I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1797: You smile!

White Beard smiled and said, "I don't know why he is running, he is really a funny guy."

The Red Dogs could see clearly from the execution stage, and the assassination was unsuccessful.

"Damn it, who is bad for our good deeds!" The red dog was furious.

"Forget it, the assassination is not glorious. With our current strength, it is more than wrong to deal with White Beard. I can clearly feel that White Beard's condition is much worse than before."

Karp snorted coldly, obviously disdainful of the conspiracy arranged by the red dog.

Akagi doesn't speak, or he doesn't bother to speak.

In his mind, what conspiracy should he tell the pirate? He only knew that the navy was justice, and that was enough.

His own strategy failed, and the red dog, who was out of anger, disappeared from the execution stand for a few months.

Started to attack the pirates below.

The red dog who started to kill quickly became red-eyed. He didn't care whether he was serious or not, as long as it was a pirate, he would crush the opponent without mercy.

The White Beard Pirates suffered heavy casualties.

Bai Xiu was anxious and wanted to help him, but was stopped by the three generals, Fujihu, Green Bull and Green Pheasant.

The three generals, even the white beard, had to fight for a long time.

"Damn the navy, unexpectedly found two guys with general strength."

Baibeard was annoyed. On his side, in fact, no one but himself could compete with the general.

Even Marco, the phoenix, the best son, couldn't do it.

In fact, even if they didn't have to face the admiral of the navy, Qi Wuhai under the king would be enough for them to fight for a while.

This time the seven kings, Qiwuhai, are all here, including Hawkeye Mihawk, Doflamingo, Empress, Basolomi Bear, Moonlight Moria and so on.

Their strength is almost the same as that of the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group, especially the Eagle Eye, the world's number one swordsman, is even more outrageous.

If it weren't for Hawkeye's unwillingness to deal with them, Marco and the others would be even more difficult to move.

Baibeard didn't want his subordinates to die in vain, he wanted to burn his life to forcefully raise his strength to the peak state when he thought about it.

But at this moment, at the end of the sea, the moment the waves are rising.

A white figure, dragging a ball of light that is a hundred times dazzling than the sun, loomed from the waves.

The white figure stepped on a sword, flew out of thin air, and appeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. What is this operation?

When the empress saw the visitor, Frost's face suddenly bloomed with a smile.

"You deserve to be a concubine's husband, even the way he plays is so cool~"

Everyone was attracted by this flying sword and its owner.

Lieutenant General Taotu, who was absent-minded, was still worried about Jiang Siming's ‘Navy Boyfriend’.

In the morning, she went to various departments and looked around, but still did not find Jiang Siming.

She was worried that Jiang Siming would be injured in this war. She was always worried about being afraid. She didn't even think about fighting the pirates.

While she was in a trance, a flying sword appeared above Malin Vandor.

A man stood on the sword and flew towards Malin Vando.

Taotu looked at the man's face and was stunned.

Why is this person so like her boyfriend?

Combination has been unable to find any information about Jiang Siming, and his ability to defeat the tea dolphin.

Taotu seemed to understand something instantly.

"I... I was cheated by him, he is a pirate... Jiang Siming!"

Taotu felt that his three views were about to be subverted.

A lieutenant admiral himself, unexpectedly...got a pirate to be his boyfriend.

Taotu wanted to cry at this time, but it was more angry. Qi Jiang Siming deceived her and deceived her feelings even more.

However, no one paid attention to her at this time, even Jiang Siming didn't expect him to be recognized by Peach Rabbit just at a glance.

He who appeared in the center of the court didn't talk nonsense, and flew straight to the execution platform.

He waited a long time for the task, just now, finally waited out.

[Eight Star Mission]: Rescue Ace in the top war and help the White Beard Pirates leave Malin Vandor.

[Task Reward]: Reward 2 random boutique fragments!

[Mission failed]: deduct 2 random boutique fragments!

The reason why he hasn't made a shot just now is for this.

You can't come here and you haven't fished for anything. The fragments are still needed.

Eight stars is a bit low, but it may be based on his strength.

He is already in the Golden Core stage, and no one here can put pressure on him except White Beard. Even if the five generals join forces, he can't keep him. Eight stars is normal.

The navy also recognized the pirate Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's name is now known to everyone.

The terrifying guy who defeated Huang Yuan with one hit and two, and cut off the red dog's arm, can the navy not recognize him.

"This is my grandson's partner, oohahahaha, it's really blue, much better than my grandson." Kapuhaha laughed.

Warring States gave him an angry look, and said, "He is our enemy, you just smile!"

Karp was not angry, even a little itchy, he hadn't fought Jiang Siming yet.

Huang Yuan also saw Jiang Siming, his expression became very subtle, and the sluggishness just disappeared, becoming very alert.

He has not forgotten the battles in the Chambord Islands.

Fortunately for him, the red dog who was slaughtering the pirates underneath saw Jiang Siming, and his eyes became scarlet like fish bubbles.

He hated Jiang Siming to his bones.

That battle was his lifelong shame, all his self-esteem and pride were defeated by Jiang Siming.

"Jiang! Secretary! Ming! You die for me!"

The red dog abandoned the pirates underneath, and the moon step broke out, and hit Jiang Siming in the air.

At the same time, the only existing fist burst out with the strongest lethality, and wanted to fight Jiang Siming desperately.

But he seems to have forgotten that before he could not fly, he couldn't beat Jiang Siming. Now Jiang Siming can challenge him?

"It turns out to be Red Dog, Red Dog with Broken Arm, how have you been recently?"

Jiang Siming stood on the sword, and looked down at the red dog rushing up.

Just when the opponent was about to collide with him, Jiang Siming's sword moved to the side, easily avoiding the full blow of the red dog.

When the red dog didn't respond, Jiang Siming kicked him back into the mud.

The red dog came directly with an upside-down onion, his head plunged into the mud, and the lower part was exposed, just like an upside-down onion.


The pirates laughed at this scene.

At the same time, I admire Jiang Siming's strength very much. This man is too strong, worthy of a 4 billion pirate, comparable to the Four Emperors.

White Beard also laughed, and shouted to Jiang Siming while laughing, "Hey, you are Jiang Siming, you are here to help me Baibeard, thank you first, and I'll invite you to drink afterwards!"

"No problem." Jiang Siming agreed happily.

The pirates are happy, but the navy is very unhappy.

Warring States Karp and their faces sank. Although they don't like the red dog, the red dog is after all the navy, their accomplice.

Now that Aka Inu is so humiliated, of course their navy is dull.


Third more~

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