I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1793: This is my business?

"It's you that I want to eat!"

Jiang Siming took the hand of the empress, and gently brought the beauty into his arms.

He wasn't such a stubborn and naive person like Luffy. Since everyone was so proactive, he liked it too.

Why are you reserved and not tired?

Besides, Jiang Siming already has several beauties in Pirates.

Nuoqigao, Vivi, Laqi and Conis.

There are several others who have developed beauty, such as Nami, Robin, and Keya.

These few are too young, Jiang Siming can't bear to start.

The age of the empress is similar to him, so there is no scruples~

The next day, Jiang Siming slept for a long time. He opened his eyes and found that Hancock was just coming back, still holding a large tray of breakfast.

"Husband is awake, this is what the concubine body did earlier, and the husband should use it slowly."

Hancock will graciously bring him to Jiang Siming's bed earlier, and almost feed him in his mouth.

"Thank you." Jiang Siming replied.

Such a good wife, the ultimate dream of many men.

For this reason Jiang Siming just wanted to say: Luffy, don't blame me, I can't stop love when it comes, cough cough.

"Why does your husband want to say thank you? Is the concubine in your heart still so alienated, woo..."

Hancock's pitiful eyes, she didn't know how much damage she was to men like this.

Jiang Siming even left the breakfast aside, and pulled it up, coughing.


After two days of sailing, the Hydra ship finally reached Malin Vandor.

The strange thing is that the day when Ace is executed is getting closer, but there is no pirate ship around Marin Vando.

According to common sense, how could Baibeard be able to tolerate Ace's execution, it should be the undercurrent surging, it seems very strange when it is such a calm and calm.

"Hankuk, I have to leave first, lest the navy finds out that I am with you and will implicate you."

On the deck, Hancock next to Jiang Siming said.

Hancock looked dissatisfied and said: "The concubine body is not afraid of them discovering."

Jiang Siming smiled, touched Han Cook’s jade-like face, and said: "You are not afraid, but the residents of Nine Snake Island are afraid. Before your husband becomes the strongest in the world, it is better to keep a low profile. ."

"Well, I listen to my husband~" Hancock blushed, and Yu Jie acted like a baby, really killing someone.

"Then I'll go first. Remember, when the navy is fighting with the pirates, you can just'pull the water' and don't make any effort. At that time, just watch your husband's performance.

Jiang Siming explained.

"The concubine must remember! But husband, how do you go? There is no ship near here, or I will find a place for you to dock."

As soon as Hancock finished speaking, Jiang Siming had already risen into the air, the magic knife Qianblade was unsheathed, and he disappeared in place with him.

Hancock is full of eyes and heart, his husband still has this ability! Too tired~

Jiang Siming has mastered the flying of the sword!

Because, in these two days, his realm finally broke through to the Golden Core Stage.

As for the reason, of course it is the empress’s contribution.

After reaching the Golden Core period, Jiang Siming's strength soared.

Some orange skills that could not be used can gradually be mastered.

In fact, many skills are still unusable and need to be used in the meta-infant period.

But it's no harm, he in the Golden Core Stage is several times stronger than the previous foundation stage!

Now Jiang Siming can almost walk sideways among the pirates.

It may also be necessary to be afraid of facing opponents of the Four Emperors level.

In front of him, the admiral had no qualifications to become an opponent.

One day before the execution of Ace, Jiang Siming sneaked into Malin Vandor after flying away.

The naval headquarters is in Malin Vandor.

Jiang Siming suddenly wanted to visit the headquarters, but as soon as he approached the headquarters, he discovered that there were densely packed defenders.

It seems that the Navy attaches great importance to the execution of Ace.

But this is not difficult for Jiang Siming.

Reduce the sense of presence to 0 and hide all the breath.

Looking for an inconspicuous location, Jiang Siming swaggered through the center of the group of navies and easily mixed into the headquarters base.

The headquarters base is the most important place in the navy and the navy's nest.

Especially at this time, most of the naval elites have gathered, because they know that tomorrow will be a fierce battle.

In order to facilitate the operation, Jiang Siming found a navy uniform and changed into a navy member.

It's a pity that he is a navy soldier. Jiang Siming wants to change into a general's clothes, but he will definitely attract attention.

No one will care about the soldiers.

It would be great if there was Yi Rong Dan, Jiang Siming casually changed to look like a certain admiral.

It is a pity that although he has this pill, he cannot use it due to copy restrictions.

Jiang Siming, who became a navy soldier, began to wander around the headquarters.

He didn't know where it was, just wandering around.

Wandering around, came to a female soldier's dormitory.

Jiang Siming didn't pervert to go to the female soldiers' dormitory to spy, but a funny thing happened downstairs in the dormitory, which caught his attention.

A man in the uniform of a general knelt on the ground, holding flowers in his hand.

The man looks ugly, like a toad.

But the woman in front of him is extraordinarily sexy. Although the features are not stunning, they are full of femininity.

Especially the eye-catching beauty mole under the corner of her mouth makes her more sexy.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, don't you understand my heart, I love you, please, be my girlfriend!"

The man knelt down affectionately and confessed to the female general.

However, the woman refused to agree at all, and she looked impatient.

Jiang Siming recalled the story of One Piece and immediately knew the identity of the two.

Taotu, Tea Dolphin, two admirals.

The reason why it is special is that the tea dolphin is an old dog licking dog, has been chasing Taotu, confessed a hundred times, but still failed.

Jiang Siming found it interesting, so he stopped by and watched the theater leisurely.

The tea dolphin grows like this, and there is no other way to get rid of it except as a dog.

It's a pity that he couldn't succeed as a licking dog.

"Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin, I hope you understand, I really don't like you, please don't bother me again, okay?"

"No! Lieutenant General Taotu, why are you rejecting me like this? This is the hundredth time I have confessed to you. If you don't give me a perfect explanation today, I will be here forever. Can't get up!"

The tea dolphin looks like a stalker, making Taotu a headache.

In order to get rid of this person's pursuit, Taotu had an idea and said: "Since you want to know, I will tell you. In fact, I already have someone I like."

"What? Who is it! Tell me, unless you deliberately lied to me."

The tea dolphin gets fried as soon as it is heard.

It was also the first time Taotu lied, and immediately panicked after being asked, looking around.

Suddenly saw Jiang Siming who was eating ice cream and watching a play.

Jiang Siming: "I can rely on this to do my business? It's just a play, big sister!"


Second more~

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