I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1841: The university is built!

This also made Lao Huang look dumbfounded, and he couldn't think of killing him. Jiang Siming said one by one, it would trigger such a big public discussion.

The discussion was as loud as that of Jiang Siming's marriage, or even worse.

Countless people asked Lao Huang to give up this despicable behavior on the Internet, and tens of thousands of people left comments on his ins to scold him, scold him as a villain, scold him as shameless.

Among these people, not only are they Americans, but also from other countries.

Even the Australians who have always liked to be his little brother, have stood in Jiang Siming's perspective, resisted public opinion, and demanded that he withdraw the order.

Even worse, someone ran to the ins of his wife, sons, and daughters and yelled at them.

Some even went to protest outside their villa.

Lao Huang was completely confused.

What is going on here?

Did he bomb the Statue of Liberty or shell Jerusalem?

Does it need to be so exaggerated?

Didn't he always do this before, and no one said about him.

Why is there such a big reaction this time?

Lao Huang had never seen this kind of scene. He was often scolded and sprayed before. He thought he was used to it.

But this time, he seemed to have become a global public enemy overnight.

What's the situation?

In the face of global protests, Huang can only quickly hold a press conference.

At the press conference, Lao Huang explained to everyone why he made this decision.

Bilibaba said a lot of high-sounding words, and even once said that I was moved by myself.

After speaking, Lao Huang finally yelled, looking forward to the moment when the audience cheered for him.

This is Lao Huang's consistent way of giving speeches. He is a very qualified speaker. After each speech, he draws a wave of fans.

But today, it is very strange.

Quiet, the library is generally quiet.

No one applauded, no one cheered.

Some people only have indifferent eyes and impatient expressions.

Lao Huang's heart trembled, and as soon as he realized what was wrong, a reporter from his own country began to question him.

"You said so much, don't you have any regrets? Do you still continue to be so mean?"

Old Huang was angry and pointed at the reporter and shouted, "You are a fake reporter, and the guards drove him out."

What shocked him was that the guards did not listen to him, but persuaded him: "We don't think this is a fake reporter."

The voice of the guard was like a fuse, igniting the emotions of everyone on the scene.

For a while, the scene was shouting, spitting against Lao Huang.

Old Huang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his brain was a mess.

He could only end this press conference quickly and walked away dingy.

Before long, under tremendous pressure, Lao Huang could only withdraw his previous order and unblock all the blocked Huaxia apps.

But there was no apology, and no forgiveness from everyone.

"These guys are crazy!" Old Huang jumped angrily in the white room.

The secretary-general next to him said blankly: "Mr. Huang, if this matter is not resolved, it may have an impact on your re-election."

After listening, Lao Huang could only stare, obviously also afraid of this.

In the end, Huang compromised, retracted the order, and publicly apologized.

Jiang Siming found it incredible that the old yellow, who had always been a duck with a hard beak, confessed his mistake.

Fortunately, the problem is solved.

Three days passed quickly.

Jiang Siming took Li Chunlan back, changed the face of the fake Li Chunlan, and let it go to Yunnan to transport medicinal materials to the planting base.

The repaired Li Chunlan was no different from before, but Jiang Siming found that it seemed more humane than before.

I don’t know if it’s his own illusion. Jiang Siming feels that Li Chunlan seems...grateful to himself.

But a robot obviously cannot feel this way.

But when Jiang Siming thought of Xiaoxian, he quickly felt relieved.

The reason why he thinks machines have no emotions may be that the machines he sees are just cold products of this era.

The robot produced by Fragment naturally surpasses reality by N levels, and he is very happy if he really has feelings.

Sister Li is not only his exclusive driver, but also a part-time butler.

As long as the other person's feelings are kind, why not do it.

"Sister Li, Xiaoxiao school is cleaned up today. It is early after school. I have to go. Yingzi and the others are still at work, so I can trouble you to pick her up."

"Okay, don't worry, Mr. Jiang." Li Chunlan agreed and drove to the school after getting in the car.

The reason Jiang Siming asked her to pick him up was to see if Li Chunlan had anything else he didn't know except for a little bit of human feelings.

And he really has something to do today, there is no time to pick Xiaoxiao.

Under Jiang Siming's spiritual knowledge, Li Chunlan had no problems, and drove to the school very dedicatedly, and waited quietly at the school gate to leave school.

Jiang Siming no longer doubted, and felt relieved.

He himself disappeared at home and appeared on Chongming Island.

He placed a small barrier here, and now more than half a month has passed, the barrier still exists.

After Jiang Siming entered, everything inside was completely different from when he first started.

At the beginning, it was full of weeds and reeds, but now, a university is erected here.

It occupies a very large area, and the architectural style inside is all made by Jiang Siming himself.

Not to lose to the level of any of the world's top architects, this university has been built into a world.

Teaching building, dormitory building, gymnasium, sports field, fitness building, entertainment building, etc.

All facilities for daily life learning and entertainment are readily available.

And the purpose of Jiang Siming's university is to cultivate masters of national martial arts and to promote national martial arts to the world.

So there are a lot of martial arts training grounds, training rooms, etc. in the school, training in them will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Siming spent more than two hours strolling around the entire university, and he was so satisfied that there were no flaws to pick.

It also allowed him to see the great breaking point of architectural robots, and really built impeccable buildings according to his requirements.

Although there is a university, there are still many problems to run a Chinese martial arts university.

First, recruit teachers of Chinese martial arts, then recruit students, and school staff. A series of things cannot be done right now.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, planning to find it slowly.

Anyway, this university is still under construction. It just so happens that it doesn't have to be displayed so quickly, so as not to cause everyone's suspicion and excessive attention.

After seeing the university, Jiang Siming knew the power of construction robots.

In half a month, a university that was several times larger than Fudan University just rose from the ground.

Good guy, if this is to let the robot factory produce more construction robots and throw them on an unmanned planet.

Within a few years, a planet can be created...


Second more~

I'm going to the store in a while, and thirdly, I have to wait for the sake to come back. I guess it will be late again. I'm sorry!

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