I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1847: What's your job?

Just about to leave, I met a street reporter interviewing.

It happened to interview him and Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"You two, wait a minute. Can you accept an interview? We are from Yangma TV."

The talking was a female reporter.

Jiang Siming thought that the other party would definitely recognize him when he saw him.

Unexpectedly, the female reporter seemed to have no idea at all, and she didn't say anything, but waited seriously for Jiang Siming's response.

Jiang Siming saw that she was less than 20 years old, so there was no reason not to know him.

Is it deliberately pretending not to know?

Jiang Siming used the mind-reading technique to sweep away. It's not that people don't know him, Jiang Siming, the other party is only face blind, and he is severely face blind...

Well, I'm overestimating myself.

Jiang Siming can only apologize to himself with a shameless heart.

"Sir, can I just borrow you two minutes." the female reporter asked.

"Yes, but it's not convenient for my daughter to be on the camera, just don't take her." Jiang Siming originally wanted to refuse, but for the reporter's ignorance, he reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, thank you, we must follow suit."

The female reporter happily agreed to Jiang Siming's request and immediately interviewed Jiang Siming.

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to buy vegetables?"


"Then what food did you buy?"

"Just normal dishes, chicken, duck, fish or something."

"Are chickens and ducks expensive? How is the meat quality?"

"The price is good, the meat hasn't been eaten yet, I don't know."

This is the first time Jiang Siming has accepted this kind of interview. This reporter really treated him as an ordinary citizen.

Jiang Siming only remembers that the actor Liu Qingyun encountered this kind of treatment, but he did not expect him to meet him today.

"Then can I ask, sir, what do you do? How about the salary?"

When the reporter asked this question, Zhao Xiaoxiao behind him couldn't help it anymore, covering her mouth and suffocating a smile, almost squirting out the lollipop in her mouth.

Jiang Siming was also embarrassed and could only answer blankly: "Working in a company."

"Oh? How is the company's treatment?"

"Emm...it's okay, it's better than the world's top 500 anyway."


Unexpectedly, the reporter laughed, and couldn't help but hit Jiang Siming and said, "Sir, don't worry, we are not an undercover agent sent by your company boss. Don't be afraid."

The reporter was afraid that Jiang Siming thought he was an undercover agent, so he praised his company against his will.

Better than a top 500 company? Give me a break.

Jiang Siming was speechless and didn't want to say any more, leaving Zhao Xiaoxiao with a polite remark.

Soon the reporter's video of interviewing Jiang Siming was posted online from CCTV, and the netizens were happy.

"This reporter has such a blind face. Could she tell if she met her husband on the street?"

"It's booming in a trance! It's so funny, the world's richest man was asked what his job is, and he asked himself how the company was treated (silly laugh)."

"The key is to be better than the world's top 500. If this reporter doesn't believe it, it's outrageous (smirk)."

"Before there was the actor Liu Qingyun, and then there was the richest man Jiang Siming."

"I haven't seen my father for a few days. My father is still close to the people as always."

"Bah, really shameless, that's my dad! Don't just admit it?"


With Jiang Siming becoming the world's richest man, there was another interview with such a weird and unusual Yang mother.

Now the whole people are caught up in the upsurge of playing "Jiang Siming Terrier", and it has even spread abroad.

Jiang Siming didn't know that he was crazy'consumed' by netizens all over the world.

It is said that people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong, and it's not only Ah Wei who has the same talent.

Speaking of the boy Awei, he still remembers his old club LGD.

Yesterday IG and LGD's S game ticket battle, this kid went to the game scene as a guest speaker.

The key is that this kid gave milk to life. LGD won the IG 3:1 and advanced to the World Championship.

Yesterday, in his WeChat Moments, there were two friends who were happy and sad.

The one who likes it is Ah Wei, who posted to Moments to celebrate LGD's entry into the League of Legends World Championship.

Of course it is not someone else who is sad. Naturally, it is IG boss Wang Dashao.

IG stopped the World Championships this year, dignified the S8 World Championship, but failed to enter the World Championships.

Of course, the S9 world champion FPX is the same.

It can only be said that the strength of China E-sports is indeed getting stronger and stronger. The past world championship does not mean that it is still invincible. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward.

This phenomenon should be happy as a fan of China E-sports.

Jiang Siming saw that they were happy and sad, and expressed disdain.

He is very open. Didn't he still not enter the EDG club? He still said nothing.

The main thing is not that Jiang Siming can see, but he knows whether it is League of Legends or PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

These two games are about to be replaced by his holographic games.

The future game industry must belong to holographic games.

[Holographic game: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds]

[Holographic progress: 90%]

[Holographic time: It is estimated that it will be completed within 75 days]

The progress bar is almost full.

Seventy-five days, or two and a half months, can be completed this fall.

Wait until the internal testing and publicity, and then until the operation and shelves.

The release at the beginning of next year is no problem at all.

Jiang Siming is very much looking forward to this holographic game built from fragments.

Not only the holographic Jedi, but Jiang Siming is also preparing a holographic online game.

This online game Jiang Siming has been handed over to NetEase and Penguin to join forces.

And Jiang Siming also let his own R star company join together, and three top game companies jointly develop a phenomenon-level online game.

Even if there is no hologram, it is estimated that this online game can already make countless people look forward to trying it out.

Just like that, a few days passed.

According to the ratio of the copy time, more than a year has passed since Jiang Siming participated in the war on the top.

Counting the days of leaving "One Piece" before, two years are almost here.

Seeing that the day agreed with his partners was infinitely close, Jiang Siming decided to enter the capital early.

This time when he entered, Jiang Siming was actually quite serious.

He knew that he was about to part with the Straw Hats, and he might also take away Nami Robin and Ramlem.

Before this, Jiang Siming had been thinking about how to talk about it.

He was afraid of speaking out, and it would hit Luffy and them too much.

And from an emotional point of view, Jiang Siming didn't want to leave the straw hat group at all.

But there is no way, for the mission and for Luffy to grow as quickly as possible, he must go.

With him, Luffy and the others will never be able to carry the banner alone.

With his current strength, he can completely compete with the Four Emperors. Following the straw hat group, everyone's attention will always be on him.

As the captain of Luffy, it will completely become a foil.

This is not what Jiang Siming wants to see, nor is it what Luffy wants.


Second more~

A few chapters have been reviewed. It’s not sake. It’s a weekend day before yesterday. No one went to work in the backstage. They have all recovered today. You can go back and see what you haven’t seen~

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