I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1678: Save Nicole Robin


The violent bombing made the entire tower shake a few times.

But the treasure armor that had been beaten to pieces, finally failed to withstand the bombardment of the four heavy artillery, broke apart and fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, take Robin over to me, and this sunder, I will take it to Professor Begapunk, let him repair it again, it belongs to me!"

Spandam laughed with satisfaction and looked wild.

A cp9 walked towards Robin.

Because of the bombing just now, dust was engulfed.

He had to fan the wind with his hand and walked into the dust, ready to catch someone.

Spandam and the others didn't wait a few seconds outside, when a black ball flew out of the dust, hit the wall and fell softly.

"Kaku, you fellow, when you have become as cruel as me now, you don't have any pity for Xiangyu Yu, hahaha."

Spandam laughed. He only thought it was Robin who just flew out, and Kaku threw Robin out.

But everyone looked on the ground and was shocked to find that the person thrown out was actually Kaku!

What the hell?

Didn't Kaku go in and arrest someone? Why did you fly out by yourself?

At this time, the dust just dispersed, Robin was still lying on the ground handcuffed with Hailoushi, it was impossible for her to do it.

But everyone found that there was an extra figure in front of Robin.

"Damn it! So someone came to save him."

Spandam reacted and immediately shouted to the men next to him: "Leave it to you, get me out of the way!"

The man with a tall hat on his head and a pigeon standing on his shoulders stared at the man in front of him like a torch.

"It should be a member of the Straw Hat group, but it seems that it is not Sauron and Luffy, who can defeat Kaku with one move. If I guessed correctly, he should be Jiang Siming."

"What? Jiang Siming? People who offer 200 million rewards? Didn't you say that he disappeared and never came to the city of water?" Spandham asked.

"It seems that there has been an error in the intelligence, but you can rest assured, people who offer a bounty of 200 million, we have caught a lot of cp9, and no one can escape from our hands."

Spandam was relieved, too, but he was just a 200 million pirate. He was backed by the navy and the world government, and he was not afraid at all.

Opposite, Robin, who found Jiang Siming to rescue him, lost his eyes for a second, and then hurriedly shouted to Jiang Siming: "What are you doing, I have betrayed you, you quickly disappear!"

Jiang Siming didn't answer him, but calmly stretched out his hand, and the broken derivative armour flew back into his hand.

"It's too much to beat my treasure armor like this."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took A back, and then conjured a new one like a trick and threw it on Robin.

Only then did Robin realize that Jiang Siming gave her the treasure that had protected her for so long.

Robin was greatly moved, but this made her even more anxious.

The strong girl who has never cried since she grew up is so anxious that her eyes are eager.

"Jiang, let's go! I'm no longer a member of the straw hat group, so I'm sorry for you, and I don't want you to come in."

Jiang Siming turned his head and looked at her, calmly said: "The last person who said this was Nami."

"Nami is Nami, I am me, what Nami faces is only Aaron, what I face... is the world government!"

Robin shouted these words in despair.

Yes, since she was eight years old, her hometown has been destroyed by the world government, and she has also become a target of the world government.

Over the years, the methods used by the world government to hunt down her have made Robin desperate and fearful.

If it weren't for boldness and carefulness, plus luck, Robin would have been taken away long ago.

Therefore, Robin has deep fear and powerlessness for the world government.

She didn't even want the Straw Hat group to stand against the world government for her.

The pirate group she had previously joined always coveted her bounty and had ulterior motives for her, so Robin would mercilessly betray the pirate group she was waiting for and escape alone every time he encounters a chase by the world government.

But this time, when he was hunted down again in Water Capital, Robin did not choose to betray his partner and escape alone.

On the contrary, she chose to surrender on the condition that the world government should not anger the Straw Hats regiment, and then Robin betrayed the Straw Hats regiment.

She deeply knows the terrible world government, even if it is only the navy's action, and a general who is just screwed out, it is definitely not the straw hat regiment can contend now.

"Oh, world government? So what?"

Jiang Siming chuckled, then squatted down, looked directly at Robin who was crying, and reached out to wipe the tears off her face.

"Remember, your life has been mine since the time of Alabastan. If I didn't let you die, you must live for me. Even if the world government wants to bully you, I will make them pay. "

Jiang Siming's tone was gentle, but his words were full of domineering flavor.

Robin was stunned, staring at the man talking ‘big talk’ in front of him.

However, Jiang Siming moved his hand from her face to her wrist, and with a light force, the sea floor stone handcuffs in Robin's hand shattered like tofu.

"Damn it, you are so bold!" Spandam became angry.

"Do it." The shoulder pigeon man also issued an order immediately.

Several cp9 subordinates immediately attacked Jiang Siming!

The elites of Cp9 not only possess the ability of Devil Fruits, but what is more powerful is that they have also received devil training from the world government since childhood, and their physical skills are more prominent.

The six-stance technique plus the fruit of the animal system, as well as their few years of cooperation, at this stage, is really outrageous.

Each of them has the ability not to lose to the two masters C of Sauron and Sanji at this stage.

This is why the pigeon man is so confident.

He really didn't pay attention to the pirate with a bounty of 200 million.

"Six Types·Shave!"

"Six Types·Broken!"

"Six Types·Wheels!"


The three cp9 elites, looking at the opportunity, quickly attacked Jiang Siming who was still talking to Robin!

Seeing Jiang Siming turning his back to them without realizing it, Spandam smiled triumphantly.

Let you tease your sister and make a cup, you are the first to die!

Robin discovered the hands-on cp9 for the first time and hurriedly wanted to push Jiang Siming away.

However, Jiang Siming didn't move, the three offensives stalled halfway, only half a fist away from Jiang Siming's body, but he couldn't touch him.

"Bruno, Gabra, what are you doing?" the pigeon man frowned and asked.

"We... don't know... can't touch him!"

The three subordinates tried their best to get close to Jiang Siming, but there seemed to be an invisible resistance in the air, firmly controlling them.

At this time Jiang Siming finally got up, turned his head, in the blink of an eye, the three of them threw on their knees at the same time, fell to the ground limply, and passed out.


The pigeon man's eyes changed in an instant, and Spandam was even more incredulous.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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