I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1816: Reap female fans!

Today is the final of the Tokyo Olympic swimming event.

Swimming enthusiasts almost all over the world are staring at the TV station today, waiting for the final.

Especially American audiences are all lying in front of the TV, waiting to watch their American players perform well and win gold medals.

"Do we have an opponent this year?"

"Haha, are you kidding me?"

"It is estimated that this Holden can be regarded as an opponent."

"I'm already guessing how many gold medals we can win today."

"I heard that the Huaxia team are all academy players this year. I suspect that they won't even get a bronze medal this year."

"Hahaha, don't doubt, I can tell you, I can't get it!"


Compared with the relaxed and freehand brushwork in the United States, the Chinese audience seemed a bit disappointed.

After all, they themselves knew that there was no hope.

But they still want to see the results with their own eyes.

Time came to the beginning of the finals.

A number of participating athletes appeared in front of the camera.

The first thing that started was the men's swimming competition, and the first thing that came out was Holden.

Horton looked triumphant, as if victory was already at his feet before the game.

After that, players from various countries appeared.

There are actually quite a few female audiences watching swimming events.

There is no other reason. Most of the female audiences don't come for rankings and results, they all come for their faces and figures.

Male swimmers are most favored by female audiences.

Without him, male swimmers only wear a small neinei, plus their long-term swimming training, the body is generally very good.

In addition, I often stay in water and my skin is very good. This figure looks too attractive.

Even if you look average, as long as you are not crooked, you are still admired by countless female fans.

Look at Da Bai Yang and Ning Tao. Regardless of their body shape, their facial features can only be regarded as beautiful, and they have nothing to do with handsome.

It depends on the white skin and the superb body to attract powder.

But this year, the female audiences are a little disappointed, because Bai Yang and Ning Tao have not seen either of them.

Although there are also youth players, they are not pretty, they look very ordinary and their body is quite different.

Just when they thought this swimming event was boring, the last figure that came out was like a crane suddenly startled in a reed field!

It took everyone's sight in an instant.

This figure! The sky is beautiful and superb, but that's it!

This skin! Refreshing, dust-free, translucent, a combination of health and explosive power!

This face!

These long legs!

I am grass!

Countless female audiences called out without resisting.

The nose even has symptoms of fever.

Wait, no... why is this person so familiar!

Everyone looked intently, almost not dumbfounded.

Isn't this Jiang Siming? Why did he come here wearing a swimsuit?

"The last player to play is Jiang Siming, who is also known as Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen is not only an e-sports player, but also a substitute for basketball and swimming." The commentary explained intimately at this time. .

Fortunately, everyone knows that Jiang Siming is a basketball substitute, and now they know that he also works part-time in swimming, they are still slightly acceptable.

After all, Jiang Shen is very talented, basketball, games, football, martial arts, singing, etc., this guy is proficient in everything.

That is, Jiang Siming's dress today really made the female audience feel a bit wanting to commit a crime!

This Nima, for the girls, is too lethal.

Many parents’ daughters are also watching TV. When they see their daughters staring at the TV with a idiot look, especially when they are fathers, they are very angry.

"This Jiang Siming is really fooling around, changing channels."

"Don't watch this kind of TV for kids, cut the mango channel and watch TV shows."

"Dad, this is the Olympic Games..."

"Then I don't care, what does this kid wear like this!"

"Please, they are all dressed like this."

"No matter! Change the channel!"


These parents felt that Jiang Siming had violated the rules too.

Quite a lot of mothers reported the same when Zhilin's sister endorsed her underwear advertisement.

Everybody knows how lethal the underwear advertisement endorsed by Zhiling's sister back then. Everyone knows how it was. Later, because it was really too sexy, the advertisement was ordered to be revised.

Those mothers excuse that they are afraid of ruining their children. In fact, their husbands are more addicted than their children, and only choose to report them when they are jealous.

Now, Jiang Siming just wears a swimsuit, which has a greater effect.

Countless fathers sneered at Jiang Siming, but mothers and daughters kept their eyes on him.

Asking them to change channels, they still don't change, and they keep quibbling that they are watching the game, which is too heartbreaking.

Jiang Siming didn't know that he was only wearing swimming trunks, so he saved so much hatred from his fathers.

On this day, Jiang Siming swept all the men's 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m freestyle, breaststroke, and butterfly championships!

On this day, everyone could only see a swordfish-like gesture after the whistle sounded, crushing other opponents, and was the kind that was far ahead.

After the game, Horton immediately asked Genre to conduct a urine test on Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was quite cooperative. After half an hour, the genre returned and announced that Jiang Siming's results were valid.

After getting this result, Jiang Siming walked in front of Holden, and gave a cold thumbs up to the camera of the whole world, and then the three hundred and sixty degrees thumbs down, pressing down hard!

Then, without saying anything, he took the gold medal and left, so angry that Horton was so anxious at the time that his old illness relapsed and he was carried out on a stretcher.

And Jiang Siming also won 12 gold medals in one day!

The world was shocked!

What is the concept of winning twelve gold medals in a single day? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed.

When the awards were awarded, Jiang Siming, who was too lazy to walk back and forth, simply stood motionless on the championship stage, and he did not leave until all the gold medals were issued.

Even though he walked fast, he was still caught up by reporters.

A large group of reporters surrounded him, not letting him go at all.

"Jiangshen, how did you do it? Have you been proficient in swimming before?"

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "I rarely swim."

"That is?"

Jiang Siming simply didn't pretend: "I have a showdown, I rely on internal strength."

Internal strength?

This word once again appeared in the ears of audiences all over the world.

The first time I heard of internal strength was when the martial arts conference.

Everyone thought that internal strength was only effective for martial arts, but unexpectedly, it would be so helpful to sports.

The Huaxia audience looked pretty clear, no wonder the Myojin is so strong, it turns out that internal strength is so easy to use!

At this time, an Australian journalist said uncomfortably: "You are cheating!"


The second update ~ there are two more changes ~ on the way!

The specific details of the game will be overwhelmed by sake, otherwise it will digress, hehe.

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