very good, and I want to invite him to join the entertainment industry.

Thinking about it now, he feels ashamed.

After all the parents arrived, the parent meeting began.

This kind of parent meeting on the first day of school, the head teacher should have left time for other parents and classmates to introduce each other.

But the head teacher wanted to flatter Jiang Siming too much, he just beeped for a long time, praised Zhao Xiaoxiao, and cast Jiang Siming as a model for parenting.

Until Jiang Siming showed impatient expression, he reluctantly put away his saliva and let the children introduce themselves.

"Dad, this class teacher is so annoying..." Zhao Xiaoxiao complained in a low voice.

Jiang Siming patted her on the back and said, "It's okay, Dad will change you one later."

"Yeah." Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded quickly.

Like Jiang Siming, she likes to be low-key, and she doesn't like other people to behave.

If the head teacher continues to lead the class, she must be bored to death every day.

At this time, it’s good to have a reliable father, and the head teacher will change if he wants to.

Or let my dad buy the school, and then blow it up during school holidays, blow up the school,... well, that’s a good idea.


Second more~

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